My Butterfly




Jimin was Jungkook's World

They have been going out for almost 3 years 

And its the happiest they have ever been in years

But how long can happiness last...




Genre: Angst

Warning: Character Death


Hey guys!

I really at writing descriptions again hahaha my bad, I really need to improve on writing a description hehehe XD

I know its been sometime since I posted, but I've been really been busy with school work and being in my final year, works like really full on haha

So the other day I was listening to BTS Butterfly, and suddenly this idea struck me

You can also listen to it while reading this, but its totally optional! ^^

Honestly it had taken me some time to write it, and I dont think its as good as I had expected it to be, Im still lacking a bit in my writing skills, but Im still trying to improve

So I hope you guys find it good! ><


Arrianne ><


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Fanyeol #1
Chapter 1: it was beautiful like a butterfly...jikook is just too much..i dnt knw wy they are so perfect 2gtr n ur story is jst a perfect piece for this amazing babies...good job dear author really liked it^-^;-)