[ * ] — Bars

jaecomponents : gallery of complex layouts
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  JAECOMPONENTS 2021 *bars layout specifications (personalized)   Layout type: Graphic shop
Availability: Personal
Fullscreen: Yes
Mobile friendly: No
Night-mode friendly: No
Editor friendly: Yes   Complexity: 4 out of 5   Code readability: 1 out of 5   Size variations: 1 (Fullscreen)
Modes: 1; Page(s): 2 (Main, Pickup) Date created: April 2016
Last updated: April 2016
Version: 1.0.0
Designed and coded by JaeKnight   links at the end of the preview Size: Fullscreen - Page: main - Mode: 1
sin studios
by  markjeon   swipe right for PORTFOLIO rules ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
2:09 ━━━─────●── 3:25 one.subbing required when requesting two.re-dos only done if the mistake is on my part three.crediting is required on the front of your story four.comment with feedback, no 'thanks picked up' comments five.use graphics for a month six.inform me if you are deleting your story or canceling your request before I start seven.poster collectors; don't 'collect' from me   ABOUT ME MARKJEON PRESENTS YOU SIN STUDIOS. MARKJEON; HEAD SINNER. SIN STUDIOS WILL PROVIDE UNIQUE GRAPHICS DESIGNED TO REPRESENT YOUR STORY THROUGH THEIR EYES, WHICH WILL HOPEFULLY MATCH YOURS OR EXCEED YOUR EXPECTATIONS. WITH THE CONCEPT OF BACKWARDS THEMED SINNERS AND SAINTS MARKJEON HOPES TO DESIGN WITH EASE WITH SIMPLE RULES TO BE SUCCESSFUL WITH THE REST OF THE AFF COMMUNITY WHILE HAVING FUN SINNING ALSO. ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT REQUESTING PLEASE COMME
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Thank you vigour :'(


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hello, using east. <3 thank you!
momsalnim #2
Chapter 35: using views.co, thank you!
Chapter 66: using pray for me on rpr ! thank you
anemoneae #4
Chapter 66: using pray for me, thank you.
Chapter 33: gonna use superior! thank youuuu
Chapter 64: using luna. thanks!
7dreamz #7
Chapter 59: hi, using maverick, thanks!
7dreamz #8
Chapter 59: hi, using maverick, thanks!
Chapter 64: purchased onigiri for rpr use, may end up using Luna though(will reply to this comment when i've decided)