Chapter 7

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I stood on my feet as the said person rushes inside the room. Jongdae or Chen stood up as well beside me.“ Hello Sehun, I- ” he couldn't even finish his sentence before Sehun stands right in front of him. He looked so angry and ready to kill anyone and it scared a bit but I couldn't care less. A lot of things was going inside my head right now. Do they know each other? This is Jongin's brother. He brought me here with the help of Jongin and wasn't Sehun against it?

“how could you do that? How could you send someone to just kidnap her like that?  We had a deal” Sehun yelled, and I got even more confused. Jongdea is right, this is way more complicated than I thought. 

 I for once thought that I can have a normal and stable life but who am I kidding. I will never be able to have a normal life. Sometimes I ask my self what if mom and dad are still alive? I'm sure things would've been different. My parents would never let anything hurt me. I wonder if they can see me now. I think they can, right? Now mom and dad, what do you think of my life? 

“we did-” 

“then why did you send Tao to get her? I was going to bring her here myself” Sehun said

“were you, Sehun?because what I heard was the opposite of that” Jongdae sat back down on the couch not bothered by the Furious Sehun standing in the middle of the room. He crosses his legs before he continue “you were planning to take her somewhere else, away from me, tell me if I'm wrong”

I saw Sehun clench on his fist. He glance at my direction for a second and then back to Jondae “are you kidding me. Why would I do such a thing? You paid me to do this it's my job” I think I understand now. Jongdae must have paid Sehun to get me here that's why he suddenly jumped into my life out of no where. But why? And what about Jongin? Ugh.. Still there's a lot of things I need to understand but I don't think I can take  anymore informations. I want to go back home.

I took a deep breath before I could jump in the middle of their conversation and ask them to leave and go home but before I could say anything I felt someone's presence behind me. I slowly turn my head and saw Jongin. I forgot he was here, that he never left the room. I felt worried again now that I noticed his presence. I wanted to hide behinde Sehun or even just be right beside him, anything just to stay a little bit far from this guy behind me. I took a step forward but then he glanced at me and raised an eyebrow. 

“take her to her room Jongin” that was Jongdea's voice. I wasn't focus on what he and Sehun were saying, not after I noticed Jongin was here. But after he said these words I wanted to beg him not leave me with Jongin. But is he going to listen? No . so I better keep my mouth shut. Those people look dangerous and if I wanted to keep myself unharmed then I shouldn't get them angry. And Sehun might as well be as dangerous as them. Who knows.

Jongin took me to My room and opened the door for me. He ordered me to go inside so I did. 


This room is so better than my whole apartment.

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Skai07 #1
Chapter 13: Can't wait for her yo meet Sehun's boss , maybe then I'll get the answers I've been waiting for xD
Skai07 #2
Chapter 12: Chapter 7: Same girl ...same , we all are waiting for the answers xD
Omg I feel like Sehun is gonna get in trouble for this
This chapter got me more excited about this story
Btw I just saw that you're from Egypt I didn't know you were an arab I am from an Arab country too xD
Chapter 11: I m really confused!!
Looking forward to next update!
Skai07 #4
Ughh this story is addicting it's sooo good
What an amazing plot you got right there , it's beautifully confusing
Waiting for the next chapters :D
Skai07 #5
I thought there was an update T-T
It's okay , I am still waiting :D
Chapter 10: I hope she is ok. How is that person!???
Skai07 #7
Chapter 10: Oh my goood !!! Another mystery ...
who is this person ? and what do Sehun and Kai have to do with Sojin ? I need to knoooooow but I guess I'll have to wait T~T
You don't neet to thank me sweetheart your story is truly amazing and totally my fav type of stories, I am so glad I found it I should thank you for writing it <3 love you too ;)
Chapter 4: Oh god!!! What's Kai gonna do?? I m scared n excited!! :-D
Skai07 #9
Chapter 4: OMGGGG !! Each chapter gets me more confused and I love it but I am dying to know what's happening , this story is addicting I freaking love it
is it possible that Sehun works with Kai or maybe he is one of his victims ? Also who sent the gift ??? ughhhh so many questions and I can't wait to read the answers
It's okay take your time real life happens and we understand that you can get busy and that you can lose your motivation , just please don't give up on this story if possible :)
Chapter 3: Why did Sehun left do early?? Who send that dress?? N what's with this marriage n all? I m curious!!! Looking forward to next update!! :-)