They Disappeared


Yoona lives in a small town in California a long with her friends. A fun house. Yoona cares to much to let people she loves fall for it. She loves Suho secretly ever since she was 4 years old. She knows Baekhyun - one of her close friends is secretly gay and loves the strong fighter Daehyun. Knowing the two guys are trying to face two different things they still find them selfs in the Fun House not knowing they could die in there. How will Yoona protect her friends when the Clown goes to far?

WARNING!!!! MAY CONTAIN SOME ODD GRAPHICS and crood humor. Also maybe some miled love scene(nothing like ok)

ONLY READ IF YOUR +13  story gets weird


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Aijana #1
Chapter 1: Wow i really like this story please continue updating