Jungkook - Detention

BTS Imagines~ [Gender Neutral]

It's Friday, possibly one of the best days of the week since you know you can go home, get homework over and done with and then relax for two nights and two days before the hell cycle that is school starts over again.

You're currently sitting in your last lesson, art. Oh how you hated art. It's not that you weren't any good at it, when you tried hard you could produce some really good work. You just hated the teacher, and in return she hated you. Her name is Mrs. Lee and honestly you would try anything to get out of her class.

She's always hated you and your art style, as it was so different to what she was used to and therefore for some reason she hated it. 'Art is a form of expression for the artist' doesn't seem to work in this class. If she doesn't like what you are doing you have no hope in passing her class.

You sit there, not really paying attention to anything that she is saying to you as she continues to criticises the tiniest little details on the current picture you are working on. It's just a pencil sketch of one of the boys in the class and in your opinion it was pretty good, but to her it was the worst thing that she had ever seen.

Your best friend, Jimin sits opposite you. Making funny faces and mocking the way Mrs. Lee talks as he listens to her. If it wasn't for Jimin constantly praising your art you would have dropped the class a long time ago.

About ten minutes of lecturing later Mrs. Lee finally leaves to go and help one of the other pupils, leaving you to fix the shading around the eyes of your portrait.

"Don't listen to her, Y/N." Jimin speaks up about five minutes after you make a start, drawing you out of your focused state of mind.

"Jimin I have to, she's the teacher you know that right?" You ask with a raised eyebrow, rolling your eyes playfully before looking back down at your work.

"Yes, yes I do know that. Seriously though, she's just picking out the little details as she doesn't like the style that you work in, she's about 100 years old so she's used to all of the old fashioned ."

"Oh come on, you're being too nice she's at least 300 already." You both share a quick laugh before he goes back to convincing you that the drawing is fine.

"Okay but jokes aside, Y/N. In my eyes, that drawing is perfect, I'm sure Jungkook would agree if you just showed it to him~"

Jungkook is the name of the boy you are currently drawing, or more precisely the boy that you have had a crush on for the last two years.

You two are friends, you met him through Jimin a couple of years back, but he doesn't know how you feel about him, not truly at least. And knowing you and your lack of courage he never will.

"I am not showing him this drawing! He doesn't even know that it's him that I am drawing." You state out the facts as you lightly trace your fingers over the details of Jungkook's face. Jimin goes to argue back, but the sound of Mrs. Lee's annoyingly high pitched voice stops him from doing so.

"Y/N! Will you stop talking about useless nonsense for once and fix your work!" She's all the way over on the other side of the room as she shouts at you, causing everyone to stop and stare at you.

"Actually Miss we were talking about the lesson!" You say, smiling softly as a few of the other pupils start to laugh under their breath. Mrs. Lee's expression falls as she realises that she basically just called her lessons useless and nonsense.

"Don't answer back to a teacher! After school detention!" After school?! You're only about ten minutes away from finishing the lesson, you want to go home straight after this not be stuck here.

"But Miss-"

"No buts! You can stay behind and clean up the classroom for an hour after school." With that she turns her back to you and the whole class goes back to drawing. You sigh and slump down in your chair, resting your chin on the palm of your head.

"Well this ." You mutter to yourself, of course Jimin picks up on your mutters and tries to make light of the situation.

"Yeah it does , but I'll stay behind and help you if you want?" He gives you a soft smile but you shake your head, politely declining his offer. He has a date tonight with a boy named Min...Joongi or Yoongi or something like that. You can't quite remember his name but you know that Jimin has been head of heels in love with the kid for years. He needs to get home and get ready, you're not letting him waste his chances of getting with his one true love.

The final bell signals ten minutes later and the class packs up, students filling out of the classroom, clapping and cheering as it's final the weekend. You however start the annoying job of cleaning. Mrs. Lee leaves the room, informing you that she'll check on you in about half an hours.

The temptation to just leave is way too big, but you have to decide against it, not wanting to get into any deeper trouble with the world's most hated teacher.

You plug in your earphones, slip them into your ears and start to clean away pate pallets and brushes that are scattered around the classroom. You're too absorbed in the song to notice anyone else coming in, it's not until your right earphone is rudely pulled out of your ear that you finally notice the other.

You spin on your heels, slightly startled at first but that feeling soon turns into embarrassment as you're face with Jungkook, wearing one of the dorkiest smiles you have ever seen.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I was shouting to you but you couldn't hear me." He laughs softly, rubbing the nape of his neck. He seemed to do that a lot when he was around you. You had come to the conclusion that it was some sort of habit.

"Ah, it's alright. Sorry for not hearing you I just get too absorbed into music sometimes." He shrugs softly in response before walking over to the corner of the room and grabbing one of the broom sticks that were resting against the wall.

"What are you doing?"

"Isn't obvious, I'm here to help you so that you can leave quicker." He points out as if it's obvious as he starts to run around, in between the desks as he sweeps the floor.

"Really, Jungkook. You don't have to you can just go home."

"I know I don't have to. But you didn't deserve this detention, so I am going to help you so that we can get out of here faster." He stops for a second to smile over at you. You give him one of those looks as if to say 'You're not staying', but he just gives you one right back that reads, 'I'm helping and that's final'.

You sigh, softly shaking your head as you say, "Fine, thank you." You carry the paint pallets and brushes that you have collected over to the sink and start running water to wash them with. Jungkook comes over and joins you after about ten minutes. He softly nudges your side, indicating for you to budge over so he can easily lean over the sink.

"You know I didn't just come here to help you clean, right?" You stop trying to get some stubborn silver paint off of one of the pallets as he talks, turning your full attention to him.

"You didn't?" He simply shakes his head in response to that, a moment of silence follows as you work on the last of the paint brushes. You turn of the water and start drying your hands before asking.

"Why else did you come here then?"

"To tell you that your current piece of art looks a lot like someone that I know." You freeze, looking up at him wide eyed. He stands there, smirking just softly at your reaction.

"Wh-what?! How did you see my art?" There is no point in hiding it from him now, if he's seen it, he's seen it. There is no chance to go back in time and stop him.

"Jimin." That's all he needs to say.

The sneaky lil must have taken it out of the classroom, or brought Jungkook in to see it earlier. You mutter "Imma kill him." under your breath which Jungkook picks up on, causing him to laugh.

"It's amazing, Y/N. But why me? Out of all of the people that you could have drawn, why did you choose me?" Heat rushes to your cheeks at that question, therefore you stare at the floor in an attempt to hide your now rose coloured cheeks.

"W-well. Because you're someone that I don't mind staring at for hours on end." You swiftly clamp your hand over your mouth as you realise what you had just said, praying a collective prayer to every God that Jungkook hadn't heard what you just admitted.

It's silent for at least two minutes. You reluctantly look up to see Jungkook smiling, with a light dusting of pink covering his cheeks.

He holds up his hand, signalling for you to wait there as he goes over to his art folder. Pulling a piece of paper out of it. He places it on the table in front of you.

It's you.

You had drawn each other.

"I don't mind staring at you for hours on end either. Actually I'd love just to be able to look into your eyes for hours on end, your eyes contain the whole universe after all." He now wears a sheepish smile as he rubs the back of his neck yet again, maybe that's a nervous habit?

You find yourself unable to speak as you just stare at the pencil drawing. It's amazing. Better than anything that you could ever hope to draw.

"Do you hate it?" Jungkook's tone is laced with worry due to the fact you haven't spoken for a few minutes now. You just shake your head before looking up into his eyes.

"No Jungkook. I love it."

He sighs in relief, happiness filling his eyes before saying, "I love it too, becuase it's of you...I love you Y/N."


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Chapter 3: I don't know why no one comments but- Jungkook's had me almost squealing at 4 am lmfao.