Chapter 1(intro)

Colors Of Love

Meet and Run?

If you ask Cha Hakyeon what was the weirdest moment in his life, he would without a doubt say ‘It was my meeting with my soul mate’. As weird as it sounds, it was true.

Hakyeon had expected his meeting with his soul mate and his vision of colors to be something more….climatic, touching and very…k-drama like with all the back ground ost and stuff. But what he got in return was a bump with a person, picking up his fallen stuff, a coat spoiled with coffee and then an eye contact and blink later; there was a flash of colors he couldn’t even name. How not-cool  is that…

Let’s start from the beginning.

Dancing was the only colorful thing in Cha Hakyeon’s otherwise black and white life. Though he wouldn’t know cuz well, he couldn’t exactly see colors. Despite of his colorless life, Hakyeon was bubbly and friendly. He had his dream job as a dance trainer, a bunch of friends he was willing to do crazy stuff with and of course his handsome face, and toned body (You absolutely kennot ignore the last part or Hakyeon will hunt you down). The only thing he hated about his life was his cat pawing at his face early in the morning.

So basically, Hakyeon wasn’t exactly…desperate to find his soul mate. Though he would get a bit antsy sometimes seeing as almost all the people he knew had found theirs and he was already 26.



It was your normal day with Sunmi (Hakyeon’s cat) pawing at his face, waking him up even before his alarm rang. The cat owner groaned and turned over, trying to avoid his over excited cat trying to feed him fur first thing in the morning.....Eventually the alarm did ring and Hakyeon got up petting Sunmi and her behind the ears before he got ready for work.

Work was stamping and arranging books at the library. Since Hakyeon taught dance from 3 to 6, he worked part time at the library in the mornings. Though not extremely exciting, Hakyeon liked his job. He liked the smell of paper and recommending books to people who were looking for a particular genre.

Feeding himself as well as Sunmi, Hakyeon got dressed and fixed his hair before leaving. Dressing was another reason that made Hakyeon wish that he would find his soul mate quickly. After a traumatizing experience with Ken who had apparently made him buy a very...How should I put it......Horrifying combination of colors(that color seeing ajhumma -_-) that made people laugh at him, Hakyeon had opted to always go shopping alone and ask the attendant to always give him white or black.

That aside, Hakyeon got out of the bus and stopped by his favorite café for his usual cup of chocolate cinnamon macchiato. “Hey hyung! The usual?”  “Morning Ken. Yes. Do you have to ask every time?” Ken.The one and only ajhumma mentioned above. He rivaled Hakyeon in being extremely nosy and sometimes.....annoying. You could say the only difference between them was obviously, the looks and the fact that Ken had a soul mate.
Enter Kim Ravi. Who was currently snoring on a table because it was still too early for business. Though he was a good guy, Hakyeon couldn’t stand him when he doted on Ken. It still got him cringing after seeing them as a couple for over a year now.

“I still don’t know why your boss hasn’t changed him to night shifts. All he does is sleep in the mornings…” Hakyeon made a face his friends called the ‘stank face’ at Ravi. “No he doesn’t! He always wakes up at the busy hour." Ken whined, protecting his boyfriends and his sleeping habits. “Yea, and during that ‘busy hour’ he gets busy, making out with you.” Hakyeon sassed and Ken just stuck his tongue out at him while making his drink. “Here you go! And quickly find that soul mate of yours and stop bothering me and my soul mate." “Yah!” Ken escaped from the neck chop by running towards the back room shouting ‘have a good day!’ Hakyeon just shook his head and left.

So yea, you get the gist of Cha Hakyeon’s monotone (literally) life. This day however, was different. Not too much, just enough to make Hakyeon see colors.

Hakyeon packed his stuff up after his shift at the library, he greeted some of the usual customers on his way out. The cold wind hit him like a storm and he shivered, pulling his long coat tighter around himself. He walked towards the bus stop to get home from where he would gather his dancing gear, spend some time with Sunmi before leaving for his dance teaching center. This was usually how weekdays went. Hakyeon took his phone out of his pocket as it buzzed signaling a message. He had only unlocked it when a sturdy warmth bumped into him making his cell phone drop from his hand. He let out a very unmanly squeak as a hot liquid was spilled over his coat. Hakyeon frowned, looking down regretfully at his favorite coat which was now ruined. Nonetheless he bent down to pick his phone as well some papers which seemed to belong to the person he had bumped with.

A minute passed with both of them quietly arranging there stuff before the other male spoke in a voice so soft Hakyeon almost missed it “I’m so sorry, I didn’t look where I was going…”   “It’s okay. I should’ve been care---” Brown feline eyes met Hakyeon’s own dark brown ones. Both pairs filled with shock at the sudden burst of colors that flooded their visions. Hakyeon couldn’t believe this was happening to him. He felt dizzy from the happening as well as all the colors his eyes seemed to recognize now that he had met his soul mate. My soul mate….It feels so weird. It took quite some time for Hakyeon to find words, to say something to the stoic looking stranger with piercing eyes but when he did get the words out, it was too late. “Hey! Wait!” Hakyeon raised his voice as he saw the broad back of his soul mate retreat further and further away from him. He quickly gathered himself and got up pushing past people trying to follow the male who he was destined to be with. But alas, he had run away. Why, Hakyeon didn’t know. But he did know that he was gonna find him.




The moment Jung Taekwoon laid his eyes on his soul mate; he knew he was a goner.

 Unlike Hakyeon, Taekwoon wanted to find his soul mate as quickly as possible so that his sisters would stop setting him up on blind dates with weird people, telling him that ‘What if your one of the rare who don’t ever find their soul mate’. The thought was scary. What if they were right? Taekwoon thought that a lot. It didn’t help either that you could only actually find your soul mate and see colors if you made eye contact with them. That was something extremely hard for Jung Taekwoon to do. Imagine him just randomly making eye contact with people. Scary right?

However, right now, Taekwoon’s biggest worry was to find a coffee shop. You see, after finishing his degree, Taekwoon had found a good job and after that, an apartment for himself simply because he wanted a little freedom, away from his family. Don’t get him wrong but he was a growing man and an introvert at that. He needed his space! So he was still getting accustomed to his new area. After a while of searching he finally found one and even if the baristas there were extremely weird---one so hyperactive he made Taekwoon question his sanity and one snoring away---the coffee was great. Lost in his coffee and trying to bury his face more in his thick muffler around his neck, Taekwoon missed the person in front of him and had to regrettably watch his almost full cup of coffee fall on the person he bumped with. Crouching down to pick his file and some papers from work that had fallen, Taekwoon remembered his manners and apologized. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t look where I was going…” The voice that replied to him was warm like the coffee he was drinking and pleasant to the ears “It’s okay. I should’ve been care---” Taekwoon looked up just as the boy man stopped b/w his sentence and froze.

Deep blue shaded hair, dark brown irises filled with as much as surprise as his own stared back at him. But what captured Taekwoon the most was the caramel colored skin that seemed to glow in the slowly dimming light of the sun. Soul mate........he’s my.......soul mate?! As soon as Taekwoon’s brain registered the fact. He got up. And ran. Why....he doesn’t know but his first instinct was to get away and that was exactly what he did. He could faintly hear the other man....his soul mate calling out for him to stop but it was as if his legs had a mind of their own.  

It was only when Taekwoon had reached home did he realize that running away was a mistake. Who runs away from their soul mate Jung Taekwoon! How are you ever going to find him again?! Stupid stupid stupid! But no matter how much he did regret, it wasn’t gonna help in finding his destined one.


Okay so this is pretty much the intro, quite a long one I must add XD Hope you guys like it. enjoy reading and tell me how it was ^^

The second part is written too, just some editing left here and there. Should be up soon ^^

Thank you!

My Neo feels are bursting sorry XP

Cha Hakyeon is the perfect picture of perfection. Period. For some reason....I really miss his red hair...

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Kokechan #1
Chapter 3: Thank you Min for this sweet story! All the Neo feels... It's perfect!
Chapter 3: Awwwwww~~~~ OMGAH that was adorable!!! This truly made my night! This is just too cute!!!

Thank you so so much for it!!!
bluefrenchfries #3

But this is so cute T^T tentative Taekwoon and clingy Hakyeon is the bestxD anyways, this is above my expectations!! I mean this is just too cute.....and sweet...and adorable.....
This cured my 'I miss neo so freakin much' feeling, you know?

Good story Min! (hope you'll write more in the future!)

(and maybe the next theme is soulmate!au but with the name written in their wrists?)

(sorry I just need more soulmate!au Neo story....)
Chapter 3: Why did I not even realise that they hadnt kissed yet (i guess I read TPCC soon after, with their kiss in the snow ~#^u^#~) But this is just PERFECT I tell you, PERFECT because I just loveit that Taek tells him you talk too much X'DD
And that b/w picture at the end!!! *A* Who is responsible for this??!!!
priscila2909 #5
Chapter 2: woaaa... so cute, can't wait your next update
Chapter 2: I TOLD YOU I WOULD LOVE IT!!!!!
(And I love it how you said you'll write more coz u ken- now imma subscribe coz I dun wanna miss aaaaaanything!!!
Chapter 1: Aahhh AAAAAAHhhhhh AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Min why did I not know of your solo debut??!! Dude this is AMAZINGly hilarious!!! I knew immediately I would love love LOVE this (and no, I've never read this au before either, even though it's more or less the Depend on Me theme) Dude, making Cha Hakyeon colour blind is a of brilliance! Idk why, but it's amazing!! :D (and OMG sunmi!) looks like Ken has fun with N's colour blindness- and speaking of which; I know (cheesiness aside) I'm gonna love Raven's crazy characters :P
And omo main point of story- Neo! I like this!! And know I'm gonna love it X'DD (I like the naration dude)
Sorry, was that too many compliments?
AND THE PICTURES!!!!!!!! Imma download em right now!
bluefrenchfries #8
bluefrenchfries #9

*clears throat*

Okay maybe not now but you have to promise me that they will kiss later;;) anyways good chapter gosh this is so cute and fluffy and cheezy and adorable and Hakyeon is a bundle of sunlight and Taekwoon is his usual shy quiet awkward self and I love this chapter!
Chapter 2: the cliche end thoXD cheezy but i love cheesE!