210 days. ( 100 reasons why i love you )

Our Story.

210 Days.


100 Reasons Why I Love You.


1. i love you because you're you.

2. i love how the way you make me feel when i'm with you.

3. i love how you are loyal to me.

4. i love how even you're not right next to me, i still feel you're here with me.

5. i love the way you made me smile without doing a thing.

6. i love the way you look at me.

7. i love that you respect me.

8. i love that you accept me and love me for who i am.

9. i love the way you love me.

10. i love how adorable you are in every way.

11. i love your touch.

12. I love all the little things you do for me. I appreciate all of them, big to small.

13. I love that you appreciate everything I do for you and don’t take it for granted.

14. i love you eyes, its perfect.

15. i love cuddling with you.

16. i love how our bodies fit so perfectly, like a puzzle.

17. i love you because you made me feel happy and comfortable when i'm with you.

18. i love you because you have an amazing sense of humor that always make me laugh.

19. i love the way you looked at me with that beautiful eyes.

20. i love your smile.

21. i love that we will grow old together.

22. i love that you are my best friend too and i can tell you anything and be myself around you.

23. i love how we spend the night together.

24. i love how well we communicate together.

25. i love that you always listen to the words i say and gave a response.

26. i love how you're so open with me and tell me everything you feel.

27. i love that you're the last voice i hear and the last person i think of before i sleep.

28. i love how you make my life perfect.

29. i love how you complete me.

30. i love the way you caresses my face, so soft, gentle, and romantic.

31. i love the way you kissed me.

32. i love the way you kissed my neck.

33. i love that you will always be there for me.

34. i love how ambitious you are.

35. i love your personality.

36. i love how thoughtful you are.

37. i love the way you laugh. it brings smile to my face and warmth to my heart.

38. i love your warmth.

39. i love that you like to spend time with me as long as possible.

40. i love that you always know (and have) what i need.

41. i love that you can always made me laugh. even with the silliest comments and jokes

42. i love that we know each other so well.

43. i love the way i can't imagine going one day without you.

44. i love the way you treat my friends.

45. i love the way your voice is deep and manly (especially when lmao)

46. i love how your voice sounds when you whisper in my ear.

47. i love how our relationship is so perfect.

48. i love how you protect me and defend me.

49. i love you intelligence and how you can keep a conversation going.

50. i love how passionate you are about you life.

51. i love how you never cease to amaze me and take my breath away.

52. i love how i still have butterflies everytime i see you.

53. i love how you inspire me to do more, to do better.

54. i love how adorable you look when ur asleep.

55. i love spending time with you.

56. i love how you thank me for what i have done.

57. i love how confident you are.

58. i love how you always make me feel better.

59. i love how open you are for trying new things.

60. i love how you able to talk through and work things out

61. i love that you take time out your life just to show how much you loved me.

62. i love your hot body.

63. i love tthat you're not afraid to show me affection in public.

64. i love that you can cook amazing food. (that creamsoup)

65. i love the way you take care of us (+ jisung)

66. i love all the cute names you have for me

67. i love all the cute things you surprise me with.

68. i love the fact that you will never give up on me.

69. i love your moans (esp when you moan my name.).

70. i love how i've met my life partner and soulmate.

71. i love you because you're perfect in my eyes.

72. i love how we know what each other is thinking without asking it.

73. i love that i can trust you.

74. i love that you (try to) love the things that i'm interested.

75. i love that you would do everything to make me smile.

76. i love laying next to you and feel safe and secure.

77. i love your ingenuity.

78. i love how personable you are.

79. i love your big strong arms.

80. i love how i still se fireworks everytime we kiss.

81. i love how amazing you are in bed.

82. i love how complete i feel when we're having .

83. i love how gentle you are in bed.

84. i love how giving you are in every situations

85. i love teh fact that you gave me the gift of children

86. i love that you're a wonderful father.

87. i love that you spark my creativity and imagination.

88. i love that you pushed me to my limits to be a better person.

89. i love taht you always listen to what i say.

90. i love the way you treat me like i'm special.

91. i love the way you dress and you style.

92. i love that we can be silly to each other.

93. i love that we can be honest to each other.

94. i love taking showers with you >_<

95. i love how we make up after a fight.

96. i love how secure i feel when i'm with you.

97. i love you because you always know what to say.

98. i love you because you treat my family right.

99. i love you because because you're everything i've ever dreamed of.

100. i love you for more reasons than i could ever explain.


i love you, seungcheol.

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