Just Realized

Midnight Love Story


Just Realized

Title: Just Realized

Present Pairings: DaraHae*, JaeDara,  Eun-U, YoonHae, SiBom

Summary: I just wanted to make her jealous. I’m such an idiot.


Donghae’s POV

I looked at the window and saw that girl eating and alone by herself again under the tree in front of the school building. What’s with her? Iasked myself. I’m already pissed and she’s just making my mood worse just by looking at her being alone and sad. I huffed and looked at her furiously while planning something in my mind. I smirked as I finished the plan in my head and saw her pack her lunch. I then headed downstairs to go to where she was at and start my first step.

“Yah, Dara Park” I said as I walked closer to where she was sitting. Her slightly bowed head slowly moved upward to look at me.

“What?” she said in a low voice. I smirked at her actions thinking that she was acting cold to me again.

“What?” she again said now with a louder and a more irritated tone. I sighed and looked at her with a weird look.

“Why are you being like this? You’re making me feel bad, aren’t you?” I asked like how little kids ask their mom to buy them their favorite candy.

“What do you mean?” she asked back as she stood up from where she was sitting and looked at me. Damn, she’s not following the script I had for her in my plan. I thought as I coughed a little bit when I saw her walk towards me.

“We already broke up a year ago but why are you still making me feel bad by letting me see you alone and sad, huh?” I said.

She stopped walking and gave me a confused look. After a couple of seconds, she then huffed and smirked at me like she realized something. Oh geez, I thought as I realize that my plan isn’t going to work.

“Donghae-ah, do you really think that every time you see me alone, it’s because I want you to see me like that?” she said with a disbelief look. “Like what you said, we already broke up a year ago. A year ago Donghae, already a year.” she continued emphasizing the word ‘year’ as she says it. I felt a squeeze on my heart that made me took a deep breath and look at the ground.Why would she even say that and ponder it to my face? I thought.

“I’ve moved on. And even if I still haven’t, I’ll try my best to find someone who’s nothing like you, not a jerk or an that dated me for no reason and didn’t even love me.” She then finally finished her statement. A stab in the heart was all I got while I hear her say those things. It hurt me when I heard how she described me. I know I was a jerk and all but I did love her… at the end of our last day.

“I know I gave you a hard time but you really don’t have to talk to me like that. Don’t act so cold” I replied looking at her.

She looked at me with sharp eyes. “It was entirely your fault. I know you know that so don’t lie.” She said as she changed her expression from furious to being calm.

I can feel she was frustrated about something. Maybe she was frustrated because of what I did to her in our relationship. I thought. For me, it’s not really a big surprise if my guess is actually right. She was the only one trying her best to work out our relationship while I was busy flirting with other more interesting girls. See, I know how a jerk and a pain I was and I regret being like that.

“I know” I said in a low voice. I saw her bite her lip and remembered the time when she confessed to me.

“You see, I don’t entirely blame you for doing the thing you did. It was also partly my fault for being so gullible and not seeing how you were forced to be with me. I actually just realized that when we were together, you gave me so many signs that you already wanted to break up but I was so clueless about that and still didn’t mind your actions.” she said as she slightly bowed her head. I was about to speak up but she beat me to it.

“I’m sorry” she apologized. I sighed. Why would she say sorry to me? I was the one who was supposed to apologize to her. I thought.

She was staring at the ground when I heard her name being called. “Dara!” a guy shouted. She immediately looked up to see the person then smiled widely at him. I was looking at the guy asking myself who he was. He was wearing a different uniform so I expected he was from another school.

“Jiyong!” I heard a shout from the girl beside me. Jiyong? Is that her new boyfriend? I asked myself. I looked at the guy named Jiyong carefully and examined him with my eyes. Okay, I admit he’s a little good-looking but honestly, he’s not as handsome as me. I huffed as I complemented myself. I was in my own world until I realized that the girl I was talking to earlier was now beside the guy I was just criticizing.

That frustrated, furious and sad girl I was having a conversation with earlier now turned into a cheerful and glad girl. She was smiling widely to the boy in front of her and giving him a huge and tight hug. I sighed as the view started to get worse. How could she be with that guy, he’s not even that good looking. I turned around and walked away from them.


“So, what do you think?” I asked.

“Well, base from what you said, you’re not going to get her back Hae so stop trying to make her like you again.” Eunhyuk said.

I looked at him sternly and sighed. “You’re supposed to say that I still have a chance with her since you’re my best friend” I said.

“You told me to tell you the truth so blame yourself” he replied while taking a sip of his drink. I sighed as one girl headed towards us.

“Hey Eun” I greeted. Ji Eun is my best friend’s girlfriend and my ex-girlfriend’s best friend so that means she’s Eunhyuk’s girlfriend and Dara’s best friend. Got it?

She nodded in response and sat beside Hyuk. We were once close before when Dara was still my girlfriend but that all changed when I dumped her. I can’t blame her though. I broke the heart of her very first best friend in the school; it’s not shocking to hear that she doesn’t want to see me anymore. It’s just that now, she’s forced to hang out with me and see me because her boyfriend’s my best friend.

“So I heard you had a little talk with Dara earlier” she said as Eunhyuk placed his arm on her shoulder.

I nodded. “Yeah, In the midst of that conversation, I also found out she has a new boyfriend” I sighed. I saw her gasp and look at me with a weird look.Maybe she was thinking things like “Ha! In your face” or something like that, I thought.

I sighed again as I saw another couple head towards our table. What? Am I supposed to be the so called ‘loner’ in our group now? Me? Psh, come on. I insisted. The two sat by my side while I look at them with an irritating look.

“What?” Siwon asked. I continued to look at them with that look and didn’t answer the guy. The girl looked at me and just gave me a friendly smile.

“Bom-ssi, be very careful with Donghae. He might fall in love with you, he’s kind of desperate now if you must know” Eunhyuk joked. “Yah!” Siwon and I shouted in unison. The two girls plus Eunhyuk laughed while Siwon and I sighed.

I decided to leave the others and went to the school’s backyard. While heading there, a girl stopped in front of me.

“H-hello” she stuttered. Her head was slightly bowed causing her hair to block her nametag.

“I’m Im Yoona” she introduced herself. Is this going to be a confession? I was asking myself until I saw a familiar girl meters away from us. The girl walked closer and closer by the second.

I looked at the named girl Yoona in front of me and touched her face which caused her to face me and tremble a bit. I saw her, now just a meter away, stop and stared at us.

“Is this a confession you’re making?” I asked while slightly smirking. Yoona looked a bit shocked but still nodded in response. I looked at her carefully then at the girl then looked at Yoona once again. I gulped and sighed before I nodded.

“Okay, you can be my girlfriend” I said.  I saw the two girls in front of me looking astonished. I smirked at the girl behind us as I grabbed my current girlfriend into a hug. I saw Dara with an upset look on her face and walked away from us. What’s with the upset look? I asked myself.


It’s already been about 7 years since I last saw Dara. She already found a man and now they’re going to get married. I sighed as I buttoned my suit in front of the mirror.

“Yah, the wedding’s about to start, come out already” Eunhyuk said while knocking the door.

I came out of the room and went to the wedding venue with Eunhyuk and Ji Eun. We were able to sit in front of the venue before the wedding started.

I saw Dara walk towards her soon-to-be husband named Jaejoong, if I’m not mistaken, with that beautiful smile on her face.

While the priest was talking, I asked Ji Eun about who the guy was.

“He’s Jiyong-oppa’s best friend” she answered. Jiyong. Jiyong. Jiyong. The name kept repeating in my mind. After a couple of seconds, I was able to remember the name and the guy’s face.

“By Jiyong, you mean her ex- boyfriend in high school?” I asked. Ji Eun looked at me like I was on drugs then shook her head.

“No. By Jiyong, I mean her older brother” she said.

The word ‘brother’ kept on echoing in my head as I looked back to the day she was eating alone and I confronted her.

“You may now kiss the bride” I heard the priest say. I was frozen. I didn’t even dare to look at the grateful couple in front of me.

Jiyong was her brother?I kept asking myself. So, you mean the guy who I thought was her boyfriend at that time was actually her brother? I asked myself once again. I sighed myself in disbelief when I realized what I did about 7 years ago.

I accepted a confession from a girl I just knew for a minute in front of the girl I loved. I told myself.

I just wanted to make her jealous. I’m such an idiot. I excused as I watched the official couple walk out through the aisle.


A/N: LOL. this was suppose to be a sad story but I just can't help but laugh on Donghae being slow XD

to all donghae fans, im sry i made Donghae stupid here...i just can think of a right ending to the story.. there was actually another story i was working on before i made this but yeah,..i guess pabo hae came first XD

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YouDunnoMe #1
msdeathstalker #2
Chapter 3: darahae is love love love thanks authornim
Royal_Ayi #3
Chapter 3: Chap. 3 is so CUTE... ♥ 8 ^3^
shendron #4
awww...........<br />
It's so cute!!!<br />
Love it!!!!
Awww!!! It's so cute! :)
@Majo401: SFC La Union :) & thank you!! hehe x)
No problem.. (: hahaha. Aweeee!! Another great one shot!! (: loooooooovvvvvee it! <br />
San ka sa pinas?
sujukat #8
haha..Kona Beans and Handel and Gretel!!! wee!!! are you an ELF perhaps? hehe...i love chapter 3!!! haha...
LessThanThree14 #9
i Feel sorry for hae but it was mostly his fault though please update soon :))
@Majo401 - :D thank you :)))) btw, i just noticed we're both from the Phil. xD