
V's Mask.



The members decided that Jin would be the first to commence on Operation Taefeeling.


"I still find the name idiotic." Jungkook grumbled.


"Try coming up with the name then you smartass," JHope retorted to which Jungkook snorted as a reply.


"Yah, quickly finish up your breakfast and leave the house. I will wake up Tae once you guys are gone."


"Ahh wae hyung, must we really leave the house?" Suga questioned.


"Yoongi hyung is scared that there are no places for him to rest once he's outside," Jimin teased.


"I can have a life outside of just sleeping, you punks."


Jungkook snorted, "Ne hyung....EATING."


"You are making me sound like a pig right now. I don't just eat and sleep in life, you imbeciles."


"How do we make a pig sound like a pig when he is already one HAHA," JHope exploded into a cackling fit on the dining table as the maknaes clapped their hands in agreement, nodding frantically.


"AISH." Suga was about to slam his hand on the dining table top when a groan emerged from the doorway leading to the kitchen from their respective rooms.


"Taehyungie, you're awake?"


"Ne." V rubbed his left eye with his hair askew and all over the place, lips hung into a tiny pout.


It was almost like their usual morning. V would always be the last one to wake up, as evidenced in American Hustle Life, and when he does, the members would already be having breakfast. Jin couldn't help but question V silently. 


 Tae-ah, is this why we never noticed you and your troubles? You acting as if everything is fine every morning. Would we ever know what you are thinking about with you acting as if everything is fine? Would we have known of your problems if we didn't call Min Jae-shi?


"Tae-ah, I made pancakes this morning. How many would you like?" Jin broke out of his stupor and asked.


"Aniya hyung, kwenchana. I am not hungry."


The members exchanged silent glances.


It wasn't like V to miss pancakes


"I am leaving. I have to meet Bang PD." Suga stood up from his seat, not before signalling RapMon and JHope, jerking his head slightly towards the door as a reminder that they should leave soon since they were done eating so Jin can commence on Operation Taefeeling. Jungkook was right. Operation Taefeeling sounds horrible and cheesy. 


"I will go with you hyung, Bang PD requested for me to meet him regarding the raps i composed." RapMon called out, leaving with Suga after thanking Jin for the meal.


"I need to practice. Jimin-ah, do you want to go with me?" JHope asked.


"Aniya, hyung, kwenchana." Jimin replied. 


Everybody mentally facepalmed. 


I am helping you think of a reason to leave, you idiot, JHope shouted mentally.


Suga shot Jimin a glare and thankfully, Jimin caught onto the scenario this time.


"On a second thought, maybe I will go with you instead, hyung."


RapMon let out a sigh that he didn't know he was holding in, this Jimin has no jams.


RapMon called their manager hyung and the four of them left for the company.


"Kook-ah, don't you have somewhere to go?"


"Hyung, I want to stay here with you guys today. Can I?"


Jin looked between the maknae and V, who was lying face down on the dining table probably already going back to his dreamland.


Jin had a mental debate. Kook is the closest to Taehyungie. If anything, he should be able to help Taehyubgie open up right? But what if Taehyungie all the more wouldn't open up since he is here. What if he doesn't want to rell Kook anything since they are close? Then again, what if it is easier for him to open up with Kook around? AISH.

"Up to you, Kook."


Jungkook gave a 1000 watt smile, "Thank you hyung! I will go wash up the dishes."


Jin faked a surprised gasp, "Our golden maknae volunteering to wash the dishes? My baby has grown up!"


Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Don't make me change my mind hyung."


Jungkook collected all the used plates on the table and brought them to the sink.


"Tae-ah," Jin sat opposite and shook the sleeping boy awake, "Taehyungie?" 


To which, V groaned and sat up.


"Ne hyung?" 


"Are you okay?"


"Why wouldn't I be, hyung?" V flashed his signature box smile.


It's because of you smiling like this that we missed out on you having troubles, Tae.


"You missed pancakes. And you looove pancakes." Jin emphasised on the love.


"Ahh hyung, I just had a bad night last night and I don't have any appetite this morning."


"Bad night?"


"It's nothing hyung," Taehyung gave his hyung a smile again before changing the topic, "Don't you have a schedule to go to, hyung?"


"Ani, it's my day off today. Tae-ah, stop trying to change the top-,"


"Hyung," Jungkook interrupted and beckoned Jin to come over to the sink, "Do you know where is the dishwashing detergent?" he asked before talking in a hushed tone, "Hyung there is no use just forcing it out of Taehyungie hyung like that. You have to carefully and slowly goad it out of him. Treat him like how we always do. You being like this right now will just make him more defensive and feel as if we are treating him as if he is too fragile for anything."


Jin sighed and nodded. "Arraso. Why not I finish up while you go and talk to him instead?" Jungkook nodded and made his way to his favourite hyung.


"Taetae hyung, aren't you hungry?"


"Ani, seeing you guys eat made me full already."


"Liar hyung, you were sleeping while we were eating." Jungkook gave a small pout.


V rubbed the back of his neck and gave a sheepish grin, "Mianhe, hyung was really tired."


"I can see that hyung. Do you want to take a nap first?"


"Yah, I am not like Yoongi hyung, naps won't make me feel any less tired." V chuckled.


"Should we go grab some coffee later then? Since it's our off day today." Jin suggested as he walked out of the kitchen after finishing up the dishes.


V gave his signature boxy grin, "Can we? Can we? Can we?" as he bounced up and down on the chair.


Jungkook smiled at his hyung's action. Aish so cute, you should portray this side of yours to the fans too.


"We will leave after we clean up the dorm okay?" Jin ordered which earned a collective groan from the two youngest member.




Jin ruffled V's already messy hair and laughed. "Whining won't get you anywhere, kid, now you guys can start with cleaning the living room."




Jin shook his head and left to clean the bathroom with a smile, who knew Taehyungie would have such a cute side to him?


V pouted and turned to Jungkook.


"Kookie," V called with a smile etched on his face. Jungkook gulped, that smile had evil spelt all over V's teeth, "What Jin hyung doesn't know won't kill him. Should we just skip the cleaning and watch a movie instead?"


Jungkook was about to reject the idea when another idea ran through his mind instead.


"How about watching our past performances instead of a movie?"






Jungkook opened a new tab on his laptop and searched for their recent performances of Dope.


"Hyung! Remember this? We barely reached Music Bank on time and all of us went up on stage in under 5 minutes."


"Yeah and Jin hyung was unhappy cuz he had to go on stage and perform without hair gel."


"Namjoon hyung looks constipated here hahahahaha." Jungkook commented as RapMon started.


After watching their performance online, Jungkook scrolled towards the bottom of the page and started looking through the comments, reading out some occasionally. 


"Look hyung, this person said that Jin hyung's traffic dance improved." 


"Hyung, this person said Hobi hyung looked y here. Surprise surprise, the horse became y." Jungkook laughed.


"Hyung! There's a comment about you!" Jungkook exclaimed excitedly, shaking V's arm. 


"My ovaries exploded after seeing V bite his lips and he's killing me with his glare omo I wish he can continue being such a bomb. Woahh hyung, your stare has the ability to kill."


Jungkook snuck a glance at V after noticing the lack of response and saw that the latter had his eyes closed and had let out a silent sigh. 


"Hyung, you know that if you have any troubles you can always tell me or Jin hyung right?"


Almost as if planned, Jin appeared out of the bathroom, looking ridiculous with one hand gloved and the other, holding a brush."


"Yah you pu-" Jin stopped as the maknae discreetly jerked his head slightly to the left and then to the right and signalled the oldest hyung to sit beside V on the couch with his eyes.


Jin walked towards the two youngest members and removed the glove before placing the brush and the glove down on the coffee table and took a seat beside V on the couch.


"Tae-ah, hyung will always be here for you."


What the oldest didn't expect was the younger one to turn to look at him with tear-filled eyes.




"Hyung." V croaked, his voice trembling.


Jin grabbed the younger's shoulder and guided his head to lie on his shoulders, hands around his waist. "Come on, tell hyung what has been troubling you."


"I am just tired." V mumbled, fearing that if he were to speak any louder, his hyung and Jungkook could hear the tremble in his voice.


Jin shot Jungkook a look and sighed before looking down at the younger.


"Tell me all about it, ne?"


"It's just that I am not y, I am not cute but the fans are calling me that and it's just a huge burden. I feel the need to be y all the time on stage but I can't do it. I am not all of those things that the fans say I am. I can't sing, I am not y, I am not appealing, I am not all of those things. I am just Taehyung."


"Hyung," Jungkook started, a finger on V's chin to make his hyung look at him. "Look at me, hyung," Jungkook ordered as he noticed V looking down on the couch instead.


"Hyung, don't ever say that you are JUST Taehyung anymore. You are so much more. You are effortlessly cute without trying at all and don't try to deny it. You slay the stage without trying and you have an amazing voice. Remember how Iris praised you to the skies, saying that you should go Broadway or something cuz it was absolutely amazing. You don't have to be anyone, you just have to be yourself. People should like you for who you are and people will like you for who you are. Who wouldn't? If people only like the persona that you created on stage, you don't need those people in your amazing life." 

"Jungkook is right, Taehyungie. You don't have to feel that you need to act a certain way. Being more or less y wouldn't change how we feel about you. You are family to us no matter how crazy you are, no matter how idiotic you can be and no matter if you are y or cute. We don't care about what others think about you. We only care about what you think of yourself and I am sure that the fans will like it if you show your true self to them."

Silence ensued as V looked to the ground.

"Taetae hyung..."

Jungkook pulled V into an embrace and rubbed his back in a circling motion, "Just let it all out hyung, stop bottling everything inside. Everyone is very worried about you, ne?"

He felt the older boy tremble and soon after, muffled sobs followed.

Jin scooted closer to the both of them and embraced V from the back, arms over Jungkook, enveloping the younger one in his embrace.

"We really love you a lot, Tae. Don't destroy yourself by locking us out."

"I am tired. I am really tired. I just want to be myself." V sobbed, pouring his soul out as the two members continued rubbing his back, ruffling his hair, muttering soothing words to calm the younger one down.

"We are here for you, hyung."

His heart ached as he heard the older's muffled sobs, wishing that in one way or another, he could be the one going through that pain instead so his hyung wouldn't hurt. He wished that the older could see himself for who he truly is, how influential is he in everyone's life and how important is he to him.

"Let it all out Tae."

His eyes held sympathy for the younger one, feeling guilty that he had to go through all this without anyone noticing, feeling sorry that he can't do anything to help and it infuriates him that he is useless for he can't help the younger lessen the pain he was going through.


It was only half an hour later that V calmed down and his cries turn into small sobs occasionally.

"Well, that was embarrassing." V gave a dry chuckle, void of any humor.

"Crying doesn't make you less of a man hyung. What's there to be embarrassed about? Hobi hyung cried over mushrooms yesterday but you don't see him as a weakling."

"Thank you Jin hyung, thank you Kookie." V looked up to both of them with a smile, seeing how he was entrapped in their embrace. As much as he wouldn't like to admit, their embrace made him felt protected and left a warm, fuzzy feeling in his abdomen.

The two members returned his smile and released him from their embrace.

"Promise me you will be yourself from now onwards arraso?" Jin requested.

"I will try, hyung."

"Now what do you say if we go and grab coffee now?" Jin suggested.

"Are you done with cleaning the bathroom, hyung?" Jungkook piqued.

"I was scrubbing the toilet bowl before I came out but that could wait."

"Wait hyung......you were scrubbing the toilet bowl?"


"With a brush?"

"Was I supposed to scrub it with your face instead?" Jungkook rolled his eyes to that.

"Was it the same brush that you brought it out and put it on the coffee table?"

The silence that followed and Jin's stoned features as he stared at the brush confirmed Jungkook's suspicion.



"Don't be dramatic Jungkook!" Jin got off from the sofa and immedistely brought the brush and the gloves back to the bathroom, where they belonged.

"Not a word to the members about the brush." Jin reminded the two younger ones who were staring at the coffee table with disgust etched on their face.

"Go wash up, Tae. Then we can go to the coffee shop. You too, Jungkook."

V nodded and he bounced back to his room to freshen up, a smile hanging on his face. The only indication of his breakdown just now was his puffy eyes. He felt grateful to the youngest and the oldest. Thankful that they had reminded him that he was not alone. Grateful that they helped him understood that it's okay to be himself.

Jin was about to head back to his own room to change as well when the maknae stopped him.


"You like him, don't you."

"And so do you."















A/N: Hope you guys liked this chapter! Please subscribe if you do and comment below on what you wish would happen next chapter! Much love and thank you for reading!


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Sakiruka #1
I really want to know what will happen ! For when the next update ?
This story is good, so don't stop here with only two chapters T-T
Hwaiting autor-ssi ! *3*
HaRin_Chodingx #2
Unknown000 #3
Chapter 2: Omaigodd i am literally squealing over this story! It is sooooo cuteee please update soon, :D Tae-ah, just be yourself baby :) do not push yourself too much.
StrangeJooni #4
Chapter 2: I love love love love love this!!!! Please update this story -cute puppy eyes-
Caseycranstone33 #5
Chapter 2: Love this story so much! Great job Author-nim!
MinMin_SL #6
Chapter 2: awwwww this is cute.
Jia_Lie #7
Chapter 2: What?
Triangle, right? Wkwk
I think it will be an amzing story.
I hope, both of them will be fine because of that haha
thanks a lot
Keep writing ^^