
If you could see me now.

Krystal POV

Brand new day, but I am not certainly in a good mood today. I had a good day yesterday because of Kai, but today I am dreading the tutor hours. I arrived at school waiting for the nerd to arrive so I can bully her before the session this afternoon. “Psst, Soojung, what are you doing?” Luna asked.

“I’m waiting for the nerd”

“Why? All I thought was, you’re waiting for Kai”

“I am too. But I have something ready for the nerd”

“What could that thing be?” It was Sulli this time.

“This” I showed them a cup of slushy that I took from the cafeteria earlier.

“You’re painting her purple. Grape flavor”

Before I can answer, the nerd entered the hall. “Hey nerd!” I shouted, she looked at me and I threw the slushy. That’s a hundred points! She stood there frozen. “You might need a change, nerd” with that, we left. As we entered our classroom, I was approached by Kai, who had arrived earlier than I thought. “So hottie, wanna go out after class?” he asked. “Can’t, I have a tutoring session with the girls after school. How about tomorrow?”

“Tutoring? who’s your tutor?”

“Apparently, Mr. kangin is threatening us that we are failing his subject and he appointed the nerd to be our tutor”

“Oh, okay. I’ll take you out tomorrow then”

“Sure” He left with that smirk on his face.

Amber POV

I had a great time yesterday with Henry; I cannot say the same with his big sister. She seem pretty awkward. I arrived at school and heard my name. I looked up and… SPLASH! Of all the flavors in the world, why grape? I hate that flavor in slushy and I am going to be late if I don’t start changing. Lucky, I always bring extra clothes.

- - - - - - - - - - -

I can’t say I hate the time from 5:30 until 7:30. I dread this tutoring session but at least they try and are quiet. They really take Mr. Kangin’s class seriously. So as usual, they arrived, they’re punctual which is shocking to me at first. “So guys, same routine, I’ll teach you then after an hour, I’ll leave your exercises so you can do it while I’m at duty. I’ll check it then.” They just nodded. An hour later, I left them their exercises, I went to change into my uniform and stayed in the counter making drinks and sometimes take some orders. “Hey, Jonghyun hyung, can you take this to the girls” I asked hyung.

“Sure, let me”

“Thanks bro”

“No problem” I gave them some snacks just like the last time. I am not heartless you know and its late already. It’s the least I could do.

Sulli POV

I saw “AJ hyung” this morning. She didn’t greet me and I didn’t too. I kept quiet when Soojung talked about her plan. I mean if I reacted, they will ask me if something’s wrong and I don’t want to be grilled by them. I might me having a soft spot on her but I kept on denying it.

Tutoring session, I could get used to this. I listened to her attentively and its getting easier for me to understand the lesson. When she left us to do the exercises, I sometimes follow her movements, how good she was at doing her job. As usual, a waiter came to our table and laid down some snack which I bet was from Amber just like the first time. “Amber said I give this to you. You guys might be drained with all the studying.” He said.

“Tell her thanks” I said. The girls looked at me like I have two heads. “Sure”

“What?” I asked.

“You said thanks” it was Suzy

“So? its proper. She gave us free food without asking which would probably be cut from her payment” I reasoned

“Never mind” thank God they didn’t grill me.

We finished the exercises which Amber checked. We were relieved that we got 75% right. After that, we got ready to go. I let the girls go out first. While Amber cleans our table, “Hey, thanks for the food” I told her. “It’s no problem”. I don’t know what to say anymore so I just left.


Next: “Dreaming alone, huh?”

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Chapter 26: nice story
neo2this #2
Chapter 26: *shedtears*... Good job dear author...
Chapter 26: Author-nim...... it was awesome!!!
And i want the sequel please...... ^^
Chapter 26: This is one of the best that I read authorshiii I'm so happy I abled to read this one and I hope you make another kryber storiess.... this really made me cry ... and I want a sequueellllll pretty please ^_^
mymh_bee #5
Chapter 26: Oh gosh. It ended too soon tho.. But still a happy ending ;) A sequel will be good tho
Thanks for your story..
Sherbet23 #6
Chapter 26: Please make a sequel to this , and good luck on college and stuff and take your time ... no need to rush to things just be calm and go with the flow...~~^^
Sina_neiyz #7
Chapter 26: Sequel pleaseee... take ur time and thanks
fankry #8
Chapter 26: its okay if u r busy. take your time.. and yes.. a sequel please. author shii jjang!
Chapter 26: Author-ssi Please Seeeeqqqqquuuueeeeelllll!!!!!!!!!!!