[ * ] — Instructionless

jaecomponents : gallery of complex layouts
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  JAECOMPONENTS 2021 *Instructionless (previously "lazy content") layout specifications (personalized)   Layout type: Graphic shop
Availability: Personal
Fullscreen: Yes
Mobile friendly: Yes
Night-mode friendly: No
Editor friendly: No   Complexity: 5 out of 5   Code readability: 0.000001 out of 5   Size variations: 1 (Mobile friendly)
Modes: 1; Page(s): 7 (Main, Request list, Archive, Update, Your corner, My corner, Pickup) Date created: November 2019
Last updated: July 2021
Version: 1.1.0
Designed and coded by JaeKnight   links at the end of the preview Size: Fullscreen - Page: main - Mode: 1   the final revamp / closed previously Bat shop x Bat pictures x Squad pictures x Game of Forms     really simple rules!rules!rules!rules!rules!rules!   1 Comment before and after doing business with me.   2 Credit the shop using the banner w/ link   3 Use graphic at least a month no redos   4 Don't request at other shops once accepted. Cancel ASAP if needs be d a m n l a z y Advisory! Lazy content One-bat shop by jaeknight. best known to be extremely picky who reject forms. As the name suggests, I do lazy graphics so beware.

Actually, better known as the shop who does unnecessary revamps for bruce. Formerly "A shop you've seen before" . Now, "What a sore in the eyes." previous batch!         b
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Thank you vigour :'(


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hello, using east. <3 thank you!
momsalnim #2
Chapter 35: using views.co, thank you!
Chapter 66: using pray for me on rpr ! thank you
anemoneae #4
Chapter 66: using pray for me, thank you.
Chapter 33: gonna use superior! thank youuuu
Chapter 64: using luna. thanks!
7dreamz #7
Chapter 59: hi, using maverick, thanks!
7dreamz #8
Chapter 59: hi, using maverick, thanks!
Chapter 64: purchased onigiri for rpr use, may end up using Luna though(will reply to this comment when i've decided)