jaecomponents : gallery of complex layouts
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jae's note 26072021 Final revamp! update Hello there! Finally had the inspiration to do a full revamp for this thread! How can I not be inspired when some of the legendary coders are back? This is my final revamp for this thread. Not only I revamped the whole thread, I also fixed and cleaned majority of my old layouts. I can’t believe I made people buy those layouts when it was coded so dirtily. I've always been a lazy person to polish my layouts, and even a lazier person to find pictures for my layouts because I always thought people would change it anyway. But now, I took the time(-ish) to find much more decent photos for my old layouts. 

My final theme for my revamp is about arts. I encourage you to check out my old layouts and see the paintings made my amazing artists! Majority of my layouts have a new look and new SIZES, since we can’t do full screen layouts anymore for forewords. So check them out! And maybe leave me your thoughts. 

- Exclusive layout's theme on the marketplace also gets a new face but same steps still apply when accessing their source codes.
- Main theme is mobile friendly!


Extra note: vigour from TRXSH is accepting requests/suggestions as of this moment, please bombard her with requests! Please, please, please! I beg you! You don't want to lose this chance, believe me.   SUPPORT:
nefelibata themes by font-size / bento by a
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Thank you vigour :'(


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hello, using east. <3 thank you!
momsalnim #2
Chapter 35: using, thank you!
Chapter 66: using pray for me on rpr ! thank you
anemoneae #4
Chapter 66: using pray for me, thank you.
Chapter 33: gonna use superior! thank youuuu
Chapter 64: using luna. thanks!
7dreamz #7
Chapter 59: hi, using maverick, thanks!
7dreamz #8
Chapter 59: hi, using maverick, thanks!
Chapter 64: purchased onigiri for rpr use, may end up using Luna though(will reply to this comment when i've decided)