Rumor Has It

Me and The Boys Volume 1: Making It, Volume 2 : Crescendo

The next couple of  weeks after the party were a blur. Debut time was quickly approaching and Papa YG was ready to introduce Lyra to Korean fans.Lyra and the guys were consistently, recording songs, working on choreography, doing photoshoots and prepping for SUB-UNIT's Debut concert in Seoul, which would kick off a mini-tour that included Seoul, Tokyo and Thailand. Papa YG, had also planned to release a series of statements alluding to the new Bigbang subgroup and why this music venture would be markedly different than any other group he put together. The first of these statements was to be aired on Showbiz Korea and Lyra and the guys made an event out of it. They had gathered at the guys' place to watch it on TV together. They were passing snacks around and were pretty hyper to hear the announcement. " Hey hey! Why are you taking all the kkokkal!", shouted TOP to YB. Kkokkal looked like bugles, they were tasty little corn snacks. TOP went to grab the bag from YB playfully and they started wrestling for the bag, then GD snatched it from both of them. " Man, you guys are weak!", he laughed popping the snack into his mouth. Lyra just laughed at them. " Oh my gosh, whatever happened to ladies first?', she teased. GD looked at her sympathetically. " Aww, sorry yeobo.", he then handed her the bag, when she reached for it, he snatched it away quickly. " Ha!!!!!", he yelled as the other guys started laughing. " You know what, I'll remember that, trust me. keep one eye open when you sleep, man.", she said. GD finally handed her the bag. Lyra and TOP were seated on the floor with their backs against the couch, sitting very close to one another and GD and YB were sitting on the couch . GD had his knees up and YB was sitting indian style. " This is crazy, I'm finally getting revealed to the world.", said Lyra dramatically, raising her arms to the heavens and looking upward. "Um, no just South Korea.", said YB throwing a snack at her. " Ok, yeah, just South Korea I guess.", she said after trying to catch the snack in . TOP dug in the bag and grabbed a few himself. "This takes me back to the old days, huh guys?', said TOP staring up at GD and YB, squeezing YB's leg. " Yeah man, it does - I know it's us guys, but with Lyra it definitely feels brand new.", said YB. " It does?', asked Lyra. " Yeah, cuz the music is different, the whole concept is different, adding in the indie rock feel, having a girl in the mix. I mean it's so cool, because -I think we needed something fresh, to get us out of the rut. When youv'e been with a band for five plus years, it can get a little old. I mean I love Bigbang, I LOVE Bigbang,but sometimes you just need a change.", said GD, they all nodded in agreement when the show started. "Welcome to Showbiz Korea, tonight lee Minho discusses his recent breakup as well as his plans to work with a top notch Holywood actor in his upcoming feature film, also We Got Married's new celeb couples will be revealed. Miss A's new album top's the charts and an exclusive statement from YG entertainment's Yang Hyun Seok regarding his new subgroup of Bigbang,that promises to turn the Korean music scene upside down and possibly raise a few eyebrows. All that and more on tonight's Showbiz Korea.", the host spoke and it went to commercial break. Everyone turned their attentions back on one another. "Promises to turn the Korean music scene upside down.", mimicked Lyra as everyone laughed. " You sounded just like her!", said YB. " Dude, seriously, who writes this crap?", said TOP laughing. " Ugh, I also hate commercial breaks.", said Lyra. " I know, me too -unless I'm in them.",joked TOP. they all laughed. " YG will be last, they save the best bits for last.", said GD crunching away. "One track mind.", said YB as everyone laughed again. They were in such a jovial mood and  sat through the entire show  cracking jokes, imitating commercials and voicing their opinions on everything. As GD predicted,YG's statement was the last. GD made a triumphant face at everyone before they all leaned in to listen to Papa YG. Lyra turned up the volume. " So I hear you have a new group in the works, a subgroup of Bigbang. Is it all the Bigbang members or just a couple,like a GD and TOP thing?", asked the reporter. " GD and TOP are in it as well as Taeyang, so those three Bigbang members.", said YG. " Rumor has it , that there is a fourth member, is it from another idol group?', asked the reporter. " No and here is where things get interesting. Iv'e said it a few times in the last week or so, but this group is unlike anything Korea has ever seen in it's music scene. It's a new millenium and I want to bring Korean music to the next level.", he said. " Your'e speaking in code Mr. Yang and keeping us all on the edge of our seats. Who is this mystery member?, chuckled the reporter. YG pulled a magazine from his lap and held it in eye view of the camera. It was Bolaseag Magazine, one of Korea's largest entertainment and fashion mags. Lyra was on the cover. " This issue hits stands in a week and the cover girl is Lyra Colfax, SUB-UNIT's fourth member.", said YG. Lyra and the guys gasped with shock and joy when they saw the cover and looked at each other. Back on TV the news reporter was wide eyed. " Wow, a female group member with the Bigbang boys? Lucky girl and she's foreign. Where is she from?", asked the reporter. " She's American, African American -that's a first for Kpop. She's also a gifted singer, guitarist, songwriter, screenwriter, I mean she's a great fit with the boys and the musc you will be  hearing from them is unprecedented,not what your'e used to hearing on Korean radio, that's for sure.", he said. " How do he guys like her?", asked the reporter. "She's like a sister to them already, they work amazingly well together and they will work really hard for the fans to bring them incredible music.", he said. " Any final words for Bigbnag fans and what they can expect?", asked the reporter. " Don't expect Bigbang, expect elments of Bigbang and hope you will welcome Lyra the same way YG familiy has.", he said. " When do we get to hear them?", asked the reporter. "They will be embarking on their debut tour the begining of July, starting off here in Seoul, then Tokyo and finally Thailand. A music video will also be released this Thursday, one of three and the other two will be released each Thursday hereafter.", he said. " Somewhat similiar to the Alive promotions.", the reporter commented. " Yes somewhat.", he said. " Well, we are all eagerly awaiting to see and hear SUB-UNIT, I'm sure they will be amazing along with the other artists at YG, thanks so much for your time Mr. Yang", she said. " Thank you.", he said. Lyra flipped off the TV. Lyra and the guys all turned toward each other. " Oh my gosh, I'm like totally scared now.", she said. 'Why?", asked GD. " Because now it's all real, like it's out there now -I'm out there. What if they hate me? What if I get on stage and forget my lines or dance moves? What if I'm not photogenic and I look like an idiot in the music video, what if I'm really not talented, what if-",GD cut her off. " Lyra!", he yelled. She stopped cold and stared up at him with puppy eyes." What are you doing? Did you have some with your snacks? Stop being ridiculous, you are fierce and you need to own it! Own it! Otherwise you will give into those fears and doubts and they will become you and they will own you. Don't let them own you, you are waaaaaay too talented and amazing for that.", he said. She stared at him for a second before answering. "Wow, your'e good. I see why you are Kwon Leader.", she said. They all chuckled and he smiled. " Oh no, is that what they call me?", he said running both hands through his hair and smiling that beautiful smile of his while looking at YB and TOP, somewhat embarassed. " Own it Jiyong, own it.", said Lyra. they all laughed. " Oh yeah, that's right I am Kwon Leader!", he said loudly, still smiling. " Is this gonna air youtube soon? If so I need to call Evan so he can watch it.", said Lyra pulling out her phone. "Evan?", asked TOP. " Um, my fiance?", said Lyra. " Oh yeah, of course. Sorry about that.", said TOP his demeanor suddenly changing. He looked down at his hands and started playing with his duck ring. GD noticed and looked at him concerned. Lyra was oblivious as she texted Evan. She then got up from the floor. "I'm gonna call my man now. Aaah so exciting!!!!!", she said jumping up and down. TOP looked over at Lyra, softly smiled and looked at the TV blankly. "Are we still on for the movies tonight?", asked YB. " Oh yeah, for sure, Seunghyun? You still down?", asked GD pulling TOP out of his daze. "Yeah, totally.", he said softly. YB turned his attention to Lyra. " So are you going to call the theatre or do you want me to do it?", he asked her. "Um, I will, it's cool", she said texting off and on.  "You remember what I told you to say?"  he asked. " Yes dad.", she said sarcastically responding to another text, a smile spreading across her face. TOP knew she was smiling at whatever her fiance was texting her, he got up and walked into the kitchen. "Alright , I'll be back here at like 8-ish?", she said. They all agreed. "Sweet! Laters.", she said bouncing out the apartment door. GD was staring at TOP in the kitchen, who had grabbed a glass of water and was leaning against the counter, drinking it and staring off into space. " I'm gonna go get showered.",said YB, jumping off the couch and heading to the bathroom. GD got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen where TOP was. " You ok man?", he asked TOP. "Yeah, I'm fine . Why?", he asked. "You like Lyra, I can tell.", said GD. " Yeah, don't you? She's really cool.", said TOP. "Dude, don't BS me, you are seriously crushing on her and when she started talking about Evan, you got all quiet and withdrawn. I know you Seunghyun.", said GD. TOP downed his water and set the glass down with out looking GD in the eye. "Well I won't lie, I mean she's really attractive but I just love hanging with her. We have a lot of fun and just click well, you know?", he said. " I get that, it's just - it seems like you like her more than a friend.", said GD. " Well I don't.", TOP snapped. "Seunghyun, you don't have to lie, if you just -", TOP shut him down. "What, so I can't hang out with a pretty girl without it being something more, we can't have fun and joke around because she has a fiance?! I can't believe you Jiyong, you know I think you need to quit butting into everyones lives and focus on developing your own. I don't need this.", said Seunghyun storming past him. GD stood there, sighed and rubbed his face. He ran after TOP and brushed past YB who had just gotten out of the shower and was wearing only a towel. "Seunghyun! Seunghyun! I'm sorry!", yelled GD. YB stood there looking confused.

CL and the girls were back at their place working out some details on the secret project. CL was on the phone, Dara was online ordering fabric, Bom was drawing something and Minzy was spacing out. CL got off the phone and nudged Minzy. " Hey space cadet, come back to earth please.", she said. MInzy snapped out of it. " Ah, I'm just tired I guess." "Tired from what? Sitting there? Come on, help me out with this.", said CL pulling Minzy up off the floor and dragging her to a table with a bunch of papers that she started organizing. Minzy sighed and mumbled under her breath. " So over this.", she said. CL heard her, gave her a look and then walked away. "I cannot wait, one more month and it's so on.", said Dara. " I know right, it's been sooo hard keeping this a secret, I think Jiyong and Seunghyun oppa are starting to suspect something.", CL chuckled. " I bet he thinks you and Youngbare are dating.", teased BOM. " Never, I could never see you guys together.", said Dara. " Um, why do you say that?", asked CL. "I don't know, you guys wouldn't look good together.", said Dara. "Hmmn.", said CL. Bom and Dara looked at one another. "What was that hmmmn?", asked Bom. " What? Oh, nothing I was just like, hmmn -that's what you think, you answered my question is all.", said CL. " Too bad you never liked Yongbae, he was so sweet to you Dara, total cutie pie.", said Bom. " Yeah, he's sweet , but I don't know he's like, too muscular.", said Dara. "Are you serious! His body is perfect!', said CL. " Yongbae is very well built.", giggled Bom. Minzy was silent the entire time. She was done organizing the papers and got up to leave the room. " Hey Minze, you all done?", asked CL. " Yep.", she said turning to walk away. "Where are you going?", asked Dara. " To the studio, I feel like dancing.", Minzy's voice trailed off as she got further away and walked out the door. The girls stared at one another. "Minze has been acting weird lately,or is it just me?", asked CL. " She seems really out if, ah - she's just being a teen. I was like that , all moody and stuff.", said Dara." Yea, I guess - it's just that ever since the party though she's been like this,maybe your'e right though, she would tell us if there was something really wrong.", said CL." Of course she would.", said Bom. Just then CL's phone rang, she looked at caller ID. " Oh, it's Yongbae.", she said answering the phone.

Later that night, Lyra and the guys gathered into an empty movie theatre. Since they were celebs, they couldn't go to the theatre and risk being mobbed by fans, so Papa YG had a deal set up with a couple of movie theatres in and around Seoul that would allow his artists to have entire rooms reserved for them, so that they could watch flicks in peace. They needed to call ahead of time and ask for guest services and speak with a celebrity coordinator, yes the theatre had a specific department for it. They also had to drive around the back of the theatre house and go through a secret entryway that led them to their private room. Lyra was completely amazed by this process. She walked into the huge empty theatre with wide eyes and gaped open. " Wow - this is all ours? So cool!!!", she said suddenly running around the theatre, up and down the stairs and through all the ailes , waving her arms and yelling. The guys were laughing and GD and TOp followed suit and did the same thing. " It's all ours!!!!!", she yelled. YB decided to grab a seat , almost getting knocked down by GD's flailing body in the process.They finally stopped and were laughing, when they saw Seungri walk in. TOP's smile faded. GD ran up to him and jumped on him, knocking him to the ground. " Hey you just missed us running around this theatre, how come we never did that before?", pondered GD. " Oh, can I - did I miss it?", asked Seungri. " Yep, you did.", said TOP walking to grab a seat near YB who was on the phone. "I'm ordering snacks, do you guys want?", he asked. "Oooh, ooh -popcorn and a large drink, any drink will do.", said Lyra. Seungri grabbed her, hugged her and let go. " Aah, your'e so cute!!!!" he said. " What? I'm just ordering popcorn.", she laughed making a what on earth is he talking about face. "Yay, your'e here though, glad you came, let's get seats.", she said walking up the steps." Where  should I sit?", she asked jokingly sitting down and getting up from various seats in the theatre. " Man, it's like Seungr number 2 over here, you babo.", said YB smiling. Lyra grabbed a seat next to TOP. She sat down and he smiled at her, then she quickly got back up." Oh, nature calls, I'll be back.", she said,heading to a private bathroom, within the theatre. TOP shook his head. Seungri and GD were talking to YB, when Seungri walked over. "What's up Seunghyun." TOP  reclined in his seat and looked at him coldly. " What's up.", he said. "I miss my hyung, that's what's up.", said Seungri. TOP said nothing and just stared at him. " Look, I know Iv'e been a jerk lately, actually an idiot. After that party, I don't know. I like Lyra, but who am I kidding, she's got a fiance and I made a war between us, it's dumb. Can you forgive me?",asked Seungri. "You know that was dumb right? And you totally disrespected your hyung.", said TOP. "I know.", said Seungri. " You don't do that kind of stuff to your brothers, it's wrong.", said TOP. Seungri nodded in agreement. " I'm sorry Seunghyun, I just want things to go back to normal, so am I forgiven?", he asked with his cute big panda eyes.TOP looked around then back at him. "Of course, - your my little maknae, come here.", TOP grabbed him and pulled him onto his lap, while Seungri struggled to free himself. "But I wanna hang out with her too, you can't hog her Seunghyun and you can't  get mad at us if we hang out, cuz you know girls love hanging out with me.", said Seungri still struggling to free himself from TOP's arms,TOP then sqeezed him tighter before letting him go. "Dude, she's not my girlfriend -she can hang out with anyone she wants, although I'm usually her top choice, pun totally intended.",they both cracked up laughing. GD saw the commotion and walked over and sat on TOP's lap, put his arms around his neck and said in a girly voice. "Will you forgive me too?", he batted his eyelashes. YB sunk down in his seat. " Man, I hate when you guys do this crap.", he said furrowing his brows. TOP looked deeply into GD's eyes. " I forgive you Jiyong...thanks.", said TOP sincerely. "Hey why is he apologizing?', asked Seungri. GD took his arms from around TOP but was still seated on his lap. " I accused him of trying to get with Lyra even though she has a fiance.", said GD. " Well isn't he?", asked Seungri honestly. TOP kicked him. " No! I am not trying to get with her.", said TOP. "But you like her of course, I mean I do but hey, the girl is taken, I need to focus on the other salmon in the sea.",said Seungri. " I don't like her, ugh - why am I having this conversation again!", said TOP getting flustered."Shut up Seungri, if Seunghyun says he is not into Lyra, let's believe him and let it go, okay!", asserted GD. "Thank you Jiyong.", said TOP. Seungri just shrugged his shoulders and said okay. Lyra came back and immediately noticed GD on TOP's lap having a normal conversation alongside Seungri and YB. She stopped in her tracks looking at GD and TOP. " Um, should I turn around and come back, or...", she teased. GD laughed and got up from TOP's lap. " Ah, he's not as comfortable as he used to be since he started working out, not enough cushion.",said GD. TOP pushed him. Lyra started walking up to reclaim her seat next to TOP. "Do want to sit here GD, or should I...", Lyra teased again in an exaggerated voice. They all kind of chuckled. GD sat next to YB, in between him and Seungri, and Seungri sat next to Lyra. A theatre worker walked in carrying popcorn and drinks and handed it to them. They eagerly grabbed their snacks, laughing and talking. TOP grabbed his cell and put his arm around Lyra, taking a pic of them while she was unaware and eating. She hit him."What are you doing, I look like a heifer, wait, wait.", she said finishing chewing. She and TOP leaned in to smile when Seungri popped his head in the frame and blocked them both. They took one where they are both kissing her cheeks, another where Lyra is pretending to bite Seungri's cheek like a wild animal. YB and GD finally joined in and all of them took turns in pairs and groups. They were jumping and climbing on each other, acting crazy and silly. They managed to take one where all five of their faces fit. Then the lights went dim and the film started. They quickly disbanded to their seats, giggling like a bunch of hyper kids, that they were. When Lyra sat down, she and TOP were in mid joke. He whispered something to her, they burst out laughing and then linked arms. GD whispered to Seungri. "I know he likes her, I just decided to drop it.", said GD. " Yeah, I know.", said Seungri as they all settled in to watch the movie.

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Just finished final chapter of Volume 2, will start first chapter of Volume 3 later today.


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Chapter 56: i can't wait to read more!
LeeJinki-s #2
iloveuforever #3
Annyeong authornim ^0^ new subbie here, ur story look instresting so now imma read it :D
keyperium #4
@Neon O.M.G!!! What an awesome compliment!!!! that really made my day, thanks you so very much. Hopefully Volume 3 does not disappoint:))) Thanks for subscribing too :))
Easily one of the best stories I've ever read. Not just on AFF, but anywhere. So complete and concise. Real emotions and no filler; never a dull moment! Love.*giddily skips off to read volume 3*
keyperium #6
I just want to say thanks to ALL my new subscribers. The love for my fic is growing everyday. Wee!!! I love you all and thanks so much!!!
keyperium #7
Thanks so much Deezy!!!!!!! What a compliment. I definitely enjoyed writing this :)
I really enjoyed the story and I love the details like the way they dress and stuff! My favorite aff so far!!!! :D
keyperium #9
Aaaaaaaah, but you LOVE it too,lol!!! The first chapter of volume three will be up tomorrow afternoon:))))
AbriMathos #10
You have just made me the angriest person...Faaaaack! Damn cliffhangers. You're lucky I like you XD I'm sp excited to read the next part!!