You'll Be Who You'll Be

What's The Point

A/N: Wow, it's been a while! So, this is the last chapter of this story. I really hope that you'll like it, but if you don't then I am open to rewriting it. The reason it took me so long to finish this story is because I had major writer's block and I had no idea where I was going with this story. Feedback is always appreciated and I am really thankful for you guys being so patient with me! Once again, I am so sorry that it took me so long to update!!



All of the boys were startled by Chanwoo's outburst, shocked at how their maknae thinks of himself. Their precious maknae thinks that he isn't good enough to be apart of iKon and they were saddened at how much hatred Chanwoo felt for himself. Chanwoo had been suffering the whole time he's been apart of iKon and none of them had even noticed, and the one time that Chanwoo speaks his mind, he is yelled at by the people who are supposed to be his brothers, by the people who are supposed to protect him. 

Before anyone can even think about how they're going to fix this problem, Hanbin runs over to the bathroom door and starts to beg Chanwoo to open the door. Hanbin is apologizing and begging and all he hears from the other side of the door are sobs and small, broken whimpers that are coming from their maknae. 

"Hanbin hyung, there's no r-reason for you to be a-apologizing. None of you did any-anything, it was all my fault," is the first thing the boys hear after sitting outside the bathroom door for an hour listening to Chanwoo cry. Chanwoo's stuttered apology quickly follows, "I-I-I'm sorry hyungs," and then more sobs quickly follow. They can hear Chanwoo choking on his own breath, unable to get a decent amount of oxygen in his lungs because of how hard he's crying, and they're all starting to panic now. 

"Chanwoo, listen to hyung, you need to breath. You need to calm down and take deep breaths. In and out, in and out. Can you do that for me?"

Jinhwan hears Chanwoo try to do as he asked him to do but he can tell that the maknae is struggling. The youngest is panicking and he's devastated and he's trying so hard to at least do one thing right, but the weight of the situation that he's in and the chest crushing guilt he feels over what he said to his hyungs is starting to sink in and now he's really panicking. The boys know that if they don't get in the bathroom with Chanwoo quick, that the panic attack is only going to worsen, and there's no telling what he'll do if he's by himself when that happens.

Jiwon looks at Jinhwan, then Hanbin, and then speaks to Chanwoo, "Hey Chan, can you unlock the door for hyung? I know you're having trouble breathing and I also know that you think we hate you and that we're mad at you, but we're not. Sure, we were at first, but we didn't know how much this has been hurting you. We didn't know how much you were hurting, baby, otherwise we would have talked to you about this sooner. We know you don't get a whole lot of lines, in fact, we know you feel lucky when you at least get 2 lines; but, you gotta know that there will be other songs and there will be other albums, but there will never be another you. If we lose you, then there is no iKon. So, can you unlock the door for us, please? We're not mad at you or disappointed in you, we love you! Please open the door!"

Not even a second after Bobby's little speech and the door to the bathroom is creaking open, the boys push the door open quickly before rushing in and breaking down at the sight of their maknae. Chanwoo's beautiful face is covered in snot and tears, his eyes are red and puffy, his hair is a wild mess, and the sobs he's letting out are wracking his body, but he still looks just as beautiful as he did when they first met him. They may not have liked him that much when YG introduced him, but now he's grown on all of them and none of them could imagine the group without him. Especially Hanbin.

Hanbin is on his knees in front of Chanwoo the minute he gets in the bathroom, Hanbin is the youngest member's face and neck and hair and trying to comfort the sobbing boy. Hanbin gets Chanwoo to look him in the eye and to follow his breathing and when the boy is finally calmed down he starts apologizing more. Chanwoo is quickly hushed by all of the older boys before he even gets to his second apology. They're all just glad that he's finally calm, that he's stopped crying, and they're all on him in a second. They're pressing kisses to his face and covering him in hugs, and all Chanwoo can think is why he was ever given such amazing hyungs. 

After they finally get out of the bathroom and sit down in the living room to talk, the boys tell Chanwoo that it doesn't matter how many lines he has or how good he's not, all that matters is what kind of person he is: and whatever kind of person he turns out to be, they will be by his side and they will support him the whole way.

Later that night, after lots of group talking and hugging, Hanbin pulls Chanwoo aside and what Chanwoo expects to be a stern talking to actually turns out to be a kiss. Pressing their lips together in a quick kiss, Hanbin holds Chanwoo as if he's breakable, and maybe he is or maybe he isn't but whatever Chanwoo is at least he has s there with him to help him figure it out.

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Chapter 4: awwww didnt expect this...
good job author-nim
Chapter 4: aww what a sweet ending i liked it :)
natsumikan_luv #3
Good story~
Chapter 4: that chanbin was so unexpected LOL but still love it <3 c;
Bella2298 #5
Chapter 4: This is lovely :)
zeiya0653 #6
Chapter 4: Love this ;D
annethundr05 #7
Chapter 4: I really like that. I know the tags said Chanwoo & Hanbin, but my BobChan heart was really happy this chapter. I love Bobby & Chanu so yeah. Also love his speech, & that he knows Chanu feels lucky too get the few lines he does, but that there will be other chance's, but he's irreplaceable, there won't be another him. Touching end, to a good fic.
Mayu0514 #8
I liked the ending!!
Mayu0514 #9
I liked the ending!!