Made with Love

“It’s because... it’s a pretty long story, it’ll probably bore you…”

“I don’t mind, I’ll listen. Besides, I won’t ask if I’m not interested, right?”

“Touché… but it’s pretty sad though… and corny… and cliché…”

“I understand if you’re not comfortable telling then it’s okay, really. I’ll try asking again some other time.”

“Yeah, thank you…”


                Some more days passed and both boys were gradually becoming closer with each other. They were sharing jokes and all sorts of stories to each other as they were arranging each pieces of pastries in their respective shelves like the usual and once they were done, Wonwoo went to flip the signboard on the front door while Mingyu made a beeline back to the kitchen to make some more pastries and possibly other else.

                Wonwoo on the other hand still had that same question boggling him, Mingyu’s reason for being a baker. He was so deep in his thought about what might have happened to the baker for him to not want to talk about it. But his thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sound of the chime continuously jingling as a multitude of students rushed in the store. Apparently there was a field trip going on, and it was the student’s leisure time so they were free to roam around town to buy foods before returning back to their buses. The shop was blaring with all sorts of conversation the students were having, most of them talking about games and what they’re gonna do during the trip but the four girls huddling in one corner of the shop were murmuring incoherent things while looking at Wonwoo’s direction. The latter felt insecure and began having cold sweats, fixing his uniform and hair every now and then.


“Hey, don’t you think that cashier guy looks hella hot? I mean look at those fierce-looking eyes!”

“Totally! Like seriously girl, he’s like the hottest guy I’ve ever seen!”

“OMG! The way he flicks his hair is so cool! Gosh! I wish he was be my boyfriend!”

“Yeah! Me too! I’d be like the talk of the school if they found out I’m dating someone older!”

“We should go talk to him!”


The four girls walked towards the cashier, each holding a tray of pastries. They we’re still giggling and nudging each other as they went closer to the hot cashier.

“Hiya~ My name is Jimin, nice to meet you. I would like to buy these please and by the way you’re hot.” A girl with dark short hair cutely said, she bit her lower lip in an attempt of seducing the cashier while she puts down the tray on the counter.

“Umm… well… hello, I’m Wonwoo, nice to meet you too. That’ll be $12.20.” The man behind the counter bashfully replied but still flashed a sweet smile to the girl.

“So, how old are you? Are you in college? Where do you live? Do you have a phone? What’s your email? Do you have a girlfriend? Can I be your girlfriend?” The girl in front bombarded him with consecutive questions, beside her are 3 more girls who looks at the cashier as expectantly as Jimin, their eyes are practically glimmering from curiosity.

The cashier just fidgeted on his own foothold, he was looking everywhere but the girls in front of him. He was feeling extremely uncomfortable, for this is the first time someone actually seriously hit on him. Wonwoo was breaking into cold sweats hoping the gods that a meteor would squish him or something.

“I’m sorry but those questions are too personal, please refrain from asking unnecessary questions.” A voice sounding from the kitchen intruded. The 4 girls followed the direction of the voice only to see a tall male wearing an apron and a toque.




“Oh my god…” The 4 girls sequenced as if reciting a song.

“What are the odds in finding 2 hotties in one place? Are we like in heaven? Like seriously oh my god, I can’t even!” One of the girls squealed as she fanned herself.

“I’m sorry, if you continue such behavior I might as well ask you to leave my shop.” Mingyu supplicated wearing a stern face to which Wonwoo isn’t very used to seeing. It was his first time seeing Mingyu looked rather not-so-Mingyu and frankly it was kind of frightening.

“Then will you tell us your name, age, and number and whether you have a girlfriend? In exchange we’ll behave, we promise.” Jimin flashed that same cutesy smile again, raising her right hand as a sign of pledge.

“Kim Mingyu, 22, 1xx-xxxxxxx, single. Hope that settles everything then?” He said with a straight face, he coldly watched as the girls garrulously type his number in their cellphones.

“Wait… What?! You’re 22? You’re actually younger than me?” Wonwoo questioned, not believing what he just heard.

“Maybe?” Mingyu shrugged at Wonwoo before facing back to the girls. “Anyway, I answered all your questions, please do as you promised.” Mingyu coolly said as he put the pastries on the tray he was holding to their respective shelves before going back to the kitchen.

“OMYGOSH HE’S SO COOL!” The girls squealed in unison fanning themselves to calm down before properly queuing to pay for the pastries they chose.

As promised the girls did behaved properly, but they still intentionally grab Wonwoo’s hands for a good couple of seconds when they hand over their bills, they paid one by one and their bill is large so that means they got 2 chances to hold Wonwoo’s hands. One for giving their bill, the second one for getting the change. Wonwoo didn’t mind the desperate clinginess so he just let them indulge the moment thinking of it as thanks for not actually further probing him.

                40 minutes later and all the students were gone, seems like their leisure time was over. Wonwoo thanked the gods that it was already noon, the time when the shop isn’t busy. When there wasn’t any customer coming in, he decided to sit on the waiting couch by the door to let out some stress from the barrage of hormonal students earlier.

“Tough day, huh?” Mingyu asked. Walking out of the kitchen and towards Wonwoo.

“Sure is. Hope that never happens again. Man! They gave me chills. Calling me hot and whatnot… as if.” Wonwoo rolled his eyes as he let out a sigh.

“Can’t blame them, they are teenagers and they were in the phase where they get attracted easily. Though I’m sure what they said is true.” Mingyu chuckled as he sat down next to Wonwoo.

“What is?” Wonwoo tilted his head, confused.

“Nothing… Nevermind…”

“But hey! I found out you’re a year younger than I am.”

“Really? Then that makes you my hyung, right?”

“Naturally, yes and all those times you’re calling me by my name. Maybe you should start calling me hy—”

“Hyung…” Mingyu cut him off. The way Mingyu called in a low voice sent shivers down Wonwoo’s spine. For him it sounded strangely y and he hated himself for thinking that.

“You know what… L-Let’s just drop the hyung thing… I-It sounds weird a-and I’m not used to you calling me hyung…”

“But why? I think I kind of like it, maybe you should just get used to it, hyung” Mingyu grinned emphasizing the ‘hyung’.

“No way, just call me by my name, I feel much more comfortable like that”

“Then how about Wonwoo-hyung? That way you can gradually get used to me calling you hyung and still feel comfortable since I call you by name.”

“Well… it’s better than calling me just hyung… Okay then.”

They were just sitting there smiling to each other until Mingyu stood up and dashed to the kitchen and returned carrying a tray. He sat down beside the other male again, he placed the tray on his lap with 2 cups of tea and plates of the new sweet he made.

“So, I just made a new sweet, it’s a choux puff, but not just any regular puff, I added a little something in the cream. Do you mind having a taste?”

“Don’t mind if I do!” Without any questions Wonwoo grabbed one of the sweet and began indulging the taste dancing on his taste buds.

“Thoughts? Can you guess what the surprise is?” Mingyu looked expectantly at the male beside him.

“Well… At first glance it looked like a regular choux puffs and it taste like one too, but there’s a glint of tea when I tasted the cream.”

“As expected, you’re right on again, but there’s still another twi—“

“Sage… You added sage.”

“Right! Damn, your palates’ on point as always. You see I added a smidgen of jasmine tea powder and crushed a half of sage leaf to the cream batter. I used the tea for the fragrance and the sage to ease the taste of tea from dominating the sweetness of the cream.”

“Ohh I see, well that explains the herbal taste it give. It tastes really healthy, I like it!”

“Really? Then I guess I’ll add this to the official menu then!”

“Yeah! Please do! I bet the folks would love it!” Wonwoo chuckled lightly

“But first I need other customers to test it themselves” Mingyu contemplated as he ate the other puff and handed Wonwoo a cuppa that was on the tray.

“Mind if we take a break for a while? I’m still beat from earlier.”

“That’s the plan, anyway just help yourself with anything, really it’s my pleasure if you took one.”

“Well if you say so.” The older male looked around the shelves to find something to eat, while doing so he made sure to get an extra piece for Mingyu.

As he returned to the couch where Mingyu was still sitting, the latter rather looked like he was deep in thought, Wonwoo gave Mingyu the other plate of bread he was holding.

“Here, eat this, you seem uneasy.”

“A cinnamon roll?” Mingyu accepted the plate the older handed him.

“2 reasons. One, it taste great, paired with the tea. Two, you look like you need some soothing. Didn’t you said before that that bread ease you whenever you feel unsettled?” Wonwoo flashed a smile at Mingyu as he sat down beside the younger.

“Oh, you actually remembered that?” Mingyu asked, Wonwoo nodded. “Well… The thing is… I was just thinking. The thing you asked me… The reason why I became a baker is because of my parents.”

“Oh… Did they have you interested in baking or something?” Wonwoo asked as he took a bite of his own cinnamon roll.

“Something like that, I’ll tell you my story, but promise me never pity me, not one bit.”

“I promise” Wonwoo raised his right hand.

“Well… It all started when I was 6, my parents decided to open a bakeshop of their own, it was back when we still lived at Anyang. You could say they are like the golden tandem, my dad’s specialty is baking while my mom’s specialty is decorating. They got pretty famous throughout the entire town and their business boomed just like that, it even came to the point where people from different places come to our hometown just to have their hands on my parent’s pastries. When I was 7, they began teaching me how to bake, I started from the most basic like cookies and cupcakes and eventually got good and advanced to the complicated ones. As I grew older and got more and more fond of baking, I decided to enroll in a college specializing in baking arts here in Gyeonggi, I told my parents that I’ll be away studying and will be living in a dorm. They both supported me of my choice and allowed me to leave. I managed to make a lot of friends in uni and I’m quite thankful for that. I was the top of my class basically because of my parents’ teaching during my younger days, not wanting to sound like I’m bragging but even my professors even thought that my skills were above average. My entire time in college went smoothly, I never got any problem with my subjects and peers. By the time I graduated and got my degree I planned to return back to surprise my parents and tell them that their son has graduated with flying colors but when I came back…” Mingyu stopped as he felt tears threatening to fall, when he was about to burst to tears, he felt Wonwoo’s warm hand’s drawing abstract shapes at his back soothed him, he looked at Wonwoo’s direction, the latter just nodded, telling him that it was okay if he doesn’t want to continue, but Mingyu insisted, he continued his story after he felt a little calmer.

“When I returned, the first thing I saw were firetrucks and a burning house… our house, I told the firemen I lived there and tried to pry my way through their human barrier but I couldn’t they told me it was too dangerous since the fire is too wild. I screamed my lungs out as I called out the names of my parents, but I received no replies. It was too late when the fire settled, one of the firemen told me that the only exit was blocked by debris of fallen beams and walls. There were no survivors, they found the burnt bodies of my parents. I blamed myself for what happened, if only I didn’t left and stayed, maybe that wouldn’t happen, that both of my parents were still alive. I was cynical, I felt hopeless, for months I never interacted with anyone including my relatives who took me in after my parent’s demise. I left when I couldn’t take it anymore, their house only reminded me of my parents, and it was killing me slowly, so I decided to stay at one of my friend’s house here in Gyeonggi. He was one of my classmates during college. He let me stayed there until I saved enough money for an apartment. I got myself tons of jobs, avoiding all that deals with baking because that only reminds me of my parents. I loathed baking during those times until one day when I was walking my way to one of my works, I saw a young girl selling hand-carved matryoshka on the street, she came up to me and asked me to buy some, I asked her why is she selling dolls as a living. She told me that it’s what her deceased mother thought her, she said it’s what left of her mother so she cherished it her life. That’s when I realized, baking isn’t really a reminder of my parent’s passing, but a memory my parents passed to me, ever since then I loved baking even more, I left all my jobs after finding a job as a baker that pays grand. Eventually I managed to save a lot of money for me to buy a house. At the age of 19 I managed to find this house and bought it using the money I saved as a baker, of course I still pay annually up until I finally get the deed of the house, but thanks to my little bakeshop, I could manage to survive in a daily basis.” Mingyu heaved a heavy sigh as he finished. “Pretty sad, no?” He chuckled soullessly, it was visible in his eyes that he’s still wavering but he it in.

“I think it was inspiring and I know somewhere up there, your parents are looking at you, proud that they have a strong independent son.” Wonwoo praised. “And a handsome one too” He flippantly followed.

They were both laughing heartily when they heard the chime jingled signifying a customer went in, they simultaneously stood up from their seats as they returned back to their stations with Mingyu bringing the tray with plates and cups with him. He stopped his tracks when he reached Wonwoo’s side.

“Thank you for listening, Wonwoo-hyung, I needed that” He whispered to the older male beside him, the latter just simply flashed an understanding smile to the other before patting his shoulders.

“Anytime, just remember I’m always here when something’s bugging you, I’ll listen to every single detail. Not leaving one speck behind.”

Both males chuckled as they gaze at each other’s eyes for what seems to be like a minute before breaking and actually continuing what they have to do.

“Seems like this’ll be the start of something wonderful” Both male whispered themselves after returning to their respective stations, Mingyu in the kitchen while Wonwoo manning the register.



                Time flew by fast and it was already closing time. For the first time in his life Wonwoo despised the feeling of actually leaving, he wanted to spend more time to chat with Mingyu but alas, he have to leave. Just like last time, Mingyu got out of the kitchen carrying a large paper bag full of breads and pastries and another small box of sweets. The smaller box ironically caught Wonwoo’s eyes and asked the older male what’s its contents.

“It’s the test puffs I made earlier, you know, the “herbal” one?” Mingyu chortled but Wonwoo just sneered at him.

“But what for? I already had a taste of it, don’t you think you should try asking other people rather than giving these to me?”

“That’ll be against my philosophy and those are not for you though, it’s for your mom back home.” Mingyu weakly flicked the older’s forehead in which the latter faked hurt.

“Yeah sorry for being selfish then.” Wonwoo rubbed the part of his forehead where Mingyu flicked him. “Oh by the way, I have 4 more siblings back home, think you could give them some too? 3 of them are children and 1 hormonal teenager. I’m sorry if I sound demanding but I was just curious, since the taste fits perfectly for older folks, I wonder how would kids find it, yeah?” He added, rubbing his chin looking rather deep in thought.

“No worries, that box has 8 pieces anyway. Oh and by the way, I like your idea. Dang! I never thought of that, you’re like a genius or something.”

“Yeah, I get that a lot.” Wonwoo proudly said wearing a smug face, receiving an amused smile from the taller male.

“So, anyway, have a safe trip, see you tomorrow, Wonwoo-hyung.”

“Yeah, see ya”


                Wonwoo his heel as he started walking off the familiar streets that lead to his house. He was already a couple of blocks away from the bakeshop when he heard a voice calling his name, he turned to the direction of the voice only to find a sprinting Mingyu.

“Wonwoo-hyung! Wait!” Mingyu shouted in between breaths.

“Mingyu? What are you running for? Did I forgot something?” Wonwoo just looked at the breathless form of Mingyu in front of him. He was internally laughing at how Mingyu looked so exhausted and helpless but still felt worried at the same time.

“No, you didn’t, but I did.” Mingyu managed to wheeze out, still trying to catch his breath.

“You forgot something but you ran to me why? Is it the breads? Did you add a poisoned one as a joke and forgot to remove it?” Wonwoo laughingly said.



“Just kidding! Here, I forgot to give you this.”

“What’s this? A key? For what?”

“The key to the front door, just in case you decided to drop by early like today and the door was locked. You were lucky I was also up early today and unlocked the door first thing. Maybe it was fate working, you think?”

“Yeah either that or you have this vision-thing like in final destination. If you realize you do, remind me to ostracize you, I don’t wanna die young.” Wonwoo sardonically said. Mingyu somehow managed to figure he was being sarcastic and laughed, he ruffled the older’s hair before he waved goodbye.

“Hey! Don’t forget I’m older than you so don’t go ruffling my hair like some kind of hyung!” Wonwoo shouted to the distant figure of the other male.

“Yeah! But you’re shorter so it looked natural! Maybe when you get taller than me I’ll stop!” Mingyu shouted back before laughing and sprinting away.

“Well… that’s that… but at least you know when I’m being sarcastic now. That’s progress, right?” Wonwoo asked to himself before chuckling and continued walking to his home.



It wasn’t long ‘til Wonwoo finally got home. As soon as he did, he removed his shoes and made a beeline to the table. Putting down the paperbag and box. He called for his mom and siblings.

“What’s the fuss, hun? You gonna tell a big news of some sort?” His mother asked.

“Maybe he finally got a girlfriend!” One of his younger siblings barked.

“Or a boyfriend…” Bohyuk said expressionlessly. All eyes followed his direction “What? His boss sounds into him the last time he talked about it.” He defended. The eyes that was looking at him now all went to Wonwoo’s direction. The latter just rolled his eyes and scoffed.

“Funny. Now put those thoughts aside and I need you guys to get one of this new puff Mingyu made.” He ordered. Grabbing the box that was resting on the tabletop and opening it to let his family grab a piece. Without any questions, they all followed Wonwoo’s order and grabbed a piece each.

“Thoughts? How does it taste? Mom first.”

“Well… it smells like tea and definitely taste like one too but still the original taste of the puff lingers. I kinda like it, it made me wanna drink some tea for some reason.”

“I see, how ‘bout you Channie?” Wonwoo crouched and leveled to the height of the short kid.

“Sweet! It tastes really sweet and really fluffy!” Chan exclaimed in a high pitched voice.

 “Yeah! It tastes like a cloud candy, and it melts in my mouth too!” The kid with a curly hair and hazel eyes standing beside Chan agreed.

“Good! Glad you liked it too Jihoon. How ‘bout you Soonyoung?”

“It tastes as sweet as it smells!”

“I see. And finally, you, Bohyuk?”

“Well it tastes like regular cream puffs dipped in tea then dried under some grandma’s pillow.”

“What does that even mean? Is that even positive or negative? I don’t get it…”

“It’s positive with slight negative but still positive. So you could say it’s like positively negative. Oh! No wait, it’s actually negatively positive.”

“Mom please remind him to never do drugs? Geez, better not ask you then” Wonwoo rolled his eyes to his brother who was still busy munching the puff.

“What’s this for anyway?” His mom asked as she grabbed for another piece and chomped it.

“Well, as you know, Mingyu makes a lot of pastries for his shop, which mostly are his own creations from experimentations, this one’s one of those experiments, he ask different customers for feedbacks and as long as he receive 100% positive feedbacks, he’ll make it official.”

“What if it’s only 99% then?” His mom asked in a flippant tone as yet again grabbing another piece of the puffs.

“Well… According to him it’s a no-go so he won’t add them to the shelves.”

“You’re kidding, right?” His mother looked at him in disbelief as she took a bite of the puff.

“Nope. I’m completely serious, he have some serious baking philosophies.” He said smugly, “But to be honest I’m kind of curious at what else can he make.” He added before smiling to himself. His family just looked at him oddly before shrugging it off and just continue ravaging the contents of the paperbag.

“Seriously! Somebody go make me some tea right now!” His mother demanded. Wonwoo just laughed before going to the kitchen and made tea for his mother.

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ajexastxsvt #1
Chapter 8: Wahhh! We need a sequel! An epilogue and moreee! This is so beautiful!
ajexastxsvt #2
Chapter 1: I've just read the first chapter and here I ammm! Ahhhh! Meanie! It's so beautiful author nim! I need to read moreeee!
asianmomo #3
Chapter 8: we need an epilogue (≧▽≦)/~┴┴
HunHan_Meanie #4
Author-nim, I was hoping if you could add a chapter wherein their marriage happens and some slighlty ty scene??? An epilogue of some sort. (Oh please bottom!Wonwoo)

But the story is already great this way!!!
Chapter 8: you really made this with love... i love you author♡
Chapter 8: I love this story sooo much *^* It feels like it was made with love ~ (let's not mention the part when you forgot about it tho' xDDD)
Geoff_ty #7
Chapter 5: Pls remeber thus story and update this(TT) ^_^^_^^_^
asianmomo #8
it's okay i'll be waiting >3<
Guuysss I'm sorry I haven';t been updating this! I'm still at my grandparent's house for a post-summer / pre-schoolday fambond (also bc it's my lola's birthday so she got us all for her this week ;~;)
3036jonestom #10
Chapter 5: Update soon authornim!! Can't wait for more meanie action!! Love how Wonwoo is tending to Mingyu's needs and how you described those scenes!!