Chapter 5

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I gasped when I felt him move closer to me. It's just dangerous to be near to a person like him, I don't know why but it's how I feel. I ran to the other side of the room and use Sehun as a shelter to avoid Kai's gaze on me "don't worry sweetheart, I'm not going to hurt you" he said with an amusement smile. I know he won't hurt me. He can't. He can't just forget about the strong relationship we had before. He knew I had no one in my life other than him. He was everything to me after my parents were gonna from this world.

" S-Sehun, y-you know him? " I cursed myself for stuttering in front of him, but I couldn't help myself. A really dangerous man is standing right in front of me and the only person who I can depend on right now is someone I don't know much about.

Sehun ignored my question and kept glaring at Kai. Ready for any movement he would make. " Sojin, I said I'm not going to hurt, your making me feel like a psycho murderer who is ready to kill anyone anytime " aren't he? He shook his head a little and continued " My brother is asking for her, it's time for her to meet him" he said while returning the glare at Sehun.


brother? I didn't know he had a brother. Why does he want to see me, anyway?


" She's fine. No need to see him now " that was Sehun who spoke.


" it's not about her safety, it's about him wants to see her, so come on lets go, I have so many things to do " Kai rolled his eyes and point at me " come on sweetheart"


" I took a glance at Sehun looking to the ground and he seems to be thinking. I was curious to know what he was thinking about. He's not considering whether I go with Kai or stay with him. Right?


He finally turned to look into my eyes and squeeze my arms. I think he got a decision now and he want's to tell me what it was " Sojin, go with him "


My eyes widen and I had the ( are you f- serious ) on my face and. I wanted to curse him and maybe slap him across his face but I didn't do that, I just stood there in front of him with my mouth hanging.


" I just need you to trust me " Sehun said.

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Skai07 #1
Chapter 13: Can't wait for her yo meet Sehun's boss , maybe then I'll get the answers I've been waiting for xD
Skai07 #2
Chapter 12: Chapter 7: Same girl ...same , we all are waiting for the answers xD
Omg I feel like Sehun is gonna get in trouble for this
This chapter got me more excited about this story
Btw I just saw that you're from Egypt I didn't know you were an arab I am from an Arab country too xD
Chapter 11: I m really confused!!
Looking forward to next update!
Skai07 #4
Ughh this story is addicting it's sooo good
What an amazing plot you got right there , it's beautifully confusing
Waiting for the next chapters :D
Skai07 #5
I thought there was an update T-T
It's okay , I am still waiting :D
Chapter 10: I hope she is ok. How is that person!???
Skai07 #7
Chapter 10: Oh my goood !!! Another mystery ...
who is this person ? and what do Sehun and Kai have to do with Sojin ? I need to knoooooow but I guess I'll have to wait T~T
You don't neet to thank me sweetheart your story is truly amazing and totally my fav type of stories, I am so glad I found it I should thank you for writing it <3 love you too ;)
Chapter 4: Oh god!!! What's Kai gonna do?? I m scared n excited!! :-D
Skai07 #9
Chapter 4: OMGGGG !! Each chapter gets me more confused and I love it but I am dying to know what's happening , this story is addicting I freaking love it
is it possible that Sehun works with Kai or maybe he is one of his victims ? Also who sent the gift ??? ughhhh so many questions and I can't wait to read the answers
It's okay take your time real life happens and we understand that you can get busy and that you can lose your motivation , just please don't give up on this story if possible :)
Chapter 3: Why did Sehun left do early?? Who send that dress?? N what's with this marriage n all? I m curious!!! Looking forward to next update!! :-)