the friendly phase

the third wheel
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                     The festival ended smoothly and then her life was back to normal, without Sehun or Areum or any other committee matters. And now, it’s Christmas time. While other people was busy exchanging presents and spending time with their partner, there she was on her bed, staring at her ceiling with random thoughts on her mind. To say that she was sad and alone was not really true, she has her girlfriends who would be just one call away.

           She replayed the events that happened in her school life so far. The upcoming year would be her final year in high school and she couldn’t be patient enough to leave all those painful memories of rejections in high school. One couldn’t blame herself, though, it’s just in her nature to confess to her crush and bam! Get rejected over and over again. She took her phone and check the time, it was already 12 o’clock sharp. Guess she could just spend the eve night talking to her friends on the phone, huh?

           The first one on her mind is Wendy. She smiled as she scrolled through her contacts and waited for Wendy to pick up the call. Soojin’s smile faltered as she grew anxious when her supposedly bestfriend was not answering her call. Then she was greeted by the voicemail operator. She huffed and called her again. And surprise, surprise. Wendy still didn’t pick up the call. Before Soojin could think of the worst case scenario, her phone chimed. She quickly opened the text and rolled her eyes at herself for being stupid for the thought that didn’t ever cross her mind.

From : Wendy

Hey Soojin. Sorry I can’t pick up your call. I’m currently with Taehyung. I’ll call you later, kay?

          Ah, the feeling of betrayed by your own friend. She sighed as she once again scrolled through her contacts, looking for a friend who she can talk to. Seulgi? Nahh, she’ll be busy with her family. Being the oldest daughter in her family, she has to take care of her siblings’ welfare since their parents are apparently too busy working. What about Irene? Hm maybe no. She is a good friend of course, but she’s not into talking. Weird, I know, but that’s how she is and we’re cool.

           Then, her eyes glued on a name which she never ever had the chance to talk to after the festival ended. They were friends, right? So, it wasn’t completely weird to wish him Merry Christmas, right? Even though he was already in a relationship, right? Friends do wish each other, right? Without further thoughts and more inner conflicts, she tapped the green button beside his name.

           It rang twice. Thrice. And till the seventh ring, she was convinced he was busy with other matters, or perhaps specifically Areum. When she was about to end the waiting, a voice greeted her from the other side of the line.

           “Oh, hello Sehun. Ah- um, I just want to say uh, say, eh no, wish. Yeah, wish. Hmm, I just want to wish you merry, uh, Merry Christmas?” she immediately face palmed herself after she finished talking. She fanned herself as she blushed furiously as she never ever in her life was this awkward with someone else. And it seemed like Sehun had the same thought as her when he guffawed at her.

           “Soojin, oh my god, is this Soojin? Or were you possessed by the evil ghost that had been living in your attic? Ah, or maybe you were abducted and now you’re scared less?” he asked sarcastically and Soojin swore she could hear the grin on his face.

           “Well, sorry to disappoint you, Enid Blyton. It seems like I am Soojin and I’m perfectly fine in my house, thank you,” she replied sweetly with sarcasm dripping in her tone.

           “This is the Soojin I know. What’s with the stuttering, lady? You got a crush on me, don’t you?” he chuckled as he joked. Then, it was Soojin’s turn to guffaw like there’s no tomorrow.

           “Me? A crush? On you? Ha, you wish, mister. Never in this life nor forever after. Besides, if I do have a crush on you, I won’t stand a chance against Areum, right?” she retorted back with a mischievous grin on her face. Well, if she’s gonna talk to him, better she took the opportunity to know about the juicy details of Sehun and Areum’s relationship. All she knew was both of them liked each other yet they weren’t officially a couple. Since dating is prohibited in their school, so their kind of relationship was definitely a norm in the school.

           “Areum? What’s with her?”he asked back, feigning innocence. If she didn’t knew any better, she would have fell right into his lie.

           “Stop hiding it, lover boy. Everybody knows anyway, so tell me. Why were you so persistent on making me the postman between both of you? People wouldn’t question your responsibility, would they?” Soojin asked.

           “There’s nothing between us. It’s as simple as I like her and she likes me back. That’s all. And the reason why I asked for your help is, uh, you know how loud my friends can be right? They could make the matter worse in just seconds,” he explained while purposely emphasizing on the word ‘asked’. Asked, my . You freaking ordered me!

           “Oh. And Areum hates the publicity or?”

           “You know how she is. She likes keeping things simple and quiet. Unlike you, noisy and loud all day,” he said sweetly but with sarcasm at the end of his sentence.

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Chapter 1: Uuuuuuuuuu
Chapter 1: The first chapter seems promising! :)