Jungkook's Version?

Nature's Beauty
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Due to my own unsatisfaction over the ending of Nature's Beauty, as well as some discussion with the person who had originally given the prompt, I decided to go ahead and tell Jungkook's side. There's some key things that I couldn't display since Nature's Beauty was really told from Yoongi's POV which is why I feel the ending is lacking. That being said, I think writing Jungkook's POV will wrap this up neatly and feel more complete. 

I'll post it as soon as I find the time to sit down and write it.

Hope you're looking forward to it. <3

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Banghimlo #1
Chapter 2: Yay!!! Sure will ^^
Banghimlo #2
Chapter 1: I LOVE IT to the point that I am speechless <3 <3 <3
Chapter 2: this is really beautiful and well written that I'm seriously at a loss for words. it's a masterpiece of sorts. I'll be eagerly awaiting for the next chapter, though a part of me is secretly wishing it was much longer than two chapters. until next time!
NightKnight2002 #4
si7ver96 #5
Chapter 1: okay let me say something about this please? Okay so I love how this fic somehow followed my train of thought like I while I was reading and then suddenly thought of 'wait does Jungkook even know Yoongi is secretly drawing him?' and then the next paragraph explained that then I thought again 'omg how would Jungkook react if he finds out about this?!' and there was a paragraph for that too! I was amazed hahahah

p.s Jungkook's thighs *smirks* I think I know what you intended to do