Chapter 2

Colors Of Love

YOU GUYS ARE SERIOUSLY AWESOME! I LOVE YOU ALL! Thank you so much too all who subscribed and read this fic. I was honestly surprised. I didn't think I would get this many subs with just one chap that was an intro. SO THANK YOU! 

Thanks to my chingu cexolr for commenting and being supportive and nice! And do I even need to tell how much I love my yeoja chingu? XD SARANGHE MIN YEOBO~ <3 

Now I'm gonna shut up and let you guys read the second chap. XD


Found You!

“So you’re telling me that you met your soul mate and he ran away?” Hakyeon simply nodded “YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! Who does that?!” Ken was so loud and dramatic that even Hakyeon had to cover his ears as to not go deaf.  Since the past hour or so, Ken had been testing Hakyeon if he could really see colors and honestly, Hakyeon was starting to lose it. “I know Ken. You’ve said this for the millionth time and it’s not helping!”   “Maybe he wasn’t expecting…Idk….You?” Ravi very unhelpfully added “Yah! What’s that supposed to mean?!” Ravi just shrugged and went back to clean the table. “In any case hyung, you HAVE to find him! He’s your soul mate!” Ken flailed “Which reminds me, which color is this?” There he goes again. I’m so done with this….N face palmed.

Finding his soul mate was easier said than done. He had went to the same place at the same time every day for the last week but there was no sign of the person he was looking for, plus he had close to no information about him other than he had beautiful, captivating feline eyes that felt like they could see through his soul.

Point is, Cha Hakyeon was deflated and a bit annoyed. Period.

As for the said soul mate. He was trying too, if you could call practicing in front of the mirror trying. Whenever Taekwoon thought what he would say or do when he finally does meet his soul mate, got him freaking out. To be honest Taekwoon had went to their meeting place too, and he had seen the man. But had always kept a distance, trying to not let him see himself. He was sometimes sitting, sometimes pacing around, and looking for someone. Probably me….and he felt bad because the other seemed worried. Plus his soul mate just seemed so perfect to him from afar. The way he would sip his coffee or the way he rubbed his hand together and blew on them to make them warm. Maybe that is normal because well…your soul mate is supposed to be perfect for you…But it was Taekwoon’s first time feeling like and he was worried….because what if he doesn’t like me?!

However today, Taekwoon was determined to meet his soul mate face to face.

“Hi! You’re the new guy who just moved here right? What can I get you today?” The hyperactive barista greeted Taekwoon and he silently nodded back in greeting whispering out a ‘Latte’  before seating himself.

Taekwoon has seen his soul mate entering this coffee shop frequently and wished badly that today would be the same too. He tapped his foot in nervousness as he waited. He kept glancing at his watch. I arrived a bit too early….he doesn’t usually come until 7:00…(Yea he's been stalking his own soul mate) “Umm are you waiting for someone? You keep looking at your watch.” Ken’s voice reached Taekwoon’s ears and he stared at the friendly looking barista. “No...umm yes. I don’t know...” Taekwoon sighed, he couldn’t even talk to the barista, how was he gonna talk to his soul mate!? You can do it Taekwoon! Hwaiting! He cheered for himself. “Ok’s your latte. Enjoy!” Ken went back keeping a curious eye on the stoic, pale skinned man.

Hakyeon entered the coffee shop a bit late today, courtesy of Sunmi wanted more attention than usual. Welcoming the warm inside of the café, he un-wrapped the thick muffler from around his neck. “Hey Ken! Where’s Ravi?” Hakyeon questioned as he saw no sign of the usually-snoring-at-this-hour barista. "He decided to sleep in the back room today." Hakyeon nodded before his eyes fell on the other customer in the shop staring right back at him. His eyes widened at the familiar feline eyes and he gasped. “You!” Taekwoon stood up from his seat and walked closer to Hakyeon. His heart beating a mile a minute. He’s so pretty….you’re so done for Jung Taekwoon…

“” Hakyeon couldn’t get the right words out “Hi....” Taekwoon whispered trying his best to look at his soul mate while doing so. A minute of silence passed before Ken’s voice interrupted them....well there was nothing to exactly interrupt but.....yea... “What’s going on here? Hakyeon hyung?” Hakyeon broke his staring contest with his soul mate and turned to Ken still struggling to get words out. “Ken-ah…he…he…this is…”   “Yea I know, he’s scary. I thought that too when I first saw him.” Ken shrugged “Anyways here’s your coffee. You’re getting late for work by the way so get going. Palli.” As soon as Ken’s words registered in his mind, Hakyeon cursed “!” He looked at his watch before looking at Taekwoon. “Listen, meet me here at 6:30 in the evening. And don’t you dare run away this time! Bye!” Hakyeon grabbed his coffee and took his leave.

Taekwoon stared at the place his soul mate was standing a moment suits him. Taekwoon smiled stupidly to himself. “So you’re the weird soul mate who ran away huh?” Ken was staring at him with an eyebrow raised, definitely judging him hard. Taekwoon stared back at Ken, took a sip of his latte and left. He couldn’t wait till the evening....


Hakyeon too, couldn’t wait for evening to finally come. As much as he loved dance and teaching it, he couldn’t get his mind off what would happen when he meets his soul mate again. I didn’t even get his name…bummer!  “Hey hyung! Ready to leave and meet your soul mate?” Han Sanghyuk, his assistant in dance coaching as well as one of the regulars of very same coffee shop, because well let’s say he was smitten with the dimpled artwork-barista who worked evening shifts there. And just so you know…Sanghyuk is one of those people who are born with colors without a soul mate. Hakyeon liked to call those people as ‘lucky jerks’.  However, Hyuk was a really luck jerk because Hongbin—the dimpled barista—was also the same as him.

“Yea, let’s go” Hakyeon smiled and both of them left together. Usually, Hyuk would stop by the café while Hakyeon would continue home but today...well you what’s happening right?

Taekwoon was already inside sipping on his latte when Hakyeon and Hyuk walked in. “Is he the one?”  “Mmhmm”  “Okay then, best of luck. Watch your breath before kissi—ouch!” With that Hyuk made a beeline for Hongbin while clutching his neck and cursing Hakyeon under his breath while Hakyeon straightened his loose grey (he could tell now) pullover which he wore after taking a shower at the training center. Thankfully there weren’t much people in the café. Taekwoon had also chosen a table where there was no one nearby so Hakyeon walked towards him and sat down opposite his soul mate. Taekwoon was staring at him the whole time and just like the first time, Hakyeon felt as if he could read all his thoughts and emotions. As soon as Taekwoon opened his mouth to speak though, Hakyeon cut him off “Ok so first things first, why did you run away the first time?” Taekwoon’s eyes widened a little at that. Of all things......well I guess it was a bit strange on my part.....but he couldn’t himself actually explain why he had done that, so he answered lamely “I don’t know.....”   “O....kay...but it wasn’t anything bad right?” Now when Taekwoon looked at Hakyeon, he could see the other was as nervous as him, he was smiling nervously and wringing his hands together. Taekwoon felt the same stupid smile come to his lips again as he shook his head. “Great! So what’s your name? I’m Cha Hakyeon. Your soul mate, obviously.” Hakyeon's smile was infectious. There was that glow again. Maybe it was because Hakyeon was his soul mate but Taekwoon was sure he would feel that pull to him even if he wasn’t. He was just so radiant, so bright and so attractive. “Taekwoon. Jung Taekwoon.”



“So how’s the soul mating going?” Hongbin was all dimples as he put yet another cup of latte in front of Taekwoon. “Awesome! But Taekwoon, I think you should really cut down on the caffeine....” Hakyeon grabbed Taekwoon’s hands before they reached the cup. An hour and god knows how many cups of latte later, it was as if they weren’t ever strangers. Everything clicked like it was meant to be, which it technically was, but both Hakyeon and Taekwoon couldn’t have been happier. Hakyeon was talkative, expressive and extremely positive while Taekwoon listened, answered when he had too and just enjoyed the company of his newly found soul mate.

“You know, you should really come over! Now that I know you love pets. Sunmi’s gonna love you, she’s one big attention seeker you see.” Hakyeon chuckled as they got up, deciding it was getting too late. Even though Taekwoon just nodded, Hakyeon could see the way his eyes twinkled at the mention of coming over and meeting his pet cat. It was funny because Hakyeon hadn’t known Taekwoon about an hour ago and he was already getting familiar with Taekwoon’s little shows of expressions and his minimum use of words. To be honest, Hakyeon didn’t have a problem with it. He liked how Taekwoon was; shy, awkward and hesitant about things. He felt like he had to help Taekwoon get closer to him and he was very much willing. He was his soul mate after all.

Taekwoon couldn’t believe time passed by so quickly, he couldn’t get over how Hakyeon’s expressions changed as talked about different thing or how he would just unintentionally grab his hand when he was telling something he was excited in talking about. He was just so natural and accepting of his introverted behavior. Maybe it’s too early to say it....but I think I’m falling in love....

“So you live close?”   “Mmm just behind the library…”   “Really?! I work part time there, we could meet up!” Taekwoon smiled “That would be nice...”  “I should really go now…can’t miss the bus.” Hakyeon scratched the back of his neck, not really wanting to let go. “I..” both of them spoke together after a silence and chuckled. “You go first…” Taekwoon offered. “Okay here goes nothing.” Hakyeon said before wounding his arms around Taekwoon and hugging him tight because in his opinion, they had wasted too much time already. Taekwoon jumped a little, freezing at the quickly spreading warmth through him despite the biting cold. “It was really nice to finally meet my soul mate. I’m glad it’s you Taekwoon. I hope we can be closer and can become good friends and soul mates. Thank you for meeting me.” Taekwoon relaxed in his soul mates hold, his own arms found their way around Hakyeon. “Me too. Thank you for understanding me....” Taekwoon smiled feeling giddy like a teenager with a crush. Hakyeon sighed happily before loosening his embrace a little.....
“Bye Taekwoon! Take care.”  “Bye Hakyeon.”

It was an end to the black and white world of Cha Hakyeon and Jung Taekwoon’s lives. But it was also the beginning of their own colorful life together.


Chukahae! they met! ^^ So this should be the end............but it isn't =P Cuz I feel like writing more and because I ken XD Enjoy reading and please leave comments. Thank you!

I'd be glad if you guys check out mine and Min's other fics; The Professional Cha-Cuddler and Unlike Parallel Forces too! 



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Kokechan #1
Chapter 3: Thank you Min for this sweet story! All the Neo feels... It's perfect!
Chapter 3: Awwwwww~~~~ OMGAH that was adorable!!! This truly made my night! This is just too cute!!!

Thank you so so much for it!!!
bluefrenchfries #3

But this is so cute T^T tentative Taekwoon and clingy Hakyeon is the bestxD anyways, this is above my expectations!! I mean this is just too cute.....and sweet...and adorable.....
This cured my 'I miss neo so freakin much' feeling, you know?

Good story Min! (hope you'll write more in the future!)

(and maybe the next theme is soulmate!au but with the name written in their wrists?)

(sorry I just need more soulmate!au Neo story....)
Chapter 3: Why did I not even realise that they hadnt kissed yet (i guess I read TPCC soon after, with their kiss in the snow ~#^u^#~) But this is just PERFECT I tell you, PERFECT because I just loveit that Taek tells him you talk too much X'DD
And that b/w picture at the end!!! *A* Who is responsible for this??!!!
priscila2909 #5
Chapter 2: woaaa... so cute, can't wait your next update
Chapter 2: I TOLD YOU I WOULD LOVE IT!!!!!
(And I love it how you said you'll write more coz u ken- now imma subscribe coz I dun wanna miss aaaaaanything!!!
Chapter 1: Aahhh AAAAAAHhhhhh AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Min why did I not know of your solo debut??!! Dude this is AMAZINGly hilarious!!! I knew immediately I would love love LOVE this (and no, I've never read this au before either, even though it's more or less the Depend on Me theme) Dude, making Cha Hakyeon colour blind is a of brilliance! Idk why, but it's amazing!! :D (and OMG sunmi!) looks like Ken has fun with N's colour blindness- and speaking of which; I know (cheesiness aside) I'm gonna love Raven's crazy characters :P
And omo main point of story- Neo! I like this!! And know I'm gonna love it X'DD (I like the naration dude)
Sorry, was that too many compliments?
AND THE PICTURES!!!!!!!! Imma download em right now!
bluefrenchfries #8
bluefrenchfries #9

*clears throat*

Okay maybe not now but you have to promise me that they will kiss later;;) anyways good chapter gosh this is so cute and fluffy and cheezy and adorable and Hakyeon is a bundle of sunlight and Taekwoon is his usual shy quiet awkward self and I love this chapter!
Chapter 2: the cliche end thoXD cheezy but i love cheesE!