[ 16 ] — Nutrition Facts

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  JAECOMPONENTS 2021 nutrition facts layout specifications   Layout type: profile
Availability: Exclusive (7kp)
Fullscreen: No
Mobile friendly: Yes
Night-mode friendly: Yes
Editor friendly: Yes   Complexity: 1 out of 5   Code readability: 5 out of 5   Size variations: 2 (Big, small)
Modes: 4; Page(s): 1 (main) Date created: May 2020
Last updated: July 2021
Version: 2.3.0 Inspiration
( Link )
Designed and coded by JaeKnight   links at the end of the preview Size: big - Page: main
Mode: 1 (just name) Batman Facts Serving size - 1 eccentric billionaire   cr. Size: big - Page: main
Mode: 2 (mbti distinction) Batman Facts Serving size - 1 eccentric billionaire   Amount per serving Distinction INTJ   Introvert 77% Intuitive 97% Thinking 200% Judging 89% * The Daily Value may vary depending on you. These are merely labels. Be you.   Credit Jaecomponents Size: small - Page: main
Mode: 2 (mbti distinction) Batman Facts Serving size - 1 eccentric billionaire   Amount per serving Distinction INTJ   Introvert 77% Intuitive 97% Thinking 200% Judging 89% * The Daily Value may vary depending on you. These are merely labels. Be you.   Credit Jaecomponents Size: small - Page: main
Mode: 1 (just name) Batman Facts Serving size - 1 eccentric billionaire   cr. Size: small - Page: main
Mode: 3 (detailed) Batman Facts Serving size - 1 eccentric billionaire   Amount per serving Distinction INTJ  
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Thank you vigour :'(


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hello, using east. <3 thank you!
momsalnim #2
Chapter 35: using views.co, thank you!
Chapter 66: using pray for me on rpr ! thank you
anemoneae #4
Chapter 66: using pray for me, thank you.
Chapter 33: gonna use superior! thank youuuu
Chapter 64: using luna. thanks!
7dreamz #7
Chapter 59: hi, using maverick, thanks!
7dreamz #8
Chapter 59: hi, using maverick, thanks!
Chapter 64: purchased onigiri for rpr use, may end up using Luna though(will reply to this comment when i've decided)