
When The Mountains Fall

My name is Kim Namjoon and this is my story.


Many people still recognize me as Rap Monster of BTS, but that is my past. Back in the good old days I appeared many times on various television shows where they asked me to cut onions and each time I couldn’t.


Now years upon years later I spend each and everyone of my days in the Onion cutting training centre, my buddy and former bandmate Seokjin became one of the coaches here, and me - I am preparing for the Olympic games.


In 2018 Olympic committee officials made onion cutting an official olympic sport, ever since then I’ve been training non stop. On the month of March, 2020 there will be a World Onions competition, in which I will participate in, and it will be the last chance to qualify for the Olympic Games 2020 in Tokyo.



Finally. The day of the World Onions championship came. I only participated twice in the competition and I felt extremely nervous. Match after match and here I am fighting for gold medal.


Seokjin, who came as my coach, was standing behind me, murmuring words of encouragement, It made my cheeks feel warm and my heart beat faster than it already did.


As soon as I finished chopping the onion I glanced at my competitor who was still cutting the last millimeters of the layered vegetable.


I turned around and wrapped my arms around Seokjin, I never felt this happy in my life, I bring my hand up, my onion juice covered fingers gently Jin’s beautiful thick hair.


“Namjoon!” Seokjin’s melodious voice woke me up from my daydream “You’re going to Tokyo!”


At that moment I realised I am in love.



Ring Ding Olympic Dong. Here I am standing in the Stadium, Thousands of people’s eyes were on me, cameras filming from every angle possible, this is it - the Olympic Gold Medal match. Getting here was a piece of cake, piece of difficult cake.


I’ve been waiting for my competitor for awhile now, each second feeling longer and longer. I heard people call the dude a monster, I was a monster too once.


Then I heard loud steps. Here he comes - 6 times (in a row) Olympic gold medalist and 9 times World Onions champion.


His face was covered by a mask, his built was also pretty big.


Moments later the timer went off and we began cutting. Boy oh boy the dude was fast, I could never catch up - I thought.


“Don’t give up, Joon” Seokjin said silently. His words gave me power, so much power. I started chopping faster than light itself.


Fractions of a second later I was already done, I glanced over to the now former champion, he still had half of his onion uncut.


The poor dude laughed and said “You are truly the best Namjoon, and Seokjin, he’s the only one for you, never let go of him, he’s your true soulmate” the person sounded awfully familiar, he placed his big hand on my shoulder “And for you, my friend, I will show you my true face”


His enormous hand reached for the mask, suddenly two green ears popped up and seconds later it finally came to my head - it was Shrek!


“Now, I must leave, Fiona is waiting for me” He smiled brightly and left.


Seokjin then ran up to me and hugged me tightly “Congratulations, Namjoon!”


“Thank you, Seokjin, for everything, and I have something to tell you... Seokjin” I took of one of his hands “I love you”


He smiled and leaned in to kiss me.


“I love you too”



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Pooptard #1
Chapter 1: This is probably my favourite namjin fanfic ever
Chapter 1: What tf is this?! This is the weirdest fic I've ever read LOL ROTF
freysan #3
Chapter 1: i think you broke my brain, author-nim.. but don't worry, i'm fine.. i think..?