I like you the best

15 Days of Infinite


Hello~ I will start with oldest to youngest. Please enjoy the oneshot! ^__________^
‘Dear Haemi,
                 Hi it’s Sunggyu. I just wanted to tell you something. I like you.
No, that’s to direct.
‘Dear Haemi,
                 How are you doing? Are you dating someone? Are you free this Saturday? Would you like to date me?
Too many questions!
“Aish! I give up!”
“Hyung! What’s up?” 
“Oh Dongwoo. Did I wake you up?”
“Well, yeah.”
“Oh, sorry!”
“What’s with this pile of paper?”
“It’s nothing.”
“Hyung don’t tell me-”
“No, ok yes I am.”
“Hyung How many times did I tell you to stop doing that? At this rate a whole forest of trees will be gone!”
“I know but I can’t go up to her and say, ‘Hey I like you’.”
“Well that is how real men do it!”
“Shut up Dongwoo!” I grabbed my jacket and left our dorm.
“Hyung where are you going?!?!?”
“Don’t worry I’ll be back before 12.” I decided to go to Hongdae. It was winter now and was kinda snowy. I was walking around and saw Haemi. It’s been a while since I saw her, which was probably a day or two.
“Hi Haemi!”
“Hi Sunggyu!”
“What are you doing out so late?”
“How about you?”
“Just taking a stroll.”
“Me too.”
“Want to look around together?”
“Sure!” We were walking around until she wanted to go inside a store.
“Um, Sunggyu can I ask you something?”
“Sure, what is it?”
“This scarf… never mind.”
“What is it?” Is she giving to me?
“Ok, Can you try it on? I bought it for my boyfriend and I wan to see if it will good on a guy.”
“Oh, ok sure.” I grabbed the scarf and tried it on.
“Wha! It looks good on you!”
“T-T-Thanks.” I smiled blushing at the compliment.
“Sunggyu are you sick? you are turning red!”
“Oh, I’m ok.”
“That’s good.”
“How long have you and your boyfriend dating?”
“2 years.” 
“Oh, that’s good.” I looked at the time it was getting late. “I should be going now.”
“Oh, ok.”
“Can you get home safely?”
“Yes, thanks for today!”
“No problem.” I walked back to our dorms. Of course she has a boyfriend! Kim Sunggyu you should have known that!! Someone as beautiful as her can’t stay single forever! I reached our room and opened the door. Dongwoo was sitting on the floor watching a movie with Howon. 
“Hey Hyung! Want to the movie with us?”
“No thanks Howon, but what are you watching?”
“Death bell one and two.”
“Well Howon said he never watched before so I rented some.”
“Oh, alright I’ll just head to bed.”
“Try not to write letters anymore!!”
“Don’t worry I won’t."
{The next day}
I got up and realized I had no classes today. I looked at the clock and it read 12:30. I walked to Dongwoo's bedroom to see an empty bed. I walked to the kitchen to get some water when I saw a post-it on the table.
'To Sunggyu hyung,
   Just in case, I hid the paper and pencils so you kill anymore trees! 
   If you need to write a report then borrow some from our dorm manager!
                                              - Dongwoo' 
Aigoo, I guess I'll talk a walk around campus then. I grabbed my jacket and went out the door. I walked around campus until I saw Haemi. she was carrying a big pile of books so I walked over to her and helped her.
"Do you need help Haemi?"
"Sure." She handed me some books.
"Where are you caring these books to?"
"Rm.45" after a while we dropped off the books to the teacher.
"Haemi, do you have any classes today?"
"Do you want to go somewhere?"
"Sure!" We went to the plaza and walked around. We looked at all the stores and ate at some food vendors. I was so much fun I didn't notice how much time went by.
[Haemi POV]
After walking around with Sunggyu, it got dark.
"Would you like some hot chocolate?"
"Sure." I sat at a bench waiting for Sunggyu to come back.
"Oppa! That necklace looks pretty!!"
"I'll buy it for you." That voice, it is familiar. I ignored it until I realized who it was. I turned around and saw him.
"Oh, Haemi."
"Oppa, who is this?"
"Oh, it-"
"Were you cheating on me the whole time?"
"No Haemi, it's not like that."
"Then who is that, I know that isn't your sister!"
"You wan the know the truth Haemi, How do you expect me to be with you alone for 2 years?"
"I thought you loved me, but that was all lies." I wanted to slap him but I couldn't. I just ran off. I ran until I couldn't anymore. I was such a pabo, Why couldn't I realized he was cheating on me?
"Haemi, are you ok?" I looked up to see Sunggyu. He came up to mw and wiped away my tears. "I know what happened, I saw it." I looked at him. He pulled me into a hug. "It's okay, he doesn't deserve you anyway." I hugged him back. For some reason hugging him was so comfortable.
"I know this might be a bad time but I love you. Eversince I saw you in class that day, I couldn't stop thinking of you." I lifted my head and looked at him.
"Do you really?"
"Yes, Always and Forever." I smiled and hugged him back. He then leaned in closer and kissed me on the lips. After a while he pulled back. We held hands and walked back to campus. while we were walking back it started snowing. I looked at Sunggyu and smiled.
YAY! The first ever oneshot!! Sorry if it is somewhat crappy.
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Dongwoo is next!
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awhhh how sweet <3 dongwoo made her have some fun and she confessed to him <3 just very adorbs ^^ i liked this one shot ^^ great job!
15 days of infinite <3 ha ha well i am definitely looking forward to what you are going to write ^^ sunggyu was just adorbs! he was there for her when she needed him ^^ and dongwoo has to hide the paper XP corny but cute ^^ anyways hwaiting!