Normal Day

Lucky With You






It is a normal day for everyone. 


Nearly normal except for the guy who has been cleaning his white shoes under the b water of the faucet behind their school's old building, in already an hour now. With his faded jeans, visible of not-so-equal-size of dots which caused by the mud he had stepped on earlier and an invisible yet throbbing pain in his head, courtesy to the stone he had kicked earlier which unfortunately, had bounced back to him. 

Yup, it was nearly a normal day for the guy if it wasn't for his luck lurking around seeking all the bad mishaps he could possibly get by just walking–or not really. Sometimes, even in the peaceful morning, a time where you couldn't even think a single bad luck that could get into you yet will prove you wrong after you experience the fun of  being the human toilet for the birds that we're flying around practically everywhere, dropping off their liquid and smelly poop once in a while on your head. 

Everyone could hear him whine nonstop but he was more than lucky that the class had started already since an hour ago so he could whine for all he likes. 

Stupid bad luck. Stupid mud. Stupid can. Stupid me. He's repeating to his head continuously like a mantra over and over again. 


He missed his first subject because of the adversities that had happened to him earlier this morning. To add the fact that the dirt on his shoes aren't even fading away makes him whine more and scream in frustration. He knew this is another problem, threat or whatever you'd like to call it for he has been experiencing this kind of humiliation and embarrassing acts since he was still a child. They say he was just clumsy. At first, he agreed but as time passed by–and the patience inside him was also decreasing with it–he changed his mind and has come to a resolution that he has an incredibly and worst luck within him that he couldn't erase or throw as much as he wants to. Even still, he is still, ALWAYS, can’t help being annoyed and pissed every time that bad luck would hit him, as if he wasn't already used to it. 


A vibrate on his pocket made his soul come back in reality. With his own wet hand, he fished his phone out of his pocket and answered the call without much paying attention to whose the caller is. 

“You could praise the president of the school for cutting off all the classes at this moment, all you want but I think you should save it later and ing tell me where the hell are you right now Byun ing Baekhyun and save all the whining later when we meet. Ppali!” He didn't even need to look at the caller id to know who it is. 


He sighs in exasperation as he holds the urge to whine to his friend but settles with a simple answer, “Behind the old building.” There was a hint of annoyance and dejection at the same time on his voice but the said friend had just blatantly ignored him and ended the call without even saying goodbye. It annoyed the heck out of him even more albeit he is completely hundred percent used to his friend's behavior. 

Some more whining and feet-stomping before he felt someone's hand on his shoulder. He immediately jumps up and show his puppy look to his friends. 

“Wow...what happened now?” Do Kyungsoo asks as he peeks at the shoulder of Kim Jongdae to see the dejected and troubled face of Byun Baekhyun. 

Baekhyun was about to speak when Jongdae (but prefers calling him as Chen because he thinks that's cool) cut him off by placing his hand on his mouth. He nods wittingly. “So I guess you had stepped on something...” He trails off, staring at Baekhyun's white shoes and jeans. “Like mud. Right?” 



“Chen I was closed to—” Baekhyun was cut off once more.



“I told you to wake up early Baekhyun. Look what happened.” Chen remains calm as he still continues to look at Baekhyun intently. 



“I know but I'm—”



“You're so lucky that our president has suspended the classes.”



“But look what happened—”


“You don't need to—” Chen was unable to continue when Baekhyun flopped himself on the ground as he produced a loud groan. 


He points at Chen with a pout. “You said I could whine when we meet and we met already yet you kept on cutting me off!” He whines. Kyungsoo, the other friend who has a huge soft spot for Baekhyun's cuteness quickly make his way to Baekhyun and envelops his arms to Baekhyun's shoulder as he places the latter's head against his chest. 


He frowns at Chen. “It's not Baekhyun's fault for being sluggish every morning!” He says as he caresses Baekhyun's back who is still leaning against him and making a soft sniffling sounds. 


Chen let out a defeated sigh. These idiots. He always wonder how the hell he has ended up being friends with Baekhyun, who is a complete idiot that likes to pout and whine all the time and a quirky Kyungsoo that has a strange and creepy kinks for a certain someone. But anyway, the three of them have always been bestfriends since forever and he already knew and accepted the fact that he needed to deal with them forever. But damn, he couldn't get used to it even until now. 

“Soo, Baek, get up now. You look like the protagonists in a drama that was thrown out somewhere with the sound of rain in the background.” He sighs at them before helping them to stand. 


“Okay now kiddo. Start your whining and—” Chen wasn't that shocked when Baekhyun abruptly continues to whine with his body complementing it. His hands are in Chen's shoulders as he jumps up and down for describing how sad and angry he was earlier. 


“You know I was just walking carefully earlier Chen I was sure there wasn't like that there and then I had stepped on it and looked what happened to my shoes and to my pants and–” He stops shaking his poor friend (Kyungsoo was glad he's not the one Baekhyun was holding into) to point out his head, where he was hit earlier and pout even more. “–and the stupid stone I had kicked earlier came back to me and oh my god Chen how awful it was?! I was so closed to crying but I was glad you called me and I was thankful to our president that he suspended the class and—” Baekhyun has too many things he wants to say as he proceeds more and more. Chen wants to stop his air-headed best friend but he did the opposite because Baekhyun would whine even more and that would just make everything more annoying. And he would shake me more and I don't want to feel more dizzy than this so might as well let him ramble whatever he wants to say and wait him to stop. 



Chen isn't actually listening to his friend pointless whinings but he pretends he is. Damn, his head is becoming more dizzy as every second passes because of Baekhyun’s continual shaking. 


On the other hand, Kyungsoo was smiling as he stares at his two friends talking to each other, okay it was Baekhyun who was talking (whining I say) nonstop and Chen just remained silent and continued to pretend he is listening. This scene was always happening and Kyungsoo was already used to this but he just can't stop feeling amused every time he would see it. Baek is really cute. Poor Chen. 


Finally, after a what seemed felt forever, (for Chen because Baekhyun wasn't even aware of how long he had whined and Kyungsoo was too beyond happy and amused to care) the whinings have stopped. 

Kyungsoo smiles at Baekhyun as he gently traces the spot where Baekhyun was hit. “Still hurt?”


Baekhyun nods cutely at him (Kyungsoo sees it that way), a pout still won’t leaving his lips. “It still hurts, Soo.”


“Aww, my poor baby.” He shot a worried look at Baekhyun as he massages his head. Chen has to roll his eyes when Kyungsoo planted a small kiss on Baekhyun’s head. He wasn’t jealous, of course not. He just finds it so cheesy and dramatic how the two of them could be. 


“So are you done with your PDA?” Chen blandly says as he checks his nails because checking his nails is much more interesting than looking over his stupid crazy friends. 


“Chen! What am I going to do with my shoes and pants?!” Baekhyun wailed again and Chen was really closed on putting a masking tape on Baekhyun’s mouth to shut him up. How come a small person could be this annoyingly loud? 


“There's nothing you can do, Baek. Just put on your shoes. We're going home.”


“But my shoes!”


Chen rolls his eyes. “If you don't want to put it on then don't.” Goodness Baekhyun, you're annoying. 

“Okay Baekhyunnie. Just put it on. Nobody will look at your shoes because this–” Kyungsoo places his hand on Baekhyun's left cheek. Chen sighs inwardly for he already knew what he is going to say next. “–is where they will stare to admire your cuteness. They won’t mind your shoes and pants because your adorable. Okay?” He even pinched Baekhyun's cheeks before they started walking behind Chen who was giving them a disgusted look. 







“How about buying a snacks before we go to Baek's house?” Kyungsoo asks, without looking at the two of his friends and just continues clicking something on his phone. 

Chen wrinkles his forehead. “What? I ain’t going anywhere. I'm going home.” Somehow, he just wanted to sleep right now. 


It's Kyungsoo’s time to roll his eyes at him. “Oh yeah? Your house is next to Baekhyun’s. If you want to sleep then you could sleep on Baekhyun's bed.”

The two was still quarreling and Chen didn't notice that they we're actually walking inside a convenience store now to buy some snacks. Baekhyun who was whining earlier forgets all his worries about his shoes and muds and immediately run to his favorite rack; the junkfoods.


He was literally drooling as he eyes the junkfoods on the rack. He was about to get some but his friend, (more like his second eomma) Kim Jongdae slapped his hand away. He shook his head at him. “No junkfoods, Baekhyun. It's almost 11 already.”



Baekhyun scrunches his nose in annoyance and pulls the hem of Chen's shirt. “But I want it!” He pouts at him, hoping that it would work like how it works every time to Kyungsoo but he knew that this is Kim Jongdae, his bestfriend who doesn't have a mercy on him. (Baekhyun thinks)


He was whining again but Chen was just ignoring him and walking towards Kyungsoo who was busy ogling a certain someone on a magazine. 


“Yah, Kyung. We're not buying anything.” Kyungsoo didn't spare a glance to him (that made him more irritated than he is) for Kyungsoo was busy fantasizing a certain someone in the middle of the day. He shook his head one more time as he pulled the other out of the convenience store. 


“Hey! Give back the magazine!” Chen clicks his tongue as he faces the cashier who was furiously walking towards them. 

She snatches the magazine on Kyungsoo's hand, who was now glaring at her and Chen knew that Kyungsoo is back in reality. 

“Hey!” Shouted Kyungsoo and snatched the magazine on her. 

The cashier raised her eyebrow at Kyungsoo. Some passerbyers were already looking at them and Chen just wanted to pull Baekhyun and Kyungsoo to avoid any further embarrasment but Kyungsoo was flaring up and will inevitably burn everyone that would stop him and Chen is still on his right mind to do that so he just stayed calm and observes the two.


“Wow, you're snatching that magazine infront of me?! Do you have some shame?” She smirks. “But I bet you haven't so if—”

The next move that Kyungsoo made has made all around them gasped and went dead silent. 


The girl's eyes were wide as hell. (Chen was blinking and Baekhyun was stupidly cheering on Kyungsoo)

After half a minute, the cashier has finally come to her senses and angrily took the money inbetween her lips. “You didn't just stuck money on my beautiful mouth—”

“Oh but I just did.” Kyungsoo smiles sweetly at him before ing another paper (money) inbetween her lips. “I think you love some tip, hmm? It's all yours, keep the change.” With that, Kyungsoo began walking as he pulled his two friends with him, leaving the cashier stunned. 




“! I'm not snatching anything! I could buy that store in one snap you know!” Kyungsoo stomps furiously on the concrete. He was so upset to that girl because of accusing him. Okay first, he wasn't snatching anything. Chen had dragged him out and he had unintentionally taken the magazine with him. He was going to buy it but he had gotten drag out of it and yet that stupid cashier accused me infront of so many people! 


Baekhyun walks toward his friend and hug him sidedly. “Soo, don't be upset anymore.” He uses his legendary pout again at Kyungsoo. 

And it works again. 


Kyungsoo hugs him back. “I'm not upset okay.” Chen just stared at him. “Fine I was a little upset but I'm fine now.”


“Sorry, Soo.” Kyungsoo smiles at Chen who was feeling guilty since earlier. Chen knew how Kyungsoo hates being accused of at something he didn't do. 


Kyungsoo giggles like a teenage girl and stares at the magazine. “Well this makes me happy now!”


Baekhyun smiles as he looks at the magazine. “Ohhhh~.” He chirps as they continue to stare at the mag.


Chen just sighed at them. It was a mystery at how Kyungsoo can easily transform from Fuming steamed up Barbarian Beast into a shameless teenage-like girl. Oh well, it's Kyungsoo after all. 


“Let's eat lunch at some restaurant. My treat! Because my sweetheart is the cover of the most popular mag again this month. Yay!” He chirps as he gambols with Chen and Baekhyun. 




“Bathroom.” That's what all Baekhyun has said before rushing into the bathroom. 


He already wanted to eat and he knew by now the foods Kyungsoo ordered were already placed on their table so he quickly rushed out of the cubicle but because he was walking too fast—or maybe his bad luck was active again—he didn't notice the phone lying on the white tiled floor and for the second time this day, he had stepped on it again that made him fell, face first, into the floor. 



A loud thud was heard inside the male's bathroom. 


Baekhyun bit his lip to prevent his tears from spilling because damn, the way he fell was just too hard and it pained the heck out of him. 


He was about to sob when the door flew open and a guy went in. Baekhyun was too hurt to pay him any attention and he was too hurt to notice that he was actually blocking the cubicles because he's still lying on the floor. 




He didn't mind the guy and continued his little histrionics. 



“Are you somehow okay?” 



He still didn't budge. He has no strength anymore to pull his s together because of his throbbing head and oh my god—



“! Your nose is bleeding!” He was pulled up by someone and when he looked up at the person who pulled him, his face was totally screaming in horror. He pushed him. 



To feel shocked is an understatement. 




Who wouldn't? 



It's Park Chanyeol! 


The man of his dreams is here infront of him, helping him and—the earlier's events came back to him as he finally realized that oh my god he had been lying on the floor earlier and his long time crush had seen him like that (in the most hateful and embarrassing situation of his') and Chanyeol was still staring at him and sushi takoyaki my nose is still bleeding!


“Umm, we should—“ 


Chanyeol wasn't able to continue when Baekhyun abruptly pushed his hand away and to hell with his bad luck being all irksomely active at this time. 



He has stepped again on the phone that was still lying on the floor that made him fell again—and he thanks all the saints because he had fallen first. (That was less embarrassing than falling face first but nonetheless still embarrassing) 



Chanyeol blinks at him and Baekhyun just wanted the floor to swallow him up because meeting his crush with this kind of awful situation is really embarrassing and maddening. 


“Oh. I guess my phone has caused you a lot of trouble, hmm?” Chanyeol smiles at him before pulling him up again. 


It's Baekhyun's time to blink at him. After absorbing the words Chanyeol had said, his whole presence is already screaming in horror. 






Yup, a clearly normal day.



Weee my first chapter and I know I'm at naming chapter

so yeah, how was it? I really love an adorable Baekhyun! 

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meongmungee #1
Chapter 1: Hahahaha xD so funny, it's pretty good. Can't wait for the next chapter!