Ahn TaeKyung (Leo)

... CODE-5 ... (Apply is now Closed)

Ahn TaeKyung

Main Rapper, Sub-Dancer



Age: 20
Nationality: Korean
Height: 174cm
Weight: 57 kg

Orientation: Biual
Languages: Korean, English, Mandarin

Congrats to --turtles!


TaeKyung was hungry. Hauling himself off the floor, he walked over to his bag and started pawing through it for the package of crackers he knew he’d packed that morning As he searched  he could still hear the three youngest trainees talking about SungHoon behind him.

“Do you think hyung’s in trouble?” one of the boys wondered out loud.

“I don’t know,” said the elder of the three, lying down on the floor and stretching out with a sigh. “It doesn’t really matter anyways. It’s none of our business.”

“Well aren’t you curious hyung?”

“Not enough to keep talking about it,” was the reply.

Normally TaeKyung would have jumped right into the center of the conversation but at the moment the prospect of food was keeping him occupied. Finally finding his snack, he gave an excited yelp and held it the package up in triumph. Tearing the the wrapper open with his teeth, he eagerly stuffed some into his mouth and sat down by the window happily.

“Leo hyung?” came a small voice from behind him. Turning, he gave a chipmunk-cheeked smile as the maknae of the group approached. “Yeah?” he mumbled, a few crumbs falling from his mouth and into his lap.

“I’m hungry, do you have any more food?” the maknae asked, giving TaeKyung some of what could easily be the cutest aegyo he’d ever seen.

Leo looked down at the snack he was holding. Truthfully, it was his last one but he felt like he should be a good hyung and share with the skinny little trainee. “Uh,” he hesitated. Food was one of his favorite things and as much as he wanted to be nice he also really didn’t want to give up his snack. He looked down, thinking how he could get out the situation before breaking of the tiniest piece he could without it looking too stingy. “Here you go.”

The boy’s face lit up. “Thank you hyung!”

Swallowing his mouthful he nodded and began to skip circles around the seated members. Rarely was he ever one to sit still and if they weren’t going to practice they might as well have some fun. “Let’s play a game!”

Two of the three looked up at him with interest. “What game hyung?”

Still jumping about he smiled widely. “Let’s make it up as we go! No rules. Or maybe we should make rules. No, wait- no rules is better.”

“How on earth do you have so much energy left even after practice?” asked the last boy left on the floor.

“Just do,” shrugged Leo spinning in circles across the room. He wasn’t really paying attention to where he was going and when the door swung open he nearly crashed into JangMi who looked surprised to see him standing there.

“Ahn TaeKyung?”

“Oh, that’s me!” he exclaimed, waving his hand brightly. She laughed a little at his enthusiasm. “Well then TaeKyung, would you mind coming with me please.”

He nodded, following her out the door and waving goodbye to the group. “Don’t be too bored now, I’ll be back soon!”

JangMi walked ahead of him, smiling as the boy tagged along beside her chatting the entire way.

“Noona, where are we going? Is it a surprise? Is it a good surprise? Will I like it? Noona why aren’t you telling me.”

“You’ll know soon TaeKyung,” she told him with a smile. “There’s someone special waiting for you in here.” She held a door to one of the conference rooms as he scurried inside. She lingered by the door, counting down in her head for the reaction.

“Oh,KyuJong sunbae!” he half-shouted. Turning to the door he looked at her with wide eyes and whispered rather loudly. “Noona, it’s KyuJong sunbae.”

KyuJong laughed with her and pulled out a chair. “Come have a seat TaeKyung.”

“You can call me Leo- or TaeKyung. Either’s fine really sunbae. What are you doing here? I just saw the pictures from the shoot with YoungSaeng sunbae- so cool!”

The singer nodded, leaning back as TaeKyung sat down, drumming his hands on the table happily. “Now here’s something I need to tell you but you have to just listen, ok? You’re going to have plenty of time to ask me all the questions you want after we’re done. Sound good?”

“Sounds great sunbae!”

“Ok, first of you can call me hyung. And second-”

“Oh hyung! Can I call YoungSaeng sunbae hyung too?”

By now, KyuJong had decided to simply continue before the kid went absolutely nuts. He figured it was best to get straight to the point. “TaeKyung, congratulations! You’ve been selected to be a part of a new group named Code5!”

“I am!?!?” He shrieked, jumping off his chair and running around to stand next to the older man. “What’s Code5 stand for hyung?”

“Chasing One Dream Eternally as 5.”

“Oooh,” TaeKyung paused for a moment, pondering that statement. Only for a brief moment though before he went right back to his hyper self.  “Will we really be idols forever hyung?”

“With any luck you will,” he replied letting the boy enjoy the moment. “But listen TaeKyung, you have to try really hard not to let this slip to the other members until they know.”

“The guys in my practice group? I get to be in Code5 with them?”

“Yes. And I’m going to be your mentor.”

“You are?” he asked incredulously. Things were just getting better by the second it seemed.

“I am, and I’m really looking forward to it. Let’s work hard and become closer, alright?” KyuJong asked giving the boy another smile.

“Yes hyung!” he promised, eyes shining brightly. He was so excited about everything he just had been told. First he got to be part of a group, then he got to have KyuJong as his mentor, and lastly his trainee group was going to now be his new family.

“Good, now go back to the practice room and gather your things. Then go home and pack because you move into the Code5 dorm tomorrow. I’ll be at the trainee dorm by 9:00 to help you with your things.”

“A new dorm too? I’m so happy hyung!”

Kyu patted him on the head which made TaeKyung shiver with happiness. He couldn’t believe he was finally on his way to debut.

“Now don’t tell the others, remember?” KyuJong said, looking at him amusedly.

“I promise!”

The singer didn’t look like he believed him and with good reason- TaeKyung could already feel the urged to run off to the practice room and spit out all the happy things he’s just heard but he was so pleased to have KyuJong as his mentor that he made a resolution not to let him down.

“I really won’t!” he said, pouting and turning on the aegyo charm that all the girls seemed to love. KyuJong’s lips twitched into a smile at his cute face and he couldn’t help but to give in to the boy.

“I believe you. Now get going!”

Nodding, TaeKyung scampered off to the hall before skidding to a halt and running back inside the conference room.

KyuJong looked surprised at his sudden return.

“Hyung, will we be able to meet noonas?” TaeKyung blurted hopefully.

“Which noonas”

“SNSD noonas- or WonderGirls noonas, or maybe 2NE1 noonas?”

“Maybe,” KyuJong managed to say as he held back his laughter at the boys antics. “Now go pack.”

Leo thought for a moment and then smiled. That answer was almost as good as he could imagine. “Okay, thanks hyung!” He bowed quickly before dashing out the door again. He couldn’t wait to go home, to pack his things, and get ready for a new adventure.

Code5, here I come!



Member #2!
It's past midnight so I didn't update the applications/mentors page yet. I will tomorrow. Plus unni's planning on putting up the third member (mentored by Park JungMin) tomorrow.

Boy is TaeKyung opposite from SungHoon! keke ^^
But really I hope the teaser was to your liking. As always let me know if it's not and I'll change it.

Jal Ja-yo!


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I thought the interview was a success :D
Bur the ByunTae should've been a secret XD
That was sweet how GD came to visit baekwon during the promotion
Yay! Family time!
a promotion..
eah, seem.Baekwon is still feel uneasy with Byuntae..
aish.. BFF BaeShin..
i love this update...
want more...
what? President of 2 company?
Jeremie? gosh... big tension and stress..
but great to have hyung and noona care bout him..
Baeckwon, like2 your way to speak to him alone..
operation to make Jeremie better!!
Yay! I was so happy when I saw that this story was updated, I was like, "YEAH~!"
Operation feed the maknae ^^ Good luck with that
--runaway #6
oh my goodness two chapters in a day :O
poor jeremie, at least the members are trying to make him eat something.
Yay! They made up! Sunghoon is becoming a great leader! Almost everything is fine again...almost.
Jeremie, eat your food! You can't starve to death!
~sigh~ taekyung, baekwon and shinki has.caused. Huge mess. I hope they'll he able to work it out and watch what they do later in the future. Anyway, what's wrong with the maknae ? :(