Day Two: The Observation part 1

Yongseokkie' s X-Files (Or How Yongseok Found Out about the Secret Couples)

A/N: This is the second part. So sorry for making you all wait for a long time. But here it is. ^^


Yongsokkie’s X-files

Yongseok stretched on his bed and smiled. He glanced at his bedside table clock and saw that it was still early. He didn’t really know why but today was very exciting for him. He could feel his stomach fluttering because of nerves. It was as if his body knew that this day was special and it was getting him ready for something big that was about to happen.

He opened his eyes, squinting as the bright rays of the sun met him. He was still sleepy because he spent the night memorizing and copying the checklist he saw in the magazine yesterday. Well, most of his time was actually spent on trying to remember how he found the magazine under Casper hyung’s pillows and recreating the entire scene. His skills were certainly put to the test.

Reaching under his pillow, his hands zeroed in on the little notebook he got last night. Smiling brightly at the notebook, he whispered, “We’re gonna have some fun today.”

Yongseok got up and after freshening up, he all but rushed towards their kitchen. It was his hyungs’ off today so he knew all of them would most likely be in bed. He wanted to prepare breakfast then call them later. Then he would start his investigation. He couldn’t wait.

With a light step, he sauntered into their kitchen thinking of what he’d cook when he heard voices coming from there. When he reached their kitchen what he saw was something like what a dream sequence would look like.

His Seyoung hyung was standing before the stove. He was flipping pancakes and stacking them onto a plate that Sangmin hyung was holding. Then Sangmin hyung put the plate on the table before Casper hyung who was mixing more pancake batter in a big bowl. Beside him was Won Ho hyung slicing fruits and arranging them onto a deep round blue dish.

Yongseok had barely taken in the scene when Takuya hyung came in and went straight to Won Ho hyung. He murmured, “Ohayou,” then snatched a piece of apple from Won ho hyung’s hand. He then sat beside Won Ho hyung and fiddled with his smart phone.

Despite seeing what he was seeing in front of him, Yongseok still wasn’t sure if he was awake or sleeping still. So he bit the inside of his cheek hard.


‘It had hurt so this was real it seemed’, Yongseok thought. There were many inconsistencies with what he was witnessing now.

First, Casper hyung never ever woke up early. He always stayed in bed until almost all of them were ready to go out. But now, Yongseok was trying his best not to stare but he knew was failing. He just couldn’t understand why his hyung who was always late was at the table minding the pancake mix and helping out in making their breakfast.

Second, Seyoung hyung didn’t want to make breakfast. He never really was a cook, unlike him of course. Whenever they talked about cooking in turns, Seyoung hyung always found a reason not to. But now, not only was he in front of the stove cooking he was also smiling while doing it, as if he was enjoying it.

Third, Sangmin hyung was helping Seyoung hyung cooked. When Yongseok cooked and asked for help, Sangmin hyung was the last to give it. So the fact that he was here in the kitchen looking mightily pleased with holding a plate of pancakes was a very strange thing for him to do.

Yongseok then looked at Won Ho hyung and Takuya hyung. At least the two older members were normal.

The sound of pain he made got his hyungs to notice him. Seyoung hyung smiled at him and pointed with his spatula.

“Yah, Yongseokkie, get some more plates and put them on the table. I’ll be finishing up here.” Without waiting for an answer, Seyoung hyung turned and flipped the last pancake on the skillet. He then took his apron off and Sangmin hyung reached for it.

“I’ll put this away, hyung. “ He said smiling. Seyoung hyung answered with a smile and pinched Sangmin hyung’s cheek.

“You’re so thoughtful, thank you Sangminnie.” Seyoung hyung said sweetly.

Yongseok saw from the corner of eye that Casper hyung was frowning over his two other hyungs’ actions. Feeling unsure himself on how to react, he moved on auto pilot. He got more plates from the cupboard but his attention was on his hyungs. The more he saw, the more clueless he became. He knew he was seeing something here but he felt like he was missing something. He felt like he was floating somewhere dreaming and awaking and he just wasn’t sure what state he would choose.

Once he placed the plates around the table, each in front of his hyungs, Yongseok moved to a chair and gingerly sat. This was a...weird morning. His mind supplied. Actually weird didn’t cover it but that was all his brain could come up with now.

‘Let’s think about it later.’ Yongseok nodded to himself.

They were all seated and were starting to eat when Won Ho hyung spoke.

“Okay, now that we’re all here, I’m gonna have say something important.”  Won Ho hyung had stood up then and roved his eyes to all the people around the table. He must have seen how Yongseok was worrying his lips so he smiled reassuringly. “Don’t worry, it’s good news.”

There were sighs of relief and uneasy smiles all around.

Yongseok knew it must about their comeback. They had been preparing and busily planning for their new album so it was just typical that they felt a bit nervous. Each comeback was very nerve wracking to everyone.

“Okay, manager-hyung said that we will have our new songs tomorrow. He said he will send some files later tonight so we can listen to them so tomorrow we have to go to the studio for the first selection.”

His hyungs showed their approval and after questions were asked and answered, the morning meal progressed without any problem.

Except that Yongseok’s mind was telling him to look more closely around him. He knew he had to because of his investigation but he also knew that what he was seeing was out of the ordinary and therefore would potentially be fatal to his mental health. But he had to look. He had to, so he did.

It was subtle at first, but when Yongseok really really looked, he noticed it.

He wasn’t sure if this always happened but he saw Seyoung hyung put food onto Casper hyung’s plate. The other male smiled knowingly as if they share something others didn’t know about. Then he noticed Sangmin hyung’s face darken a little, like he tasted something that didn’t agree with his stomach. Then Sangmin hyung asked Seyoung hyung to pass the jar of maple syrup which their eldest did, and their fingers touched. Yongseok blinked. And blinked again.

His eyes moved to Won Ho hyung and Takuya hyung to see if they noticed this exchange but the two didn’t seem to notice anything amiss. ‘Well, at least these two are the same.’ Yongseok said to himself and focused more now on the three other occupants of the table.

They were almost finished with breakfast when Seyoung hyung said he would go out for a bit.

“Are you going to go biking? Can I go with you?” Sangmin hyung asked.

Seyoung hyung seemed to consider something, “Your bike’s broken. I don’t want to walk.”

Then Casper hyung piped in. “Then I’ll take you on my motorbike hyung. It’ll be faster.”

“But he doesn’t like it because of the smoke. That’s why he likes bikes. Hyung, I’ll just ride with you on your bike, how’s that? We can go to the grocery store afterwards.” Sangmin hyung reasoned.

“You’ll just bother Seyoung hyung, Sangminnie.” Casper hyung said this in a rather sarcastic way. “It’s better that we use the motorbike. Right, hyung?”

Yongseok didn’t notice that he had his mouth hanging open as this weird conversation was going on.  So when the piece of pancake he was putting in his mouth ended up on their table cloth, he jolted.

‘What the heck was going on?’ he silently thought as his hyungs continued to throw reason after reason as to why they should be the one going with Seyoung hyung. It was like watching a ping pong game. A bizarre ping pong game.

“Stop!” Seyoung hyung said after some time. Yongseok thanked him in his mind. The conversation was starting to be very annoying to him too.

The two older men stopped and stayed quiet. They looked at Seyoung hyung  expectantly.

“I said I will go. Alone. If I wanted company, I would have asked. Okay?” he said then left the table.

Casper hyung and Sangmin hyung looked at each other, their faces with varying degrees of disbelief and annoyance. But after a few moments, they also excused themselves and bolted.

Yongseok scratched his head in confusion.

“What the heck was that about?” Takuya hyung asked after some time. He was still eating fruits but stopped when the three members started with their ping pong convo.

Won Ho hyung shrugged and said he’d go to his room. Takuya hyung followed shortly saying that he had to practice his piano.

Yongseok remained seated at the table wondering what in the world he had just witnessed. His eyes moved first to the seat left by Seyoung, Casper, and Sangmin hyung. Then his eyes moved to his left where Takuya and Won Ho hyung sat.

It was then when he realized that they left him to deal with the dishes. Again.

Yongseok immediately stood up and chased after his hyungs.

“Yah! It’s not my turn to wash the dishes! Won Ho hyung, it’s you today!”



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Akahaka_Scarlet #1
Chapter 4:
nylie_k #2
Chapter 4: THIS IS SO CUUUTE <3
you got me a little with the ending, I thought it wouldn't be the way it is xo
I love this so much~~~
Chapter 4: waaaaaa this is just too cute! hahahaha.
Chapter 3: Lmao Yongseok got caught by Seyounggie and that (somehow) implied CasYoung made me explode into bits~ Kyaa Hyung Line ship and what's with TakuShin? It might be unexpected so I'll just be waiting for your updates then!~
SeventhRose #5
Chapter 1: It's a really interesting story! As I've said, I like your style and here I can also see your humor - Seokkies talks with the ceiling and the mirror were something :D
All those pretty little facts about each member are so cute c: and Youngseok's behaviour in their rooms too
looking forward to the next chapters and hope to find out what the black boxes contain lol
its suspicious that only Seyoung and Sangmin have them. Maybe they are that secret couple? lol

'Yongseok might just use his imagination for fun times but he knew Seyoung hyung didn't. '

Why was he so sure, had he checked? :D

thank you for your work and Happy Valentine's Day!