
Before Anyone Else

a/n: this was originally a camren (my ex ship) oneshot that i wrote. i decided to turn this into seulrene bc why not? haha




It was 1 in the morning when Seulgi finally decided to go back home from Mijoo’s reunion party.  Ever since she saw Mijoo, her college best friend, at a local bar, the two have kept in touch and have been unbreakable, bringing back their close bond just like the old days.  The two enjoyed each other’s company but a certain someone certainly disapproves of their close relationship.


Seulgi quietly entered her apartment and placed her car keys on the kitchen counter.  She slowly but surely opened the bedroom door, careful not to wake her girlfriend up.  Seulgi knows that if Joohyun was still awake, a whole meaningless argument would happen again. It always happens when Mijoo’s involved.


Seeing that Joohyun was comfortably asleep, back facing her, Seulgi climbed in their shared bed after changing her clothes. She wrapped her arms around her girlfriend’s waist, smelling her scent.  She smiled in contentment and kissed her girlfriend’s shoulder. 


Seulgi loved all of Joohyun and she doesn’t understand why Joohyun gets so jealous when Seulgi was obviously whipped for her, even Joohyun’s best friends couldn’t deny the fact.  Seulgi brushed off the thought and closed her eyes, drifting off to dreamla-


“Where have you been?” Joohyun spoke, startling the raven haired girl at her back.


“Uhh... from a party,” Seulgi replied, staying in place.


Joohyun got up and sat on the bed to face Seulgi, “Seulgi...” she started, furrowing her eyebrows.  She knew Seulgi wasn’t telling her something.  She wanted more information.


“I swear it’s just a college reunion party.  I had a few drinks and that’s it,” Seulgi sighed heavily, burying her head deeper on the pillow and closed her eyes.  She was exhausted but she knew a jealous Joohyun was starting up so she reached for girlfriend’s hand and gently held it, eyes still closed.


“At Mijoo’s?” Joohyun questioned.  She knew there had to be a Mijoo in the story.  There had always been a Mijoo in the story.  And she hated the thought of her.  Joohyun gritted her teeth.


“Mhmm,” Seulgi mumbled, trying not to make a big deal out of it because she was sure as hell her girlfriend would.


Joohyun pulled her hand away from Seulgi’s, causing the younger girl to open her eyes.


Seulgi only giggled in amusement. “My girlfriend is so cute,” she thought, staring at Joohyun’s grumpy face. “Hyun-ah, it’s not a big deal,” Seulgi bit her lip to control herself from smiling because she knew it would only make Joohyun angrier but she couldn’t help but see how cute her grumpy jealous girlfriend looks right now.


Joohyun rolled her eyes.  “You’re not sleeping here tonight,” she said seriously and pulled the pillow from under Seulgi’s head.


“Are you being serious right now?” Seulgi only laughed and sat up.


“Yes,” Joohyun stood up, holding the pillow tightly in her arm, and pointed to the bedroom door, “Get. Out.”


“This is my room too, you know?”


Joohyun glared at her in reply.


Seulgi just stared at her cute girlfriend. Joohyun shifted her eyes from Seulgi to the door and back to the chocolate orbs.  “Okay you know what? Fine,” Seulgi stood up in defeat.  See how whipped she was?  She didn’t want to cause more drama in the situation.  The younger one walked to the door as Joohyun followed to lead her out. Seulgi stopped her tracks right outside the bedroom door and faced Joohyun, “Can I at least get a goodnight kiss?” she pouted.


Joohyun looked at her girlfriend with an annoyed expression. “No,” she simply said and shut the door.


Seulgi scoffed and walked to the living room couch. “If I wake up with neck cramps, I’m blaming you!” she said aloud, making sure that the blonde in the other room could hear her.


No reply.


“A pillow would be nice!” Seulgi sat on the couch and tried to find a comfortable position to sleep.  All of a sudden, the bedroom door opened and a pillow went flying across the room and landed on the floor, ending with the door shut closed again.  The raven haired girl smiled in satisfaction seeing the pillow. ‘She still loves me,’ Seulgi smiled at the thought. She picked it up and placed it on the side of the couch.  She lied down comfortably and dozed off to slumber.




Seulgi woke up with her eyes squinted to avoid the bright sunlight beaming through the window.  She shifted on the couch and stretched. Warmth filled her body and she wondered why she hasn’t woken up in the middle of the night, freezing.


The raven haired girl looked down and found out that she was wrapped by a blanket. Joohyun must have tucked her in it while she was asleep.  Seulgi smiled enthusiastically at the thought of her sweet and caring girlfriend.


Seulgi decided to prepare Joohyun her favourite breakfast in return of the thoughtful gesture done. She excitedly walked to the kitchen and gathered the ingredients for the pancake recipe.  After cooking pancakes, she made sure to add Joohyun’s favourite topping: sliced bananas. Seulgi smiled proudly at her finished product and made the table, placing her meal at the right while Joohyun’s is at the left.


The bedroom door opened and Seulgi turned around and watched Joohyun, already in her Starbucks barista uniform, walk towards the entrance door, not even bothering to notice Seulgi’s presence. Seulgi stopped her in her tracks, pulling her by the arm. Joohyun looked at her blankly.


“I made you breakfast,” Seulgi pointed at the table and forced a smile, seeing Joohyun’s upset look.  She noticed the her swollen eyes. Had Joohyun been crying?


“I’m late for work. Have to go. Sorry,” Joohyun hurriedly said and turned around, releasing Seulgi’s grip on her arm.


“Hey- wait,” the raven haired spoke and Joohyun turned around, raising her eyebrows.  Seulgi leaned in for a kiss but right when she was about to, Joohyun swiftly looked to the side, receiving Seulgi’s kiss on her cheek.


And there she left the apartment without a word.


Seulgi sighed in frustration, running her hand through her hair.  ‘I’ve messed up big time.




It was already 6’o clock in the evening when Joohyun arrived back home.


“Hey babe,” Seulgi turned her head from the tv screen to her girlfriend walking to the kitchen. “Have you read my texts?” The raven haired girl might’ve sent Joohyun a few sweet messages from time to time.




Seulgi rolled her eyes and decided to follow the latter in the kitchen. “Need some help?” she asked as she watched the shorter one settle ingredients for dinner on the counter.


“I’m cooking tonight,” Joohyun sternly said, not even bothering to look at her.


“Are you sure you don’t need my help?”




After a few seconds of just standing and staring, Seulgi decided to just sit on one of the stools right around the kitchen counter and watch Joohyun do her thing.  She slouched down the counter and cupped her own face with her elbows supporting.  She was desperate for attention from her girlfriend.


Minutes passed and Seulgi breathed in the delicious smell of Joohyun’s cooking.  The raven haired girl seemed to notice Joohyun struggling to open a bottle of ketchup.  She raised an eyebrow and smirked.  She knew what was coming next. ‘She’s going to need my help sooner or later.


Joohyun groaned, not being able to open the ketchup bottle.  Her eyes met the brown ones but she swiftly looked away, still challenging to open up the bottle by herself.


Seulgi rolled her eyes yet again, and walked to Joohyun.  She lent out her hand, “Let me do it.”


“I can do it,” Joohyun didn’t need this right now.  She didn’t want to lower her pride and make a fool out of herself.  She twisted the bottle cap the hardest she could but to no avail. “I don’t need ketchup.”


“Don’t be so stubborn.  Ketchup has always been your secret ingredient,” Seulgi swooped the bottle from Joohyun’s hands and easily opened it, handing it back to Joohyun. But before the shorter girl could reach out to it, Seulgi tugged it back to herself, “Nope, not that easy.” She leaned to Joohyun and pointed to her own cheek, waiting for a kiss.


Joohyun groaned in irritation but gave in.  She quickly gave Seulgi a peck on the cheek and pulled the bottle from Seulgi’s hand, leaving Seulgi with a huge smile plastered on her face.




Dinner was silent.  Only the clacking of their utensils filled the room.  This wasn’t their usual dinner.  They would usually talk about how their day went or laugh about random things.  But Joohyun decided to stay quiet, obviously still bothered with what happened the other night and Seulgi knew that.  She just didn’t want to talk about it.  She didn’t want another fight to start again.


“How was work?” Seulgi finally decided to break the silence between them, finishing the last pieces of her meal.


Joohyun looked at her and before she could say a word, Seulgi’s phone went off.


“Sorry,” The raven haired pulled her phone from her pocket. Who could be calling her at this hour?




Of course it had to be her.  Way to make things worse.


Joohyun clearly saw the name flash on Seulgi’s phone screen. She rolled her eyes and dropped her utensils on the plate furiously.  She was tired of this.


“I’m not answering her,” The ringtone echoed the apartment.


“No one’s stopping you, Seulgi,” Joohyun deeply sighed.  She stood up and brought her plate to the kitchen sink.


Seulgi looked at her phone once more and declined the call instantly. She followed to the kitchen. “Hyun-“


“I’m jealous, okay?!” Joohyun faced her. 


Seulgi remained still, a short distance from the older one.


“...I’m jealous of how she gets to spend more time with you on your day offs because I’m at work. I’m jealous of how she makes you so incredibly happy.  It’s not that I don’t trust you it’s just that I’m supposed to make you happy.  That’s like my job.  I’m your girlfriend.  Then I come home exhausted from work just waiting to see you and...”


Seulgi can see the brown eyes starting to well up.


“And then you’re not there because apparently you’re at her place having fun.  So I just lie in bed and think of how much I miss spending time with you and-“


Seulgi silenced her with a tender kiss, hands cupping Joohyun’s face.  A tear escaped the older one’s eye.  And Seulgi carefully released from the kiss.


Joohyun sighed. “Am I boring you, Seulgi?” she asked, insecurity visible in her voice.  Another tear rolled down her cheek.


Seulgi looked at her girlfriend in disbelief, “Hyun-ah, don’t you ever think that way because you don’t see me staring at you, hearing me say how beautiful you are and you don’t see how my face lights up when I listen to you talk about how your day went and you can’t feel my heart flutter every time we kiss,” she wipes Joohyun’s tears using her thumb, “And most certainly, you don’t hear me brag about you to Mijoo and  all my other friends, telling them I’m so happy that I get to call you mine and wake up with you by my side.”


Joohyun finally gave Seulgi a subtle smile, that little thing that the raven haired girl missed seeing.


Dark brown eyes continued to stare at the other lovingly, “Babe, there’s seriously nothing to be jealous about. No one else can make me happier than you do.  Remember that.  And I’m sorry if it seemed that way or if I wasn’t able to notice how this was affecting you. But Hyun-ah, Mijoo has a boyfriend. And I have you.  And I already like it that way.”


Joohyun got lost in the chocolate orbs in front of her for a while then muttered a hushed “I hate you” before wrapping her arms around Seulgi’s waist and intertwining both her hands together.


“No you don’t,” The taller one chuckled and continued to wipe the tears rolling down her girlfriend’s face with her thumbs. “Now, stop with the tears.  I hate seeing my princess cry.”


Joohyun smiled and leaned in, bringing their lips together.  Seulgi reciprocated the kiss gently.  It was slow and they both felt the butterflies in their stomach.


Joohyun slowly detached her lips from Seulgi’s.  Their foreheads touched, “I love you.”


“I know,” Seulgi smirked and Joohyun rolled her eyes and hit her in the arm.  She flinched and brought her hand to the source of pain. Nevertheless, Seulgi gave out a laugh, “But I love you more.”


The shorter one bit her lip.  She draped her arms around Seulgi’s neck and gave the raven haired one more peck on the lips.


“So, what else are you doing tonight? Besides me?”  Seulgi asked jokingly. 


Joohyun gave her a punch on the stomach in return.









a/n: if you liked this, give me an upvote maybe? :)

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1063 streak #1
Chapter 2: 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 3: hi! I really really love this one shots. Hope you make more of it.

I'm a camren shipper too. (before...)
Jensoo4everlove #3
Chapter 4: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1093599/4'>gym trainer</a></span>
Lmao 'Irene literally fell for her' was the best line
Existencyace #4
I like the humor that you put into the story,it actually is hilarious and its not even over-dramatic (which lemme say that you make me laugh without even trying too much lol) ... Plus, your writing style is also good and easy to read,but not to the point that it got boring... I just want to appreciate your work so here's a bit of my review, 10/10~
Chapter 3: I wish i can give you a thousand upvotes!
Chapter 3: Yeah i like this story so i'm giving you an upvote XD
Chapter 1: Ohhmygod this is so cute makes me want to find girlfriends LMAO
Chapter 2: I upvoted for the Kiss Cam chapter.
Chapter 2: MY GOODNESS THE KISS CAM IS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE DAMN AND THE DHNWHXMSJDJ okay I have no words your oneshots are cool thats all hehe
ramennn #10
Chapter 4: oh my god i just cant these one shots are so cute please keep on making more author!! ❤❤❤