Nature's Beauty

Nature's Beauty
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Darkness. That was what Min Yoongi’s eyes were supposed to be seeing. The back of his eyelids should essentially be in view, his tired head gently lying against a plush pillow soon to lull him to sleep in the comfort of the warm blanket buffering out the chilly winter winds that beat against his window trying to get through any crack or crevice it could permeate. Winter. Yoongi hated the cold. The two didn’t mix however, with winter brought a side of nature that he loved the capture. A fresh blanket of snow untouched by man in the wee hours of the morning, the sparkle of sunshine being reflected off the pure white covering every surface, leaving nothing untouched. Yes, that was a moment of beauty. One that Yoongi enjoyed capturing despite how the cold in the air chilled his bones.

Moments of nature’s beauty, he was always finding them. Whether it was something as common as such a snowy scene everyone fantasized about but never wanted to wade through or as simple as a birds nest in a tree, mama bird dropping a wriggling worm into her baby's salivating helpless mouth. He saw it in all kinds of places and some people even gave him strange looks for. Beauty was beauty. It didn’t have to be grand or remarkable nor stunning at first glance. Beauty is beauty.

Jeon Jungkook is beauty.

Jeon Jungkook is nature at it’s finest.

Jeon Jungkook, with his sun-kissed skin, bright innocent yet excited and passionate dark eyes, the curve of his slender nose, and the tips of those ears turning pink at the simplest of comments, his firm, lean figure with a height that only seemed to keep growing, raven black silky locks that bounced with so much fluff it made you just want to run your fingers through it forever, those long, muscular legs, athletic thighs, slender yet thick taunting you to touch… Jeon Jungkook was perfect. Even in his flaws he was perfect. Those subtle scars on his face felt like they were strategically placed in such a way that could they even be called scars? No, this creature was one of nature’s finest works of art.

Which would explain why in the middle of the night when Yoongi’s head should be resting on his pillow, it was leaning over a sketch pad, fingers gripping his pencil, strong, gentle and determined to capture that beauty of nature that couldn’t seem to escape Yoongi’s mind. It had grown into a habit. The artist would be eating lunch, glance out the window to see a random person crossing the street with a basketball in hand. Next thing you know, his mind had gone to Jungkook’s form as he shot the ball into the hoop just the other day. His hands were scrambling for his supplies, pencil to paper and Jungkook’s toned thighs were being drawn in a flash. This occurred in the middle of his college classes. At work on his breaks, in the morning in the middle of brushing his teeth. An obsession? Perhaps.

How to stop?

A question that Yoongi had asked himself on multiple occasions but it never seemed to work. Seeing the young man on more than one occasion only reinforced things. They went to the same university, different departments but that surprisingly didn’t mean much. In fact, Yoongi found himself coming across the boy more often than some of the kids who had the same major as him. It was almost uncanny how it happened but he didn’t put much stock into it. Why? Yoongi wanted to enjoy such beauty, revel in it, bask in the light that was Jeon Jungkook. The boy brought him so much more inspiration than he’d like to admit even to himself. If his professors hadn’t praised him more than a few times then the artist could shrug off just how much of an effect that Jungkook had on him.

This was supposed to relate to winter right? It did. He did. Winter brought out layers upon layers of clothes. Where most people just looked like sacks of potatoes, that boy managed to do the impossible. Coats that should be blobs, scarves that should be frumpy and hats that should muss up your hair did the exact opposite to Jungkook. Where was he buying his clothes because no matter how big the coat, ugly the scarf, or big the hat, it looked anything but hideous on the boy. Jungkook looked fashionable and utterly adorable. Scarves didn’t seem to be something he cared for but on those extremely cold days he might just don one and that changed Yoongi’s day. It was bad enough with the kid wore beanies but the rare moments he had a scarf on just made him look more adorable than a siberian husky pup in a basket with a bright red bow around it’s neck.

Yoongi’s hand moved all over his sketch pad page, slowly but surely another drawing of Jeon Jungkook was appearing. A winter themed one of the boy in the same bright red scarf he had seen him in earlier this morning. He had been exhaling deliberately to see his breath come out in puffs of smoke as he walked. Where as others tried to hurry to class and stay as snuggled behind their scarves as possible, he was casually walking, hands shoved into his pockets and eyes following his puffs of smoke. The two had crossed paths, both inevitably going to class in opposite directions.

Glancing over at the clock, 4:54 AM, a sigh escaped chapped lips. It was really getting late. He wasn’t one to sleep a lot as it was but considering he needed to be awake in about two in a half hours. Bed is where his tired yet inspired head should be. Min Yoongi was Min Yoongi and his current masterpiece claimed his attention once more.


With how many sketches of the same male were scattered about his studio, or corner of his apartment he deemed his studio, you’d think that the two were lovers or at the very least good friends. That was not the case. Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook had never spoken. Not even a single word. In fact, Jeon Jungkook probably didn’t even know Min Yoongi existed. The only reason that Yoongi even knows the kid’s name is by chance someone had called it out when Yoongi had been within earshot.

Haggard eyes, dark, dark circles under them, was the norm for Yoongi. Today was no exception. Shoulders slumping slightly, due to fatigue he made his way across campus at the pace of a turtle. Shuffling his feet, Yoongi kept his eyes on the ground, too lazy and tired to raise his eyes more than enough to navigate around nearby people. Shifting the strap of his backpack over his shoulder, he trudged along not caring much if he missed the beginning of his first class, Humanities. An easy A class that was taken purely for the fact that even in college you had to have credits for elective classes. The portfolio under his arm, was being held with a slackening grip. Yoongi’s eyes were fluttering, struggling to stay open even as he was moving. Another night of no sleep thanks to a boy who didn’t even kn

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Banghimlo #1
Chapter 2: Yay!!! Sure will ^^
Banghimlo #2
Chapter 1: I LOVE IT to the point that I am speechless <3 <3 <3
Chapter 2: this is really beautiful and well written that I'm seriously at a loss for words. it's a masterpiece of sorts. I'll be eagerly awaiting for the next chapter, though a part of me is secretly wishing it was much longer than two chapters. until next time!
NightKnight2002 #4
si7ver96 #5
Chapter 1: okay let me say something about this please? Okay so I love how this fic somehow followed my train of thought like I while I was reading and then suddenly thought of 'wait does Jungkook even know Yoongi is secretly drawing him?' and then the next paragraph explained that then I thought again 'omg how would Jungkook react if he finds out about this?!' and there was a paragraph for that too! I was amazed hahahah

p.s Jungkook's thighs *smirks* I think I know what you intended to do