Time for a Plan

Kiss Me.


Dongwoo woke slowly from his nap, he had the feeling someone was in his presences and the first thing he saw when his eyes were fully open was Myungsoo's beautiful sleeping face. He smiled wide thinking "even when he's asleep...always a pokerface." Dongwoo's smile faded as his eyes flowed to the younger's lips. He admired them. The way they had a pink glow to them in the dark, the way they curved...and the way they felt on his. It brought back memories of when he kissed myungsoo about a year ago.



Myungsoo sat alone biting the inside of of his cheek. "Heyheyhey L~" Dongwoo chimed as he plopped down next to his dongsaeng. Myungsoo stayed quite and looked at Dongwoo. 
myungsoo gulped and mustered up some strength. "umm, can we experiment for a minute?"
"depends~" Dongwoo looked at L with curious eyes.
"..can i kiss you?" Myungsoo felt weird asking him and hoped Dongwoo didnt hear him ask. 
Dongwoo shrugged "sure, why?" Myungsoo was surprised he actually said yes 
"well it's just i've never had my first REAL kiss and i'm curio-" Myungsoo was caught off guard by Dongwoo's lips pressed against his, Myungsoo's eyes closed and his hand cupped Dongwoo's cheek. Dongwoo trailed his tongue along the younger's bottom lip, Myungsoo gave his hyung entrance and soon their tongues were dancing together. Dongwoo pulled away and put his forehead to Myungsoo's. 
"how was that?" Myungsoo stayed silent,his cheeks burning red. Dongwoo gave a small smile and began to get up.
"wasn't long enough." Myungsoo grabbed Dongwoo's shirt pulling him into another kiss.


Dongwoo laughed softly at remembering the moment but his laughter was cut off by the sound of his door opening. He turned to see who had come in, the light burning his eyes. Myungsoo rose from his spot. "oh annyeong hyung~" he said passing the leader a smile. Sunggyu didnt smile. He was jealous. He hated seeing someone else laying next to Dongwoo. Dongwoo noticed his expression. 
"time to eat." The leaser said bitterly. Myungsoo passed him a confused look towards his hyung. Sunggyu left without another word. Dongwoo laughed while myungsoo looked at him confused still half asleep. 
"hes jealous!" Dongwoo was somewhat happy but still wasnt satisfied. He turned to Myungsoo. "myungsoo.." 
"neh hyung?"
"lets have fun with this!" Dongwoo sat up looking at Myungsoo
"eh?!" the younger said surprised. "what do you mean?" Dongwoo smirked and kissed Myungsoo's lips. Myungsoo pulled away and smiled. "make him even more jealous?" Dongwoo nodded, but noticed Myungsoo's smile faded. Dongwoo sighed and touched Myungsoo's hand. 
"We'll let Hoya in on everything if it makes-" Myungsoo kissed Dongwoo but dongwoo pulled away confused. 
"we might as well get used to it...maybe i could make Hoya jealous too." Myungsoo gave Dongwoo a soft smile. Myungsoo took the older male's hand "let's go jagiya~ dinner's ready" 





IS IT TOO SHORT?! i'm sorry if it is. 

do you like the dongsoo?! i find this couple cute as well. 

also a bit of foreshadowing of some myungya~~~~~

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Chapter 4: Oh gosh! Stop hurting my poor baby. Dongwoo, what are you doing, you stupid _____ moron? Just grab him and kiss him already. ITS NOT THAT HARD!
ThinkPinkTink #2
Hope you update soon! This is so good :)
oh my i cant make up my mind! truthfully i ship dongwoo with any infinite members except for hoya. i dont hate the latter though. and the dongsoo mmts are just too...idk yummy? but then i like the donggyu in this fic too! i just cant paudmpgjajtdm ><
anws, will wait patiently for your updates =D
omg omg OMG !!!!!! >_<
what the you thinking you're doing Dongwoo ?!
kissing myungsoo like that !
you broke Gyu hearts !!!!!!!!!!
now, all the T-rex in the world , i demand you to chase and EAT that gorgeous DinoWoo ...
update soon, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee *puppy eyes*
nopethankyoubye #5
omg omg OMG!!<br />
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Noooo ! Dammit dammit but sstill DongSoo/DongGyu/MyungYa can't they just have a foursome? they are all so cute together !? Aish
asdfghjkl;lkjhgfdsasdfghjklkjhgfds I CAN'T DECIDE!!!!! DongSoo or DongGyu.......can't it be DongGyuSoo???? HNNNGGGGGG<br />
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Lovely, please update soon <333
OMG DongSoo is beautiful kekeke they've been really active also, there's this beautiful DongSoo pic on tumblr, aiigooo MyungSoo looks like he's seducing Dongwoo in it kekeke!<br />
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LOVE IT! Keep Updating please!!
Oh My~ I love it... :) Please continue~ DongGyu!!!~
YES YES YES!!! Continue pleaseeeeee!!!!!! I beg you!!!<br />
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Lately GyuDong/DongGyu is just sooooo active <3333