gym trainer

Before Anyone Else

a/n: the only thing i know about gym trainers is that they...train...people... .. ANYWAYS I hope you guys like this. oh and enjoy wenrene's cute friendship heeeheee.




Another shirt gets tossed on Wendy’s head and the red head grunts for the millionth time.  She removes the said shirt off her head and stands up, off the bed.


“I thought we were going shopping today,” the red head says as she watches her best friend pull more clothes out of her closet.  Wendy came over just a while ago with a plan to spend her Friday with Irene but unfortunately, the brunette seemed to have another plan of her own.


“Didn’t I tell you my Friday schedules are already packed? Let’s go shopping tomorrow,” Irene responds nonchalantly, not bothering to turn around and look at the red head.


Wendy releases a loud sigh and Irene finally decides to face her best friend with two jogging pants on both hands.


“Fridays are gym days!”  Irene says enthusiastically, raising the two pants.


“Fridays were originally Fridates with Wendy!  Fridays are not gym days! You’re just saying that ‘cause you want to see the hot gym trainer again,” Wendy rolls her eyes, remembering two weeks ago when Irene called her late at night to tell her about the ‘hot gym trainer’ she spotted.


“True... BUT!  At least I’m inspired to work out.  You’re the one who told me I’m losing tone,” Irene looks down at her stomach with a disgruntled look.


Wendy groans, “I only said that so you could come with me to the gym that day!”


“Hey, if you’re so eager to hang with me today, why don’t you just join me?”  Irene suggests with a smirk.  “I know you want to see the hot gym trainer too.”


“Okay, stop right there.  Don’t even try to lure me in your little lesbian world.”  Wendy does that twirling thing with her finger, “I’m straight as a stick.”


Irene’s smile turns upside down and scoffs, “So is spaghetti ‘til it’s wet.”


“W-what?”  The red head feels like she just choked on her own saliva hearing the statement.  She tries to erase the dirty thoughts that make way through her head and shivers it off.  “That’s it.  I’m going shopping alone.” Wendy takes her purse from Irene’s bed and starts leaving.




Wendy groans for the last time and turns back around, “What is it now?” 


Irene tries to pull off her puppy eyes, “Be my best friend and help me choose what to wear? Please?”  She flashes a toothy grin.


And being the good best friend that she is, the red head sits back down on the bed as Irene chooses a few gym clothes from her closet.


“So, which of these pants do you think would accentuate my ?”  Irene furrows her brows.  She faces her mirror and places the clothes over her legs, trying to find the answer herself.


Wendy tries not to laugh at how serious her best friend looks right now but fails.  She brings a palm on her forehead, “Oh, what do I do with you?”


Irene widens her eyes and feels a light bulb over her head, “Ah! What if I wear my y gym shorts instead?!”  She proudly smiles as if she had just said the most brilliant idea in the universe.


Wendy could only let herself fall on the bed.




Irene heads to the building. 


With her chin up, Irene confidently walks towards the gym in her y purple gym shorts, feeling a few eyes on her. ‘Tch.  No one’s getting any of this.’  She struts her hips as she continues her steps.


Bullseye.  Except for you,’ Irene smirks, spotting her target in her signature sweatpants and sports bra, exposing her captivating six pack abs. Her jet black hair is pulled up in a bun, a few sticking on the sides of her head.  She unknowingly smiles at the sight as she continues to walk to her destination: the treadmill.


A frown then replaces her smile when she notices her hot gym trainer training that girl again. That flirty, trying hard, presumptuous girl! Or so she judged. She feels her steps becoming vigorous ones and-


“Ma’m!” She turns to the direction of the voice.




Pain spreads all over her forehead.  And she clutches on it with a groan.  She hangs her head low as she realizes she just bumped herself on the glass door. “How embarrassing!” she whispers and bites her lip.


“Are you okay, ma’m?” A worried staff member comes to her, “That’s going to bruise.”


“I-I’m fine,” Irene gathers back all her confidence and tries to keep her composure, ignoring the eyes that witnessed her humiliation.  She hears a few giggles but pushes it aside.


Irene runs a hand through her hair before pulling the gym door open and walking in.  She looks up back to her “target” and realizes that even she witnessed the incident.  ‘Great way to impress, Irene.’


Everyone goes back doing their thing and Irene doesn’t forget to tie her hair in a ponytail.  She walks on the treadmill and starts her late afternoon workout.




The sun seems to have started setting and Irene may have stolen a few glances of the hot gym trainer as she continues her jog on the treadmill.  And she may have been jogging for about an hour now with still no interaction with her inspiration


Wendy’s face suddenly pops in her head, “Why don’t you try getting her name today?”


“Wendy, you’re right.  I should try getting her name today,” Irene mutters to herself and eyes the trainer once more.


The tall toned girl in a bun was now doing one-armed pushups and Irene’s impressed eyes can’t seem to look away. 


“I am getting her name today,” Irene says with determination and wipes a sweat off her forehead.  She clicks a button, increasing the speed and Irene starts to run with confidence. 


Irene looks around to see only a few people left at the gym, including the gym trainer and that girl.  She watches as the short blonde walks away from her trainer with the latter following behind.


“They’re leaving already?”  Irene’s eyes follow the two to the door. “Don’t go!” She half whispers.


Irene feels a little drained and she doesn’t notice herself stop running.  With one missed step, her eyes widen-




It appears to be a day of bad luck for the short brunette when she hears the gym trainer’s tracks take a halt to the noise she had made.  The trainer turns around to see a poor Irene on the floor, right before her treadmill with a startled look taking over her face. 


Don’t come over here. Don’t come over.


But life seemed to have a plan of its own as she hears the gym trainer fast pace nearing her.  The worried trainer tries to help the brunette up, “A-are you hurt?”


Irene, unfortunately again, hangs her head low, hoping that her ponytailed hair would hide her away from embarrassment.  Curse this day!


“I-I’m fine. No worries,” Irene waves a hand trying to shoo the girl away, dropping off her intentions for the day.


“Look here,” Irene closes her eyes, a little bit because of the pain but mostly because of the humiliation that makes her want to hide under a rock.  She feels a gentle hand bringing her chin up to face the other girl. . “Aigoo. Let’s fix that up.”


“Is she alright?”  Another worried voice joins in but is quickly scrammed away with the gym trainer’s reply,


“Yeah, I got this,” Irene feels herself being pulled up by the taller girl and dragged toward the nearest seats.


Irene obediently sits down, “Y-you don’t have to do this.”


The taller girl crouches in front of her trying to see if there are more wounds on Irene’s face. 


Irene uncomfortably shifts on her seat, trying to avoid the chocolate orbs exploring her features and she feels a rush of blood take over her face when she hears the trainer say, “You’re lucky it’s just a tiny scratch on your pretty face.”


Did she just say I'm pretty?


“Stay here,” The gym trainer doesn’t wait for a response and walks out of the gym.


Irene releases out a breath she didn’t know she’d been keeping.


Just what did I get myself into?




People strolled out of the place as time passed and the gym looks like it was coming to a close.  But it didn’t stop the trainer from doing what she needed, or rather ed to do.


“This is going to sting a bit,” Irene flinches at the contact of the cotton and the wound on her chin.  The other girl only smiles at her cute reaction and finally tapes the cotton securely, “There all done.”


It was only then both of them realized how close their faces were to each other.  And Irene quickly coughs the awkward away.


“S-sorry,” The trainer backs away and eyes Irene from head to toe, trying to see if she didn’t miss a wound.


Knee scratch, check.  Forearm scrape, check.  Chin scratch, check.


“I think my job here is done,” The taller one stands up and retrieves a plain black shirt from her gym bag.  Irene hesitantly watches as she wears it over her sports bra.


“You really didn’t have to...”  Irene shyly says as she stands up from the seat.


“It’s nothing.  I think people here are my responsibility,” The trainer slings her bag over her shoulder.  “My dad owns the place anyway.”


Irene’s mouth forms an O at the new information.  She brushes off the displeasing feeling that she felt, maybe because she hoped, she assumed, the trainer’s actions were intentions of her own and not an obligation.  “Thank you, -?” The brunette takes her chance.


“Seulgi.  Kang Seulgi,” A charming smile creeps on the trainer’s face and Irene smiles back.


Mission accomplished.


“Thank you, Seulgi,” Irene gently says, eyes remain staring at the chocolate orbs.


“And you are?”


“Bae Irene,” she simply says with a nod to indicate her goodbye.


Irene starts her walk out the gym but the pain that she feels on her knee seemed to spread all over her leg.  Great. Now, I’m a clumsy limp.


She tries to hold in the pain as she continues her tracks but fails.


Could this day get any worse?


Unfortunately, yes.


Because for the second time, Irene trips and she squints her eyes expecting a painful collision with the floor.  But instead of feeling hard impact, she feels something secure her petite waist.


Irene opens her eyes to see arms latched on her to prevent her from the dreaded fall.  She feels Seulgi’s breath tickling the shell of her ear when she softly says, “Whoa there. I got you.”


And for the second time, Irene feels heat rise up her face as she tries to stand straight, fixing her composure, “T-thank you.”  Her confidence seemed to evaporate into thin air in a matter of seconds whenever the raven haired steps in her personal bubble.


“You’re gonna have hard time walking with that bruise on your knee,” Irene watches Seulgi with a confused look as the latter walks in front of her and crouches.  The trainer looks over her shoulder and points to her back with a smile, “Hop on.”


“N-No, no. That’s really not necessary.  I’m just going to call my friend to come over,” Irene quickly replies, afraid to burden the girl in front of her.  She fishes her phone out from her pocket but Seulgi’s voice stops her from doing so.




Irene disregards the flutter of her heart that was caused by the gentle voice she started to like.


“Irene, right?”  She gets a nod in response.  “Look, it’s getting late.  And I bet your friend is gonna take forever to come here.  I don’t want an injured pretty girl like you to be walking out alone because who knows what you might bump, or moreso, fall into.”


The brunette could only give out an embarrassed chuckle.


“I don’t mind being someone’s horse for a night,” Seulgi also lets out a chuckle.


Could you get anymore attractive?


Irene finds herself giving in to the offer, because how can someone refuse to their crush


She doesn’t forget to warn Seulgi how heavy she is as she hops on her back.  Seulgi thinks it’s funny how the petite girl on her back exaggerates on her weight when she’s as light as a toothpick.  Nevertheless, Seulgi jokes out an act that she does find Irene quite heavy and she earns herself a slap on the shoulder.


Irene mentally thanks God her apartment is only a 2 minute walk away from the building and she’s grateful that Seulgi is able-bodied to bring her home with no sweat.


They both stand by Irene’s doorway and Irene is sincere when she says, “Thank you so much, Seulgi.”


Seulgi smiles at the mention of her name.


“I don’t know how to repay you.” Irene shyly says.


The atmosphere turns quiet for a while and before she could stop herself, Seulgi finds herself saying, “I think I do.”


“Excuse me?”


Seulgi scratches the back of her neck, “I mean... how about coffee?”


“C-Coffee?”  Irene was taken aback for a second there.  Did she just hear what she wanted to hear?


“Do you mind if I take you out for coffee? Tomorrow maybe? Or some other time?  That’s if you want to go,” Seulgi gives out a nervous laugh, “’cause I’d really like to get to know you more.”


When Irene doesn’t respond, just two chocolate orbs staring back at her, Seulgi stutters between her words, “You know what? N-Nevermind, you probably got a boyfriend waiting for you in there.  I-I’ll just go back doing my thing while you... take care of yourself. He he.  See you... when I see you.” She awkwardly pats Irene’s head and turns to leave.


“Wait!” Irene sees the raven-haired turn around with hopeful eyes, “I-I’d really like that.”




Irene invites Wendy for a sleepover that night and the red head doesn’t give it a second thought as she now stands by Irene’s door, giving it a few knocks.


The door swings open and Wendy almost drops the Chinese food she brought along with her, “W-What the hell happened?!”


Irene’s cheerful smile instantly frowned, “What do you mean?”  She realizes she forgot the wounds she had given herself, thoughts preoccupied with Seulgi.  Her hand brings itself up to touch then soft cotton on her chin.  And the memory makes her unconsciously smile gleefully once again.


“Why do you look like someone had just beaten you up?!” The redhead mindlessly stares at Irene’s wounds and bruises as the two best friends walk in the apartment.


“Wendy! That’s not important right now!”  Irene pulls Wendy to settle on the couch as the latter places their dinner on the coffee table.  “Her name is Seulgi! Kang Seulgi!  And guess who got her number,” she gives her best friend a wink.


“Wow... I honestly never thought you had it in you, Bae,” Wendy’s response stretches Irene’s smile a little wider but it falters a second after when the redhead adds, “But did you really have to let someone beat you up for that?”


“Do I really look that bad?”  Irene pouts a little.


Wendy only laughs at her and asks, “But seriously what happened?”  She feeds her a little shrimp and Irene reluctantly eats it.


Irene slowly munches on the shrimp as she slumps on the couch.  She mutters the words, “I literally fell for her,” a little too softly but audible enough for the redhead to hear.


Irene looks at her best friend, waiting for a response.  A several blinks and Wendy only counters a roar of laughter that reverberates in her tiny apartment.


"Is your mind literally full of her, too?" Wendy pokes the little bump on Irene's forehead and the latter groans in pain.


"I guess so," Irene plays along with a pout and rubs her bruised forehead. Laughter is released from her lips and Wendy finds herself laughing along.










a/n: sdgfsdhsjdh idek what this is but i just really had the urge to update this oneshot collection.  i'd also like to give credits to this one. LOL

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1067 streak #1
Chapter 2: 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 3: hi! I really really love this one shots. Hope you make more of it.

I'm a camren shipper too. (before...)
Jensoo4everlove #3
Chapter 4: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1093599/4'>gym trainer</a></span>
Lmao 'Irene literally fell for her' was the best line
Existencyace #4
I like the humor that you put into the story,it actually is hilarious and its not even over-dramatic (which lemme say that you make me laugh without even trying too much lol) ... Plus, your writing style is also good and easy to read,but not to the point that it got boring... I just want to appreciate your work so here's a bit of my review, 10/10~
Chapter 3: I wish i can give you a thousand upvotes!
Chapter 3: Yeah i like this story so i'm giving you an upvote XD
Chapter 1: Ohhmygod this is so cute makes me want to find girlfriends LMAO
Chapter 2: I upvoted for the Kiss Cam chapter.
Chapter 2: MY GOODNESS THE KISS CAM IS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE DAMN AND THE DHNWHXMSJDJ okay I have no words your oneshots are cool thats all hehe
ramennn #10
Chapter 4: oh my god i just cant these one shots are so cute please keep on making more author!! ❤❤❤