ㅤㅤㅤㅤ⊗ㅤ:ㅤthe butterfly projectㅤ/ㅤthe game begins


At the face of death, which voice will you listen to?


At the face of death, which voice will you listen to?
When twelve strangers are detained in a shopping mall overnight and forced to kill each other, the dark and unexplored side of human nature emerges. Monopolized by an unknown K, every participant is given two pieces of information: how they die and who they must kill. At the end of twelve hours, only one may walk out alive—will it be you?
1. One participant must die every hour.
2. Participants are only allowed to roam within the 1st to 5th floors and the roof garden. Basements and carparks are off limits.
3. If there are no deaths within the hour, a Death Roulette will spin to determine a participant who will die.
4. Participants must kill their given target before moving on to the next.
5. The manner in which a target is killed must match their destined cause of death; otherwise the killer, too, shall die.
6. Participants will take over their deceased's target once killed.
7. A target shuffle will be conducted at 0200 hours.
8. Cellphones provided are designed for communicating with the host only.
9. At the end of twelve hours, only one may walk out alive.
cast is released im-


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Chapter 8: it's been such a while since the last update & apologize for taking a while to comment! ;o; do know that i really do adore this story to BITS despite not having painfully limited time to actually express it ;; nevertheless I AM HERE NOW TO FINALLY READ (AGAIN) & COMMENT OH MAN OH MAN. so. what, i think, is truly great about this fic besides the organized geniusness of it all is that there are no filler chapters. every chapter is equally important not just bc of each having a ~death~ but bc each death makes such a big impact on everyone & the future? anyway idk. this was a lovely chapter i just adore your writing in general bc ur style HAS A V GOOD FLOW & that's my kinda stuff. their romance was cute, i'm glad that they were paired together bc their dynamic is real sweet :'> and i really like haneul's personality. i liked the link between soyeon & haneul being established by dalbit :) :( dalbit's real sweet & "if no one makes a move, Dalbit risks losing the one person she's even breathing for." is ugHH. ; ; i think that you wrote her conflicting thought process v well although i'd be lying if i said that the dying part wasnt a tad on the hollywood cinema side, though that may have been your intent - i could totally see her death pan out like a movie scene. it's really sad how selfless her death was, like she didn't even want to die but ultimately she killed herself tho technically haneul aka who had her as his target killed her bc love!!!?? damn it k. ANYWAY HOPE U R HAVIN A LOVELY WEEK & TAKE CARE <3 <3 can't wait until your next update!
alecisms #2
my is so late to this update i can't belieb---
but holy s hit, oh my GOD , every time is2g i tell myself
that there's no way you could get any better, or throw in
smth crazy unexpected or just bl ow my mind u do !! u
have !! i love the idea of dalbit connecting soyeon & haneul
together bc hnstly it makes so much more sense for her to??
bc otherwise why tf would he take on watching the of a
girl who's undoubtedly dragging him down more than
anything ?? but it makes me !!! even more bc i'm hurting for
dalbit AF rn ,, like . she's so?? selfless ?? & k ind & sma rt &
she loved haneul so MUCH oh my go d ,, i can' t belieb ,, like
i can't even imagine how this is gonna w haneul's head
like ,, i'm so excited for ur updates pl s ever ything about this
chapter was amazing & ty for ur time & e ffort put int o it !!
omg guys im reading all ur comments and i just wanted to say THANK YOU for sharing with me your thoughts, reactions and feelings towards my work
it makes me really proud and encouraged to see that there are people who appreciate what i do and the amount of effort that goes into it
it's readers like you guys that keep authors going and feeling accomplished
thank you all you wonderful people <3 ; w ;
dalbit is so precious
i love her
why is she so selfless : ( she doesn't deserve this no one does but oh my god i love how she matches up with haneul in terms of thoughts & analysis & personality because it makes then go together really well (initially I set him as arom bc i'd think finding someone he likes would be hard, but this was perfect)
i love the scenes between dalbit and haneul, because you could really feel all the emotions that they were trying to contain, & at the end it all spilled out. they're both rational minded people trying to survive, but then when survival cross with love ,,,, people go separate ways ,,, and their paths have already been destined. : /

side note i really love how you link haneul and soyeon together through dalbit bc i feel like he wouldn't care at first but then shed mention dalbit and it's like f o r d a l b I t . soyeon doesn't even know how to ue a Swiss army knife im wheezing bc that's so her !!!

second side note i love how you portrayed haneul this was like a+ even in terms of panicky situations he's still relatively calm and trying to analyze their circumstances

but yeah i love this chapter and dalbit my heart is screaming for her
idk why but the line that's like "-is not beautiful to seon dalbit" really hurt me, not sure if it's because (i'm a wimp) i think she should think he's gorgeous in every state or that she doesn't think it's beautiful because he's in pain and that just hecks me up fkgljdf
i love dalbit though, she's very rational and doesn't let herself get overwhelmed or do anything absurd
she's really great and i really got attached to her ;_; i love her dynamic with haneul... they're so... i don't know how to put it in words but they mesh very well, and not in the typical romantic sense or anything.
the build up to her death was so intense, like, you hinted it more and more and i was just waiting...... i knew it was coming but my heart still sank when it happened (i got goosebumps too lmfao rip) they way you wrote it made me visualise it so well, it was like cinematic, time actually slowed as she fell, i swear it did lmfao
i wonder how this all is going to impact haneul... HOW DO U HANDLE SOMETHING LIKE THIS?????
aaaa i can't wait until the next chapter kjghndf your writing is beautiful and captivating as always :') ur amazing!!
Chapter 8: Your writing is simply beautiful!
I'm really excited to see what else you have in-store for us since you did mention murder haha,
Amazing job, keep it up, really, it's great!
god i am in absolute love with your writing, it's tragically beautiful (tragic because everyone is dead)
but i love the pacing of the chapters, they're not going too fast but they're not so slow.
and i really loveeeed dalbit's character, kind of sad to see her die pretty soon but welp,
*dude in that vine* we all die you either kill yourself or get killed

but i'm so ready for the next chapter dsakjgls;djg;
hell YEHA
softboi #8
ffcukign hell im dead

(just like dalbit)
this was such a good chapter tho!! and i loved dalbit shes a strong lady i want her and hyunsoo to be partying in the afterlife
(omg i want to write a short about all the dead characters meeting up and watching things happen now.. . .)
but i loved how u handled their dynamic!!! so much!!!!
im most interested in how haneul is going to react to this tho.. like this will either make him or break him
especially considering he's the only one who knows about the killing order (not including soyeon bc i doubt shell use it to her advantage)
im so ready for the next chapter
Chapter 8: bebs just letting you know, i'll be on hiatus for like a week or so !!!
i'm so sorry i cry but it's finals week and there's legit like a week of school left
pls forgive me and bear with me
i want to read and comment like so bad

Chapter 8: ok dalbit... she's so smart. why did she have to throw herself off the goddamn railing
HANEUL WHY. well i mean at least he got his target (oops)
it's like 7:45am and i'm super tired but holy ing , this was a beautiful chapter. i was actually sad when dalbit died at the end i was like "nO STOP" but : /

anywho, i'm so glad you posted!!! thank you for this marvelous update and if i werent so tired i'd have more caps lock HAHAHA