
It started with innocent touches (Edited)

Jungkook didn’t know what started it.


May be it was the way their skin made contact when they wrestled, or the way his eyes would scrunch up into those adorable little crescents with those little wrinkles showing.


But before he knew it, he found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with his precious hyung.


And this is when Jungkook finds himself spending more and more time in the practice room away from everyone, But most importantly away from him.


Jungkook knew that the more he was close to him, he would not be able to hold himself back, back from pushing him against the wall of their shared bedroom and attacking those plush lips of the hyung he oh so loved very much.


It was one of those many nights where Jungkook finds himself in the practice room with his aching limbs where he wonders how he ever fell in love with his precious hyung. His Jiminie hyung.


It started out as innocent skinship for fan service which the fans loved so much during their fan meeting. However, those innocent touches that were left turned into some thing more for Jungkook. Whenever Jimin would touch him, he would feel butterflies erupt in his stomach sending those electric shock like feelings down his spine and Jungkook could never suppress the blush that would slowly creep up onto his cheeks.


This feeling that Jungkook has, will not, and most probably for now, be reciprocated back to him.


And for that very reason, Jungkook could never pluck up the courage to approach his hyung.


He could never pour out his feelings to his precious hyung.


He was scared, very scared that his hyung would be disgusted, would never want anything to do with Jungkook ever again.


However, the chance of that happening would be one in a million, knowing that the members would never judge his uality, and also knowing of Namjoon hyung’s support of LGBT Rights.


Jungkook knew his hyung’s would accept him.


But what if he told Jimin about his feelings? Would Jimin hyung accept it? Does Jimin hyung even like guys?


And this is why Jungkook just cannot find himself approaching Jimin, he could not bear to get his heart broken, more or less by his favourite hyung, the hyung that was with him through his ups and downs, the hyung who would bring him out for ice-cream when he was stressed.


How could Jungkook do that to his hyung?


That is why Jungkook opted to just waste his time away from the dorm to be in the practise room even though he knew he would only be hurting himself more than he already is.


This is how Jungkook always find himself deep in though for hours in the practice room, probably overthinking about life to0 much for a mere 19-year-old to be doing


This time being no exception, however,  Jungkook does something he could and would not imagine ever doing.




Jungkook was so immersed in his own thoughts that he never realised the door to the practice room had opened and closed with someone entering into the room.


A hand was cautiously placed against his back which had abruptly snapped Jungkook back into reality, and he had jumped almost a foot away in utmost shock.


‘Jungkook ahh…sorry... I didn’t mean to scare you.' started a very surprised Jimin as he let his hand, that was left hanging in mid air which was originally on the maknae’s back, fall back to his side.


‘Oh hyung! No no its fine, I just didn’t expect someone to come in at this time, what brings you here hyung, I was just getting ready to head back to the dorm’ The maknae questioned his hyung, obviously surprised by his sudden appearance, as he sat up and dusted of his pants heading to the other end of the room to grab his stuff.


‘Well you have been coming back to the dorm late these days, sometimes you do not even return at all, and we are getting worried, I’m getting worried Jungkook ahh, are you over working yourself too much, I don’t want you falling sick or anything.’  


‘Oh have I? I didn’t even realise, I’m really sorry for worrying you guys, and I promise I haven’t been overworking myself hyung, you don’t have to worry about me.’ 


What a lie Jungkook thought to himself, of course he knew he was not going back to the dorm, not because he was overworking himself, but to avoid the very said person who is standing in front of him.


Jungkook once again didn’t realise that he had spaced out, for the second time that day.


‘Jungkookie? Are you feeling alright?’ Jimin questioned as he tried to place his hand on Jungkook’s forehead to check if he had a temperature noticing how pale he suddenly looked.


‘Yeah I’m fine!’ startled, Jungkook pulled away before Jimin was able to touch him. He quickly walked to where his bag was, dumped everything in and headed straight out the door, however, he instantly regretted acting the way he did because as he peeked over his shoulder to take a glance at Jimin, he instantly saw the hurt and confused written all over Jimin's face.




How stupid! Jungkook thought as he walked down the empty street, getting further and further away from the company building.


After what happened, Jungkook could not find it in himself  to return to the dorm, he felt that he would not be able to look his hyung, or even bear to apologise, after what he had done to his hyung just a few minutes ago. He mentally beat himself on how his actions could have potentially hurt his hyung more than he had thought. Jungkook shivered, and cursed himself mentally, at the image of the hurt so evident on Jimin's, whom normally is always so happy, replayed over and over again in his head.


But what could Jungkook have done differently to not have hurt his hyung? He had already made a deal with himself that he would not fall even more or get his hopes up that there could ever be a possibility that his hyung actually liked him.

Jungkook quickly shaked the thought out of his head. ‘'Could life get anymore complicated’ thought the maknae as he continued walking down the street to destination 'no where', just wanting to get away from the company as far as possible and not even going in the direction of the dorm.



However, Jungkook cursed every God in the would at how everything was agaisnt him as he realised how gradually and subconsiously he can walked towards the dorms and now Jungkook was just standing at the crossing that leads back to their dorm.


‘Hmm looks like I cant keep running away from what my heart wants.” laughed Jungkook as he took a step forward to start crossing the road.


However, before his brain could even process anything, t he hears the sound of screeching tires, a honk, and someone screaming his name and then everything goes black.




When Jungkook starts regaining his senses, he finds himself in a foreign place that did not look like the practice room nor the dorm.


‘Where am I?” was the first thing Jungkook tried to say when he realised he was in an unfamiliar place. He tried to lift himself up but to no avail and all that managed to come out from the maknae’s mouth was a small groan followed by a pained whine.


“Oh My God” was all he heard before he was brought into a bone crushing hug by someone.


“Don’t you ever try to do something like that every again you get it?! Pabo ah” sobbed Jimin as he clung to the maknae like he would suddenly disappear into thin air.


That was when Jungkook finally was able to digest and process the situation, that he was in a hospital with him lying in the bed and that very voice that he heard belonged to non other than his precious hyung.


Park Jimin.


Before Jungkook could say anything else, he felt something warm and plump touch his lips.


Jungkook could not believe this, was he dreaming? Or was Jimin actually kissing him… his hyung?


That was it Jungkook thought, he was not holding back anymore, and without wasting anymore time he too started kissing his hyung back.


That moment was short lived when 5 other beings decided to come barging in on their special moment causing them both to spring apart like there was an invisible spring that was let go between them.


‘OMG Jungkook ah you are awake!’ cried Jin as he went over to the maknae, this made Jimin stepped a little, very awkwardly as well and watched as Jin had brought the maknae into another bone crushing hug.


‘You gave us a big scare back there kid’ said Namjoon as he patted Jungkook on the thigh that was covered by the hospitals thin blankets that never seem to provide as much warmth as needed with how cold hospital rooms usually became.


‘You are not allowed to ever go anywhere alone from now on” in chimed a very concerned but relieved Taehyung.


Yoongi and Hoseok both nodding in agreement with the younger


‘ok ok now that we know that Jungkook is alright, lets leave these two love birds alone’ smirked Namjoon as he ushered the other boys except Jimin out of the room, leaving a very flustered Jungkook behind.


‘You only passed out from the shock kookie ah, the car managed to swerve away just in time, missing you by a mere centimetre” started Jimin as he walked over to the maknae with a cup of water in his hands, and letting the younger drink it.


‘I’m sorry hyung—‘ croaked Jungkook, but was immediately cut off by the older.


‘Its ok kookie ah, just don’t ever do something that careless every again, I don’t think I can take ever living without you’ Jimin said as he put down the now empty cup of water on the side table and took a sit on the bed next to Jungkook facing him. ‘I’ve noticed you avoiding me lately, and it hurt knowing that the boy that you were madly in love with was avoiding you, but I love you kook ah for a very long time now’ Jimin stated as he looked in the maknae’s eyes trying to relay the sincerity in his words.


Jungkook not being able to take the sudden wave of emotions hitting him like a tsunami, looks down to his lap not knowing if he could be able to look Jimin in the eyes. ‘Hyung… I have loved you too, for a very long time. I just could not tell you, I was scared that you would not like me in that way, I was scared that when you find out that you would be disgust—’Jungkook was not able to finish his sentence, when he felt his chin being lifted to make eye contact with the man in front of him.


‘Don’t even dare complete what you were going to say’ ‘I’m sorr—’ ‘The past is the past, we cannot do anything to change it, however we can now look forward to what the future brings, for our future’.


And that promised was sealed as Jimin gently placed his lips onto Jungkook.


Now all Jungkook could think of was his future, their future, with his precious hyung.


His Park Jimin




That is the end of my second story hahahaha

I had a lot of homework to do but I just had to finish this

It came out longer than i expected it to but I really hope you guys will like this, I really spent a lot of time on this even though it may not be the best hahahaha

And it also came out a little angst then i originally intended it to be hahaha blame the songs i was listening as i was writing this hehehe ><

Love Arrianne~~~


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Chapter 1: Even this story tagged as angst but I'm glad its turn out to be a happy one
luvarin #2
Im looking fwd to this.. it seems very interesting..