Is this what you call love?

15 Days of Infinite

Hi! Today's oneshot is about Dongwoo! It might not be good but I'll try my best! Enjoy the oneshot!


[Jaehwa POV]

I walked to class today feeling tired as always. Yesterday I stayed up studying for today's math test. I walked to math class quickly while getting pushed by our school jocks.

"Whoa nerd watch where you are going!" Yes, I am the school nerd, but still i am a human being also! I finally reached my class and sat in my seat. People sitting around me were conversing with their friends while I sat studying even more. I decided to take a break before the teacher would come in. I stretched and looked around the classroom. I spotted Jang Dongwoo. I was always jealous of him how he can blend in with any group so easily. I heard the bell ring and the teacher came in.

"Hello class."

"Hello Mr. Kim." 

"As you know, you have a math quiz today." The class groaned. He passed out the papers and everyone got started. I finished first and turned in my paper, I was glad I only had one class today. After the lesson I got up to leave. I was walking out the door when I realized I forgot something. I went back inside the classroom and accidently bumped into someone. I fell and my things fell on the ground. 

"Are you okay?" I looked up to see Dongwoo.

"Yeah."  He helped me picked up my things.

"Sorry, I'm clumsy sometimes."

"It's alright." He smiled at me and walked past. I was appalled usually people would scold me for bumping into them even though I was the one who got hurt. I remembered what I was going to do and went into the classroom.

"Here it is." I can't believe I forgot my phone. I walked out of class and went to my dorm. I didn't have a roommate but it was good since I none of my friends go here.

{ring ring ring} I looked at my phone Haeyoung was calling.


"Hi Haeyoung!"

"Hi Jaehwa, so how was school so far?"

"Good, you?"

"Good also, did anyone bully you?"


"If anyone does tell me and run over there and give them a beating!"

"Calm down Haeyoung!, Anyways you that guy that I jealous of?"

"Yeah Dongwoo, what about him?"

"Well he bumped into me and didn't get angry at me!"

"Umm, Was he supposed to?"

"Haeyoung! Most people bump into me and get angry at me."


"But when he smiled at me my heart starting beating."

"OMG! You like him! You aren't jealous of him!"

"I do not! I got to get going or I'll be late for my job."

"Bye Jaehwa!"

"Bye Haeyoung!" I took off my glasses and put on my contacts and tied my hair in a bun. It was easier working with my glasses off. I put on my shoes and left. I worked at a nearby cafe. I got to the cafe and put on my uniform. I stood at the cashier waiting for a customer. After my shift ended I walked back home. I was playing Tetris on my phone and accidently bumped into someone again.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking at where I was going." I looked up and it was Dongwoo.

"Oh, it's you!" He smiled at me and my heart beated fast again. What was wrong with me?

"I'm always bumping into people sorry."

"Wow twice in a day, What are you doing out late?"

"I work at that cafe over there."

"I'm guessing you just got off?"

"Yeah, I'm heading back to my dorm."

"I'll come with you."

"Its okay you don't have to."

"I was about to head back to my dorm anyway."

"Okay." I walked first and Dongwoo slowly followed.

"So do you have a name?"

"Yes, it's Jaehwa."

"That's a pretty name."

"So is Dongwoo."

"How do you know my name? Are you my stalker?"

"No, You are popular around campus."


"Well Somewhat." I rubbed my hands together since it was cold out.

"You must be cold, give me your hands." He grabbed my hands and rubbed them together and blew on them. He then let go of one and held the other. The rest of the walk was silent considering Dongwoo was still holding my hand. We finally got to my dorm. I opened my door, waved and went in.

                                                 . . .

I got up and got ready for class. I only had two classes today. I put on my shoes and grabbed my jacket. I walked to my class when I heard someone call my name.

"Jaehwa!" I turned around and saw Dongwoo.

"Hi!" I waved at him and he ran up to me.

"Let's go somewhere."

"I can't I have classes."

"Me too, let's ditch!"

"What! No! I'll won't get a good grade!"

"You work to hard, just take today off!"

"I never ditched before."

"Really? then today you can experience your firsts with me." Before I could refuse he grabbed my hand and dragged out of campus. We started walking until we hit Hongdae.

"Have you ever dine-n-dashed before?"

"No, don't tell me."

"Yes, we are."

"Dongwoo! I don't want to."

"No! Today you are going to do the things you never done before." 


He took me into a busy restaurant and got us a table. He told me to order the most expensive thing. I ordered the most expensive thing. After a while our food came. We ate a bit and talked a little.

"Ok are you ready?"

"Can't we just pay?"

"The bill is 150 dollars, are you going to pay for that?"

"No." He grabbed my hand and we swerved through people and waiters. We finally reached the door when someone called us saying that we didn't pay. We opened the doors and ran. We could still hear that person yelling at us. We ran until we got to the park, we sat on a bench.

"That was fun, wasn't it?" He said in between breaths.

"It was." We sat there until he decided we go see a movie, this time we will be paying. We walked to the movie theater and Dongwoo picked a movie he wanted to watch. I didn't argue since I was in a mood for any kind of movie. I offered to pay but he said it was on him. We went in the movie theater   and watched the movie. After that I decided I had to go back to my dorm.

"Are you sure you want to go back?"


"Ok." We started walking to the dorms. It was fun today hanging out with Dongwoo. He was one of a kind. We reached my dorm and at stood at my door. A part me said to stay with Dongwoo while another said to go in and start studying. Then I realized that I liked him. I liked it when he wanted to hang out, when he wanted to hold my hand.

"Dongwoo, can I tell you something?"

"What is it?"

"I think I like you." I regretted it the moment it came out of my mouth. Pabo! I could imagine he laughing at me and saying that I wasn't his style."Nevermind for-" Before I could finish my sentence he planted a kiss on my lips. i stood there frozen. He pulled back and pulled me in a hug.

"I like you too."


"To be honest I liked you eversince I met you back in highschool."


"Yes." I snuggled in his chest taking in his scent. We stood there embracing each other.


Finally finished! i thought I wouldn't finish this.

Coming up next is Woohyun!

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awhhh how sweet <3 dongwoo made her have some fun and she confessed to him <3 just very adorbs ^^ i liked this one shot ^^ great job!
15 days of infinite <3 ha ha well i am definitely looking forward to what you are going to write ^^ sunggyu was just adorbs! he was there for her when she needed him ^^ and dongwoo has to hide the paper XP corny but cute ^^ anyways hwaiting!