Mic Check

Me and The Boys Volume 1: Making It, Volume 2 : Crescendo

The next day was Lyra's first day to record. She would be laying down her tracks first, since she had most of the vocals during the song. Teddy and GD were of course co-producing this album and were working on sound levels, etc. TOP, who was dressed in a fitted beige pleather jacket, white t-shirt, black skinny Jeans and white hi-top sneakers was there hanging out and giving input. Lyra stood behind the mic with headphones on. " Mic check, one, check two, check three - I always wanted to say that!", she giggled. GD smiled, " You weirdo, alright sounds good.", said GD looking to Teddy and making some notes. " Let's do one round,see what happens.", said Teddy. The music started, it was the song Lyra had written for YG, he actually liked it and decided to use it as a track on the album. It had an 80's feel to it, with a hip-hop backbeat and an indie rock/new wave guitar riff underlying. It was bright, fun and poppy. Lyra sang and the song allowed her voice to drift back and forth from soft  sweet notes to loud edgy ones. She was Sade, meets Pat Benatar, meets Tori Amos. TOP,  did his signature side head bob while he was listening. After the first take Teddy made some notes. " Alright, that was good baby girl, real good - let's change the levels a bit and when you sing, Like a tornado, I'm swept up by your energy, slow it down a bit and um -", GD cut in  " And on energy, when you sing, as you go up, I want it less robust and more smooth and airy,like Energy.", he sang to give an example and did it twice. Lyra repeated a few times to make sure she did it right. " Perfect! Perfect! Let's do it again, like that.", said  GD. " Your voice is like crack, I just can't get enough.", said TOP smiling at Lyra from outside the booth.  They all laughed . " Wow, Toppa. Crack? that's hot.", she joked. The music started up again and Lyra got it perfect, they did it a few more times and locked it in. "Yes, baby girl! that voice is not crack, that voice is  like effin' honey. You hear that Lyra, your voice is like effin' honey!!!", Teddy yelled louder a second time. " Come on out Lyra.", said GD. She came out and GD gave her a high five, so did TOP and Teddy. " Great first day, besides Dae, I have never known anyone to be able to lay down vocals with so few takes, have you taken lessons before?", asked Teddy reclining back in his chair. " No, but singing runs in my family, my mom, all my uncles and my younger sister  sing and my oldest sister is a born dancer - her body just knows how to do things.", remarked Lyra. " Wow cool, great genes man, many people would kill to be able to have the kind of voice control you seem to have naturally, YG knows how to spot them, that's for sure.", said Teddy returning his gaze back to his computer moniter. "So what is Toppa?", asked GD. TOP and Lyra turned to each other and giggled like little kids. " So I hate the word oppa, like hello I'm not Korean and I feel odd saying it, like cheezy or whatever and Seunghyun was like, you would never call me oppa? And I said no! So he was like, what if we combine the name TOP and oppa, so now I call him Toppa, as a joke because I refuse to use the word oppa.", said Lyra, she and TOP laughing like idiots. GD and TEDDY smiled weakly. "Alright, whatever.", said Teddy still staring at the computer moniter. "Well, it's funny to us.", said TOP smiling at Lyra. GD already looked disinterested. " Any - waaaays...", he said somewhat laughing as Lyra pushed him jokingly. " Whatever Mr. Clever!", she said. " I am Mr. Clever, but seriously though - where the  heck is Youngbae, he's recording next, he should have been here already. Let me go find him.", said GD adjusting his green polo shirt, before stepping out of the room. " Wanna play UNO with me, since were gonna be hanging out here all day.", asked Lyra to TOP.  " Sure, what's UNO?", he asked. They clapped and slapped hands like they were playing patty cake throughout the conversation.  "it's a card game for like, 8 year olds, pretty popular in the States, involving colors and numbers. It's super easy I can teach you.", she said. " Ok, that sounds cool, I'm thirsty though, wanna grab a drink from the cafeteria?", he asked. " Lord yes, I'm totally dehydrated.", said Lyra as they stopped their handship abruptly and briskly walked out the door. Teddy who had been watching  and listeniing to them saw them leave and just shook his head.

Se7en was in the YG building that day as well, at the moment he was in one of the janitors utility closets, this was a place he kept things, private things -for safekeeping. There was a metal locker unit in there where the janitor kept various cleaning supplies,rags etc. Se7en opened one of the lockers, reached inside and pressed gently on the top left corner. The back of the locker opened up to reveal a flat, thin hidden storage space within the framework of the locker itself. he was about to take out the contents of what was inside when he heard footsteps down the hall. He quickly shut the secret panel and shut and locked the locker, quietly. As soon as he shut it, GD walked past, then doubled back. Se7en pretended to be looking around the janitorial closet. " Hey, I thought that was you? Did YG demote you?",GD joked. Se7en laughed, cooly. " Wow, how'd you guess. Nah, I actually spilled a bunch of nuts in recording room B and was looking for  a broom to sweep it up. Suddenly YB and CL  appeared down the hall, walking towards GD and Se7en. " Hey! I was looking for you, we need to record you, like yesterday.", said GD a little curt. He stared YB and CL up and down. Se7en walked out of the closet and smiled wide at YB and CL. " What are you guys up to?', he asked mischeviously, teasing them. Afterall , he knew what they were up to, but they had no idea he ran the hall they were renting out. YB and CL looked at each other awkwardly. " Just hanging out.", said CL. " Why are you hanging out when we need to be recording?", asked GD getting angrier by the minute. " Relax, I was coming alright, besides Lyra was still recording. Why are you being a punk about this, you need to chill!", said YB trying to stay calm but getting upset as well. " Hey, hey - both of you guys, cut it out! Why are you both being stupid, Youngbae is here isn't he? And Youngbae, have a little more respect, if Jiyong had to leave the recording studio to find you, maybe call next time, just let him know what's up, or just be on time, time is money and more importantly time is YG's money, remember that.", said Se7en. Both GD and YB nodded in agreement. Just then voices could be heard down the hall, a booming deep one and a hurried lighter one. It was TOP singing  Ray Charle's I Got A Woman , like Ray Charles himself and Lyra exclaiming how accurate he sounded. He was also doing lines from the movie Ray , sounding just like him.He was trying to quote it with her, but she didn't remember it well enough. " What? Wait! Iv'e seen the movie, but I don't remember -". she waffled. " Aish, you .", he laughed as she hit him. " Whatever, you !", she laughed, their laughter slowly died down as they arrived to see everyone in the hall. They still had smiles on their faces from laughing so hard. " It's a hallway party, how come we weren't invited!", joked Lyra. GD, CL and YB still looked awkward and TOP and Lyra looked at each other like, what landmine did we just stumble on? Se7en put his arms around GD and YB. " Speaking of party, you do know I'm throwing one at my house this Saturday and I expect to see all of you there, I know everyone's been working hard and we now have Lyra in the mix, time to see how she gets down with the family. It seems like everyone could use it.So how about it, Saturday night, 8 pm - you guys know where I live right?", Se7en asked looking around. GD nodded. " Dude yes, I fo' sho can go for a party right about now." he said, as a  small smile crept on his face. YB smiled back at him. Se7en looked at them both, satisfied that they seemed to not be mad at each other anymore. "Alright, my work here is done.", said Se7en walking back down the hall. " Oh, don't you need that broom?", said GD. Se7en stopped and turned around. " You know, it's all good, I think I can get it all with a napkin or something, it's really not that much afterall, now that I think about it. See you Saturday guys.", he turned around and continued walking down the hall. GD and YB began walking back to the recording studio and CL followed. TOP and Lyra lagged behind with confused looks on their faces. " Is it me, or did we just miss something?', she asked. " Um, I think we missed a few things.", said TOP as they continued walking down the hall.

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Just finished final chapter of Volume 2, will start first chapter of Volume 3 later today.


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Chapter 56: i can't wait to read more!
LeeJinki-s #2
iloveuforever #3
Annyeong authornim ^0^ new subbie here, ur story look instresting so now imma read it :D
keyperium #4
@Neon O.M.G!!! What an awesome compliment!!!! that really made my day, thanks you so very much. Hopefully Volume 3 does not disappoint:))) Thanks for subscribing too :))
Easily one of the best stories I've ever read. Not just on AFF, but anywhere. So complete and concise. Real emotions and no filler; never a dull moment! Love.*giddily skips off to read volume 3*
keyperium #6
I just want to say thanks to ALL my new subscribers. The love for my fic is growing everyday. Wee!!! I love you all and thanks so much!!!
keyperium #7
Thanks so much Deezy!!!!!!! What a compliment. I definitely enjoyed writing this :)
I really enjoyed the story and I love the details like the way they dress and stuff! My favorite aff so far!!!! :D
keyperium #9
Aaaaaaaah, but you LOVE it too,lol!!! The first chapter of volume three will be up tomorrow afternoon:))))
AbriMathos #10
You have just made me the angriest person...Faaaaack! Damn cliffhangers. You're lucky I like you XD I'm sp excited to read the next part!!