Isn't that bad

Lucky With You


Chen was getting impatient.


It was exactly 20 minutes and 45 seconds ever since Baekhyun went to the bathroom and he isn't back yet which is absolutely weird because that puppy doesn't like staying in bathroom for long. And he was grumbling about how hungry he was earlier. 


Chen clicks his tongue as he looks at Kyungsoo who was still ogling at the magazine. He groans out of frustration and decides to check for Baekhyun because who knows maybe the pup was trapped inside a cubicle again which he wished not to happen. 


“Baekhyun why the hell are you taking so long in—” He was so surprise to the point he doesn't have anything to say anymore. 


Right on his face, he could see his bestfriend crying that made him sigh (because he already knew the reason why so panicking is not needed). His gaze fell to the other guy, who seems to be in panic. Park Chanyeol. 


“Umm..” Chanyeol doesn't also know what to say. He doesn't even know why the heck he was in this situation. He was just trying to find his phone in the bathroom because it's obviously missing and found out that it had been crashed by someone who looks familiar to him (Of course Baekhyun is his schoolmate but he doesn't recall) and to add that his phone had caused a lot of trouble to this familiar guy, who has a nosebleed right now. 


And this familiar guy is still crying that made him panicked and although he was way too far from being guilty, he couldn't help feeling one because of Baekhyun's continual stentorian crying—which is still unknown to him because he swore he didn't do anything that could make him cry or maybe he's at fault too because he's the owner of the phone who had brought misfortune to Baekhyun. 



The panic inside him increases when a short guy and also somewhat look familiar to him (because Chen is also his schoolmate but he also doesn't recall it so yeah, another familiar guy) walks toward them. He wasn't scared—well because he is obviously much taller than Chen but he was feeling a little bit of fear because he might be accused of making a little boy cry. 


“Hey I swear I didn't do anything wrong–” Chanyeol didn't finish his sentence anymore when the familiar guy smiled at him. Okay, he didn't expect that. He sorta thinks that maybe the short guy was going to pounce a fist at him even though he is so short but anyways, it's good he didn't. 

“Nah, it's okay.” Chen says as he briefly nods at him before pulling Baekhyun to his side and tilt his head upward to stop the bleeding. (Yup his nose is still bleeding incase you thought it has already stopped) 

Chanyeol just awkwardly stalls in there, struggling whether he should wait because he's partly at fault (which is totally not because it's entirely Baekhyun's fault for being clumsy and Chanyeol is just one of those kind and solicitous person existing), or go with his broken phone because he doesn't even needed here. 


The struggling didn't take much time because the short guy looked at him. “You can go now, Chanyeol. Umm...I apologize on behalf of my stupid friend.” Maybe Chanyeol just misheard the word 'stupid' and his name which is totally ridiculous but he didn't ask anymore and quickly bow to them. He takes a glance at Baekhyun who has stopped crying now but the soft sniffles are still there. “Are you okay?” 


Baekhyun didn't answer and averted his gaze away from him. 

Chanyeol bows again at Chen and smiles a little before pacing his way outside. Maybe that little cute guy already hates me huh. 





Well, Chanyeol thought wrong. 







Absolutely wrong. 


After Baekhyun heard the sound of the door closing, he quickly envelops his arms around Chen's body and Chen had already expected this. 





“Wow man, I knew you hit your face somewhere and made yourself look fool in front of your long time crush but I have never thought you would break his phone. And the fact that this is the first time you met him face to face. Wow.” Chen didn't help at all at the hysterical Byun Baekhyun. He just made him go hysterical even more. 


Baekhyun was crying earlier because of three reasons actually. Well first, because he was in pain. Second, Chanyeol had seen him like that. (He doesn't even want to think about that again because it would make him more embarrassed than he is now) The third was he felt guilty and embarrassed (he would feel embarrassed all the time throughout this story I guess) because he had broken his long time crush's phone. And Chanyeol doesn't know those because it doesn't seem like that to him anyway. 


Chen drags Baekhyun out of the bathroom and walks toward their table. 


Kyungsoo was smiling but when he saw the dispirited and crestfallen look of Baekhyun who was still swimming on his own misery, the smile on his face was immediately swept off by a worry one. “Baekhyun, honey! What happened?!” Do Kyungsoo didn't even think of their location before showing his other not-so-fond-of-Baekhyun's-existence form. Chen sighs. 


Baekhyun didn't respond for his soul is still missing. He just stand there, blankly. 


Kyungsoo glares at Chen, which he already expected because that happens a lot. “What the hell did you do to him Kim Jongdae?!”


Ohhh. Chen didn't like that. He didn't like that Kyungsoo purposely called him loud on his real name. 




Not my name. Argh. 



“Soo calm your —”



“I don't have any!”


Chen rolls his eyes at him. “Fine! Calm your balls, is that okay now?” 


Kyungsoo nods angrily at him. Chen groans. “It's not me! Will you please stop accusing me?”


Chen knew he got Kyungsoo there. Kyungsoo hates being accused of, so does he hates accusing others. 


It was good because even the usual stoically restrained man short for Chen, loses also himself when he's being called by his real name. Even he didn't think anymore about their location with lots of people staring at them. And it's all because of his real ing name. 


Kyungsoo casts his eyes onto the floor and murmurs a soft sorry. 


That seems to be the one that got Chen into his usual side again. Upon remembering that they are not on their respective houses (they always bicker around each other's houses), he swallows the lump on his throat. Some are whispering about him making the two idiots sad or whatever it was. 


“Umm...” why is it that he's feeling dejávù right now but this time, he was the one saying that word? 


He awkwardly smiled at them and pulled the two on each of his side to sit. He sighs in exhaustion as he pats the two kids' back. 


“Soo, I'm sorry... You see, Baekhyun is just fighting his own urge to jump in to a black hole and never come back because of the embarrassment he's feeling right now so I swear, he's going to be okay. So I think you should also be okay and–” you should be the one sugarcoating him right now “–help me regain our friend out of his weird and not-so-important misery.”


Kyungsoo is the one who always comfort Baekhyun when the pup experiences something unlucky and Chen will just watch there with sometimes worry etches on his face or throw a disgusted look because the both idiots are going over dramatic and cheesy sometimes–no, all the time actually. 



He isn't the one doing Kyungsoo's work because of so many reasons. One, he isn't sweet as Kyungsoo. Two, he isn't that kind of man who uses sweet words. Three, he needs a lot of affection to convince Baekhyun. Four, well simply he is not Kyungsoo! 

Well after all, convincing Kyungsoo is much easier than convincing the puppy beside him. If they are sad okay. It is the other way around when they are angry because Do Kyungsoo is such a beast when angry. (And Baekhyun never gets angry and just whines all the time which he cannot say if it's good or not)

Chen was staring at Kyungsoo with so full of hope plastered on his face. Please please please. It would be more difficult if Kyungsoo wouldn't be okay right here and then. 


He heard the sighing of Kyungsoo which gave him hope. "Fine then. You eat and I'll take care of this." 

Chen wanted to hug his friend but nah, hugging is not his style so he happily smiled at Kyungsoo before digging in the almost cold food. He just shrugs and continues to eat as he gazes at his two friends here and there. 


Kyungsoo sighed once more as he turned over to look at Baekhyun, who is still soulless. Whatever, even the soulless Baekhyun is still cute but my baby needs to smile right away or I'll make Chen pay the bill. Since Kyungsoo was sitting beside Chen and Baekhyun is infront of him, so instead of hugging him (which he badly wanted to do) he just held Baekhyun's hands. 


“Baek...what happened?” Kyungsoo smiles sweetly at him but his voice sounded so sincere and soft. Chen was just staring at them while eating.  (And secretly wondering why he couldn't do that)



Let's just say that Baekhyun is being melodramatic again right now but he just couldn't help it because he had never imagined his first meeting with his long time crush to be such as disaster. He wanted to bang his head or just throw himself at Han River to get rid of his bad luck once and for all. Chanyeol, the Park Chanyeol had seen him like that. The thought of Chanyeol might think that Baekhyun hates him never really crossed Baekhyun's mind because he was too engrossed in their epic first meeting and so. 


Baekhyun sniffs again before holding Kyungsoo's hands tightly. “S-soo...” Baekhyun is known for being a complete softy and one hell of a crybaby, his tears would come out anytime, like now. “Soo C-chanyeol saw me...He s-saw me like t-that...Soo what w-would I do...I've m-messed thinks I'm lame...Soo...” Baekhyun almost whispered his grievance to Kyungsoo (much to Chen's relief because Baekhyun isn't yammering or caterwauling whatsoever) but Chen is becoming worried for him because Baekhyun really looks hurt right now. 



Kyungsoo somehow got the point of what Baekhyun was saying as he nods softly at Baekhyun squeezing his hands to comfort him. He gently shushed him. “It's okay, Baek...He won't hate you.” Well Kyungsoo's saying the truth. No one would hate Byun Baekhyun because he is an adorable puppy that so cute and fluffy and Kyungsoo wouldn't run out of nice words to say about Baekhyun's existence. And if someone out there is stupid enough to hate Baekhyun, they're just a total and complete and Kyungsoo would make that someone rot in hell. (Kyungsoo isn't lying)



Chen is still staring at them. He wasn't that cold to let his friends starve while him, was eating happily so he takes a spoon of whatever he was eating and bring it to Kyungsoo's mouth which Kyungsoo has accepted immediately and continued to say soothing words at Baekhyun. Chen does that to Baekhyun who has also accepted it quickly. 


“Soo...I won't be able to show my face to him anymore...It's embarrassing... I—” Baekhyun took the spoon of food from Chen and chewed a little “—will remember that whenever I see him...”


Kyungsoo shook his head at him. “Chanyeol won't find it lame, Baek. It's okay. It's normal for a person to do embarrassing things infront of their special someone you know. It's perfectly normal.” Kyungsoo smiles sweetly at him and didn't see the disapproving look Chen was throwing him. 



Normal. Chen rolled his eyes. He would have agreed to him because he also believes some people tends to do embarrassing (and stupid) things whenever they are infront of their special someone. It is normal. But doing embarrassing (and stupid) things intentionally infront of your special someone is the one that isn't normal. Kyungsoo always does that and we don't even know why but I swear to hell that he's really strange...and creepy I say. Kyungsoo's situation was way too far from Baekhyun's because Baekhyun is just a natural clumsy kid and he has never really thought of embarrassing himself infront of his crush while Kyungsoo...well Kyungsoo is strange. 



Chen didn't think of seeing the soul of Baekhyun coming back to him. Besides being clumsy, Baekhyun is also a simple-minded guy. He almost, as in always, believes whatever Kyungsoo tells him. (Well he also believes Chen and as long as it's his friends, he'll believe them anyway)


“Really?” Chen also didn't see the sparks on Baekhyun's eyes and the sudden wagging of his invisible tail. He didn't see that. 


Kyungsoo nods at him, almost satisfied. Chen scoffs. "Dream on, Baekhyun. I bet Park Chanyeol is already laughing his off now at how lame you were earlier and he would always be reminded of that scene whenever he'll see you so I think you should bid your goodbye now at your long time crush." —IS what Chen really wants to say but he couldn't because he doesn't want to make Baekhyun sad again (not after he became so happy again) and being strangled by Do Kyungsoo is the last item on his cool-possible-reasons-of-death list. So the least thing he could do right now is scoff. 


Baekhyun smiles at them before eating on his own. “Well I guess it's okay then.” Then he’s back again at his usual bubbly self as if that earlier event didn’t happen at all.


Chen always right at not expecting just even a little at Baekhyun but he couldn't help but to face palm. 


He sighs inwardly as he shrugs. Well atleast they're fine now.




“Hey, sleepy-head.” 



“Wake the hell up Byun Baekhyun.” 



“Yah, don't make us late.” 



Baekhyun is bad at morning. He hates morning. And his bestfriend Kim Jongdae, doesn't respect that. He snatched the blanket away from Baekhyun that made the pup shivered and curled up like a ball. 


Baekhyun groans. He hates cold as well. “Five minutes...” 



“I've already given you enough time and the alarm I set again last night already rung ages ago and you didn't even woke again what the hell Baekhyun.” He can tell that Chen is pissed but he really can't separate his body to his bed right now. 


So as always, again and again, Chen pulls Baekhyun by the hand out of his own bed and drags him inside the bathroom. 


He always do these things. By these, it means; wake Baekhyun if his mother isn't around (his mother's work is always early and she would always call Chen to come over to wake his son), make him a breakfast if they're still not late (which is rare so he would just toast a bread for him like now), dry his hair (that would lead Baekhyun falling asleep again) and so many things that would make Chen like Baekhyun's second mother. It's not that he's complaining though. Taking care of Baekhyun is generally one of his routines since he was born. “If you won't hurry, I'll barge in and I'll be the one who will give you bath.” Annoyance is visible on Chen's tone.



“Yes please...” Baekhyun lazily says as a hint of sleepiness on his voice. 


Chen rolls his eyes. Doing those things except for helping him bath because even a mother doesn't do that with her eighteen-year-old son who acts like a goddamn seven. 





“I don't want to go to my next class.” Baekhyun nuzzles his face at Kyungsoo's shoulder as he wails his body. It's because of his bad luck that his next class, which is History, is different from Chen and Kyungsoo's. It's their last year on highschool and he is so really unlucky to be separated from his bestfriends in one subject. 


“You always say that. Move on, dude.” Chen casually says. It's been two months since they have started their year 12 and every time that subject comes, Baekhyun would always whine at Kyungsoo about not wanting to go to his class without them. And Baekhyun hasn't moved on from that ever since although he has his own friends there with his separate class. 


Kyungsoo hushed Chen and Baekhyun glares at Chen, not even close in an intimidating way. (Kyungsoo says that it's more in a cute way)


“Don't dude me!”


Chen grins at him. “Wae? Aren't you a dude?”



“I am! But don't call me that!”




Baekhyun only groans and Chen laughs at him. Baekhyun is fine at calling him dude, Chen is the only exception (Kyungsoo never calls him dude because according to him, Baekhyun is too adorable to be called dude. Kyungsoo is ed up, deal with him please). Baekhyun doesn't want his bestfriends calling him dude well simply because, they are bestfriends. Simple as that. What do you expect? 

“Come on. Let's go to our class. Soo, let's go.” Chen emphasizes the word our to tease Baekhyun more.



Baekhyun just pouts at Chen. Kyungsoo gave him a sweet smile before walking with Chen with the other direction. He couldn’t help feeling sad but anyway, he also started to walk because he doesn’t want to be late in class.



On the way to his class, he was really feeling sad with his shoulders drooping, lips slightly pouting and eyes casting downward. “Why am I in the separate class anyway… It’s all that teacher’s fault that I’m here all alone..”  He murmurs nonstop.



So anyway, I’m sure you all know what’s going to happen next. And if your hunch is that he’s going to trip again, then you are correct. But this time, instead of falling face first or maybe first again on the floor, he didn’t. He was caught by a large masculine hands.



Baekhyun lifts his head and shock was written all over his face. He recovered yesterday but he didn’t say that if it happens again, he would recover again because being seen of doing embarrassing and stupid things by your crush twice is honestly not recoverable. He had enough of yesterday and now it’s happening again.



Because Chen and Kyungsoo are not here, he readied himself for running but Chanyeol holds his left harm tightly that made Baekhyun blush.



“Are you okay?”



Baekhyun doesn’t know what to do. They haven’t had the chance to talk properly yesterday because well, he was too shocked and embarrassed. His heartbeat is undoubtedly fast and his face is red as tomato right now. He was mentally screaming Kyungsoo and Chen’s name for help.



Chanyeol sensed that maybe Baekhyun really hates him as he sighs. “Look…ummm…” He was also a bit surprise that this cute little guy is his schoolmate, that’s why he looked so familiar. “I’m sorry for what happened—”






Chanyeol was taken aback at Baekhyun’s sudden shriek. Baekhyun bit his lip hard. He didn’t mean to shout. Of course he didn’t! He just doesn’t want Chanyeol apologizing to him about yesterday and now he’s screwed because Chanyeol still remembers that.



Baekhyun quickly bows his head. Why does he need to embarrass himself infront of his crush? Why is fate so cruel to him?



“I’m sorry. I-it’s not your fault.” And he was stuttering. What the hell?




Chanyeol didn’t notice that he was actually holding his breath until he let it go. He smiles at Baekhyun (and Baekhyun swears he is so closed in screaming again because Chanyeol looks so handsome with that smile). “So… What’s your name?”




Baekhyun blinks at him. He did not expect that coming. Chanyeol’s smile just grew wider at the sight of Baehyun. He looks really cute. “I’m Chanyeol… you are?”




Baekhyun swallows the lump on his throat. Oh my god oh my god oh my god. “I-I’m B-baekhyun?” Again, he wanted to whack his own self for stuttering but he was too happy right now to do that because Chanyeol is actually asking his name.




Chanyeol beams at him again. “Cute name! It suits you.” Chanyeol pinches Baekhyuns’s cheeks and Baekhyun just stalls there, face blushing. “So… you know, it may be creepy asking you this but..” He thrails off, staring at Baekhyun. “Do you want to be my friend?”



Baekhyun blinks at him again.




His whole existence is in bliss.





Maybe his bad luck isn’t that bad.





I'm sorry this chapter has a lot of errors and I apologize for that because

I am really late right now for my class so I need to go and thank you

for reading this crappy story hehe

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meongmungee #1
Chapter 1: Hahahaha xD so funny, it's pretty good. Can't wait for the next chapter!