
Pieces of life.
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YoungBae needed to stand up and hold SeungRi close to his body to keep him from falling down, seeing how the younger body was shaking almost uncontrollably “Calm down, Ri, this won’t help you at all” He said, hugging him like if he was a baby “We will solve things.”

SeungRi started to cry when endless thoughts crossed his mind, but being the last one the one that hurt more and made him feel like dying “H-He abandoned me?” He sobbed, burying his face on his shoulder.

The singer almost froze, at first he thought in scolding the younger for thinking such things, but then he just realised it was exactly how Ji Yong’s actions felt, for a second he imagined himself as SeungRi, waking up after three years in coma and finding out Hyorin left without saying anything, although he could understand she could feel responsible, he wouldn’t be able to understand she left when he needed her. SeungRi understood Ji Yong was carrying on his shoulders all the blame for what happened, but couldn’t understand he left knowing he could wake up.

“Ri, he didn’t abandon you-“

“He didn’t?! Then tell me where is he now that I’m awake, give me a number to call him and say I’m fine, that I want to see him” SeungRi couldn’t even let him finish, he pushed him away and covered his face with his hands “He knew I could wake up, that one day I was going to open my eyes again and that the person I wanted to see most was the one who promised to be with me till the end of our days, he didn’t care, he left, tell me how am I supposed to feel, what am I supposed to think…”

YoungBae moved to hug him again, embracing the shaking body on his arms and letting him take out everything he needed, cry as much as he needed, hoping he felt a little bit better later and that he could listen to what he wanted to say.

The younger kept crying several minutes, holding onto his arms with all his might, feeling his whole soul was shaken with each sob. Ji Yong leaving was the thing that hurt more thanks to their relationship, but everything else was making him feel like dying too. Thinking that YoungBae could have been dead in that moment, that DaeSung was indeed fighting against his depression and mental problems and that Seung Hyun was been followed by that silent murderer alcohol was, was too much for him in that moment.

“Let’s take you to rest okay? I’ll cook for you” YoungBae smiled, caressing his cheeks to rub the tears away from his eyes “You will stay with me, you like how that sounds?”

SeungRi nodded slowly, he stopped living in his own apartment and moved to the leader one when he started dating Ji Yong, but now he wasn’t sure the apartment existed and didn’t want to visit that place, at least not for now.

Smiling, Taeyang hold his hand and started walking towards the door, leaving the room and walking to the elevator, trying to keep SeungRi as hidden as he could from the curious eyes of the others and some fans that were starting to whisper things that sounded a lot like “is that SeungRi?” Climbing his car and letting the other in, he quickly drove to his house and guided his maknae towards the living room, leaving him on the sofa and hurrying to get some water.

“Your apartment looks almost the same, hyung, that’s great” He commented, wanting to distract himself from the traumatising topics.

“Does it? I don’t really know, I was just here when I wanted to sleep, after that day I spent most of the time in the building… Before that I stayed all day here” He admitted, sighing softly and giving him the water.

“I’m really glad you didn’t succeed, I wouldn’t know what to do without you…” He whispered, his lip trembling softly, feeling that it was possible YoungBae didn’t want to hear that, but feeling he needed to take it out of his chest “Thank you for being here for me, hyung…”

YoungBae smiled softly at him, sitting at his side and pulling his trembling body towards him and hugging him tightly, caressing his head “I’m glad too… No one could forgive me if I have abandoned you.”

SeungRi smiled, hugging him back as tightly as he was doing it, closing his eyes while he felt secure in his arms.

The two of them kept talking for a while, avoiding the topic about the others as much as they could since both were worried about each other, the two thinking the other could feel worse if they continued the way they were heading; After some hours, YoungBae guided him to his own room, assuring him he was going to be okay in the sofa and that he wasn’t causing any kind of bother.

The maknae walked to the large window that had a nice view of the city from YoungBae’s room and sat on the armchair, looking outside almost without bl

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Wysmom #1
Please come back to this story. It is such a great one.
re-reading it again and i realised how much i missed this fic. i hope wherever you are you are well!
update please!!!
Chapter 5: Please update soon!!!
virtual_write #5
Chapter 5: Just thank you soo much for the this story
treeoflife99 #6
aprilialee #7
Chapter 5: I just read this story...each chapter so paniful...
it just 2 member how with dae and how for jiyong...where are u dragon....
i hope he still love ri
Wysmom #8
Chapter 5: This update was perfect author-nim. Thanks
You updated this story!! Now they are slowly back together :) hope they can go through this together and find Jiyong..
Chapter 5: Oh my finaly you updated this story....I'm still wondering
where is jiyong