chapter one

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 It sounded funny how my Geometry teacher got involved in this little funny scene. She told me once before that a student of hers like me. And while I was walking in the corridor alone, she walked up to me and gave me a little, pink envelope which faintly smelled of a boy's perfume. Then like a crazy giddy teenager, she grinned at me and teased me playfully before walking away leaving me puzzled at her actions. I shrugged nonchalantly and gave a sidelong glance on her retreating figure before magnetting my eyes back at the pink envelop. I managed to scan it in the process before I pushed it inside my pocket and began walking away.


In a not so very legible handwriting, my full name was scribbled on the very center of the envelope.


It was addressed to me. But I didn’t know who's guy in his right mind would break the modern way of confessing by sending me a loveletter, yes a loveletter. My Geometry teacher’s handwriting is very neat and proper so I know she wouldn’t try writing my name in a gross manner that she, herself wouldn’t like. However; I didn’t give so much importance to it as much as other people do. After all, I couldn't remember when was the last time I've received one.


However; I didn’t know that it will be the last time that I’m going to receive one too.


The moment my friends had found out, they teased me about it endlessly. I didn’t know what to feel and much worse say to them. It was embarrassing me but at the same time it made me feel giddy too. I could always see their sly smiles every time I would blush upon the mention of the letter. I tried to shrug them away but it seems my constant defense about it fueled their teasing more.


It wasn’t my first time to receive one. When I was in third grade, I received quite a lot of love letters from my mischievous classmates from Adam's line, so I was quite used to it. I know we’re too young for that but you can’t blame’s a part of a happy childhood—experiencing what only grown-up kids are supposed to enjoy. But anyway after that, I had seldom received letters anymore until I got into high school.


In high school, boys found it cheesy to confess to girls they like by writing romantic love letters. They prefer to text them more or blurt it out straightly. However; I believed otherwise. I waited for that one man who has a brave soul to send me a nice letter and I was surprised when I will actually receive one occasionally, and then there was this love letter, a year before graduation.


After reading it, I had a hunch on who was the sender but I pretty much kept my silence intact in regards to it. I wasn't so sure but I think I finally know who he is. However; the thing is, my friends knew better than I because they know his full name. They’d give him assessing compliments about how good-looking and nice he was. And they would tell me how he always waited for me on the school gates every dismissal and how he would steal glances at me every time I am with them. They told me how they noticed him go home after making sure that I was safe inside our car going home. Learning all of this, I didn’t know if I should be touched or what. He sounded pretty kin-like but not going overboard to be called a stalker.


At one point in my moment of realization, I had a thought that he was a nice person.


My friends then encouraged me to go over him and ask about the letter. They said that it is my right to confront him about it. But then even I, myself is not so sure if he was the one who sent me the notorious letter. We just based our judgment from the clues of my Geometry teacher. He didn’t even mention his name on the letter. But he did use his initials to name himself.



The initials he’d written were “K.J”.


At first after reading it, I assumed that he meant ‘killjoy’ with it because he ruined the fun by hiding his true identity. But then my friends argued about it telling me that it was actually his full name and how dense I could be. They reassured me that it was indeed the same guy that they were telling me. But I remained stiff and stubborn about it that they eventually left me alone.


I was too busy analyzing his letter that I didn’t realize that it was finally the prom. And it was my very first time to attend the event that happens only once a year. In that little town of ours, prom is one of the most awaited school activities by everyone—mostly by the girls. They like the sound of having to wear mini-gowns or pretty dresses, of three or four high-heeled stilettos or shoes, of light make-up and mascara, of pink lipstick and of glittering embellishments on the neck, ears and wrists.


I was far from being excited that night. I was afraid of knowing who the secret admirer is, the mysterious guy who wrote me the love letter—for he has said that he will reveal himself on the prom night. I was anxious of how I look and how will I act once we meet. I was very far from being excited but I felt my heart beating loudly in my chest. I had not welcomed the good feeling of meeting him finally, but I was more worried of thinking how will I break his heart without hurting him.


The anxiety was temporarily put on hold when I saw my friends waving at me across the hall. I smiled to myself and danced my way towards them pulling a confident and happy façade. They expressed their feelings about how elegant and pretty I looked that night. They said that I was astounding despite the simple design of my mini-gown. It was a very good shade of tangerine, embellished with a big ribbon made to lace on the right side of my shoulder. The top is quite glittery and was crumpled elegantly; while halfway the fabric was plain but folded in a designer’s way.


When the prom started, I was busily looking for him in the crowd but there was not a sight of anyone suspicious...yet. With my heart racing, I went on with the flow. The prom dance made me a bit sweaty and tired but I had fun with it. It was actually my favorite part of the show…having memorized dance steps and executing it in front of many audience. There was a warm applaud as we ended the dance and we made our way back to our seats. But before the official dance began, I went inside the comfort room to check up on myself.


I wiped a sweat that trickled down my forehead and stared at the girl in the mirror. The girl was very pretty and elegant to look at. The light make-up was highlighting the beauty of the girl before me. I moved my face muscles and saw the girl at the reflection smiled at me sweetly. I sighed lowly. Why am I so fond of looking at myself in the mirror?


I grinned. But then my face just turned a bit ridiculed afterwards. Who was I fooling around? I giggled upon the ridiculous thought and stepped out the restroom to get back with the prom.  As if I was just the cue they were waiting for, the moment I stepped out, the lights dimmed, the music began playing and the highlight of the event, the main dance officially started.


I felt my head swirling as I reached my seat. The lights had suddenly dimmed and a slow, but happy tune was filling the air. I saw a hand in front of me and I looked up. I didn’t display any emotion when I reached for his hand and he led me down the ballroom. I saw the gazes of my disappointed friends on us. They didn’t expect that Daesung would be my first dance. He smiled at me as I returned his smile thriftily. He was my classmate ever since last year. The sections have changed but he had still been my classmate. I didn’t want to think it was fate.


Even when the song has ended, and a round merry tune was filling the air, it seems that Daesung didn’t know the words “let-go” because instead of pulling me back to my seat, he tightened his hold on me. I grimaced while looking away, darting my eyes to our seat and seeing my friends looking at me comically. Minzy had a very funny look on her face while CL was tapping her feet lightly on the floor ignoring the hands of guys on her yet, and as for Bom, she was shaking her head lightly as if saying she didn’t expect the night to be this way.


When Daesung asked me if I was tired, I immediately said ‘I’m okay’ not wanting him to feel bad. But I soon regretted it because I felt my ankles started to hurt. It has been two songs consecutively and we’re moving too slow for the happy song. It was a good thing when he finally noticed my silence, he quietly pulled me back to our table. I was almost thankful to him when I was seated only to see another hand in front of me. I looked up and saw Seungri smiling handsomely at me.


I could not help but to smile back at him, accepting his hand as he led me to the dance floor. Every time I tried to take a seat, somebody would go to our table and offer their hand on me. I was almost tumbling as the hours went on and my partners in the dance floor varied. We danced as the songs changes from jolly, to sad, to happy, and to slow. I almost forgot the letter sender if I wasn’t nudged by Bom who was finally on the dance floor as well. She was dancing with TOP. He was the class heartthrob and was known to have a certain thing for Bom.


“He isn’t showing up yet?” she whispered as our backs met. They were swaying passionately unlike me and my partner who were so stiff on the dance floor.


I brought my eyes to meet her despaired brown ones, “You’re impatient, Bom. Are you excited that I have to break another heart?” I asked her furrowing my brows, making my voice audible for me and her only to hear.


“Well, Dara…actually yes.” She said as a matter-of-fact and smirked first before she brought her attention back to TOP who was saying something in her ear.


The prom was nearing to its end and I was losing my hopes up. I was tired and weary and a bit wobbly because of my aching toes. I glanced back at our table and saw that there are still few persistent guys lining up for me. I sighed in weariness unconscious to my own action. After awhile, Bom and TOP disappeared from the crowd and it didn’t escape my eyes when TOP leaned on my partner to whisper something. After awhile, the guy asked me if he could bring me to my seat which I so willingly accepted. I sat comfortably and grabbed a paper fan to cool myself. I squinted around me and saw the guys in line smiling sheepishly at me but they weren’t moving from their places.


I began to laugh inwardly upon thinking that maybe TOP and Bom warned the boys upon seeing how tired and unhappy I was after too much dancing. I was dancing non-stop since the prom started! I glanced at my four-heeled stilettos and saw my freshly manicured toenails turning reddish while my ankles continued to hurt. Then I saw how Seungri reached our table to raise a waiting hand on CL who willingly accepted and Daesung to Minzy which the latter took as well. I was left alone in the table to calm and rest myself for awhile.


Having enough time to rest my aching feet, I felt so good and refreshed that I was almost close to believing that it has still been a lucky day for me. But then as I was about to turn and enjoy watching the people dancing sweetly on the ballroom, I saw a hand in front of me. I was surprised that I gasp a little upon seeing his palm waiting for me to hold on invitingly. I gently raised my head to see who the person was and I stifled another gasp when I saw his warm eyes turn into tiny slits and his lips curve into a friendly smile.


I took his hand slowly as he managed to bring me at the center of the ballroom in daze. And just before we reached the center, the music changed and the song began to soften and a slower tempo ricocheted in the air.  I still couldn’t take my eyes off him as he began to lead the dance. Dong Youngbae. His name was beautiful…and so was his face. I wondered if it could probably be him.


“How are you?” he asked softly, his eyes finally locking into mine.


I tore my gaze off him and settled it on his right shoulder, “I’m fine.” I croaked suddenly not finding the right words to speak.


We didn’t talk afterwards. I didn’t know how to start up a conversation and I wasn’t used into things like this…getting awkward with the person. He was loosely holding my waist while my I carelessly rest my arms on his shoulders. It was getting tiring, and my feet were getting wobbly again. We’re like a stiff couple pretending to be pliant bamboos getting battered by the winds. I could say that Youngbae is a good dancer, and I’m not bad at it either…but why does it seem so different and—I heard a light cough coming somewhere near interrupting my thoughts. Youngbae looked past me as we heard a deep male voice speak from behind.


“Can I?” there was so much deepness in them that I couldn’t move my body to face him.


Youngbae silently asked me if I would be cool in changing partners but I lost my voice to speak and I just nodded my head stiffly not still grasping the situation. I felt his hold loosened on me as he slowly slipped away while at the same time I felt strong yet warm arms enveloping me in the waist. I raised my hands almost automatically to encircle them on his neck limply as a new set of vague emotions began cosplaying in my mind. My brain suddenly stopped working as I turned bemused while a very mellow and sweet song began to play softly.


I couldn’t raise my eyes to meet him so I continued looking down despite knowing that his eyes were all on me the whole time. I couldn’t explain the weird beating of my heart or its fast thumping against my chest. I felt my cheeks warmed up at the awkwardness of the situation. That’s when I heard him speak.


“So…how’s your feet?” he started, moving very slowly carrying my weight so I wouldn’t be burdened by carrying myself.


I looked up at him startled only to get lost at his dark brown eyes. I looked up to distract myself, roaming my eyes on his whole being…only to get lost in them again. His hair was almost the color of burgundy with a faint brown tone on some parts. It was stunning and it was exactly what made him stand-out among the crowd. He wore a dark brown tuxedo…like the color of his eyes, to match his skinny frame. My eyes roamed further until it darted on his skin. His skin…was so smooth when you really take a close look at it. His aura..his aura is kind of refreshing and his face is very calming to look at.


 His face was blank when he asked the question and I couldn’t help but to wiggle my head to erase his image already pinned on the back of my mind.


I smiled a little and responded in a shaky voice, “Of all the things you could ask…why are you asking me that?”


He smiled handsomely, easing my tension a bit, “I was watching you the whole time and you’ve never disappeared in this dance floor.”


I chuckled softly at the way he described it and met his eyes again, “You’re…You’re Kwon Jiyong, right?”


He sighed and smiled again, “And you are Sandara Park.”


I couldn’t help but feel amused at how our conversation was moving. It was like as if I was never known by people. Aside flaunting, I was quite popular in this school. I didn’t know what went to their minds to make me feel so powerful over them but…even if they made me feel that way, I feel so powerless.


“Funny. I was just merely saying your name and then you’re saying mine too.” I uttered unheeding the amusement in my tone.


He chuckled lowly. His deep voice sent invisible shivers to my spine and I couldn’t help but to focus on how his lips would quiver, curve into a smile and be pursed into a thin line again. That was the only moment when I felt that the world was behind me. I was so sure that when I was with him, I had forgotten everything…my supposedly secret admirer, my friends, the guys on the line, myself. I was just with him…and that’s all that matters.


“So, tell me…how’s your feet?” he said softly and I could tell that he was a bit worried about it.


I look down to hide a smile, “You seriously want me to answer that?” then I looked up again and saw him staring at me with an amused expression.


“I suppose.” He shrugged as I felt his warm hands pulling me closer to him, making me actually lean on him a bit so he would be able to carry my weight and remove the pressure to my aching feet.


I smiled at his gentlemanly gesture. Amongst all the guys I’ve danced with, he was the only one who managed to worry over my feet more than I did. He was definitely amusing…and bewitching.


“To tell you the truth…” I began, “my feet hurt…” I answered honestly.


He threw me an impish grin, sending weird signals to my brain making me feel uneasy, conscious, and even giddy. The ballroom was air-conditioned but I felt my forehead was dripping with invisible sweat. I saw his eyes disappeared as he did that. I could only feel amusement as to how I have come to think that he looked so…so…astonishingly ethereal

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JuliaMei #1
Chapter 3: Maybe it's your story kekekeke. Just kidding
JuliaMei #2
Chapter 3: Maybe it's your story kekekeke. Just kidding
JuliaMei #3
Chapter 2: It's like a fairytale but to think it's a true to life waahh. I envy them :D
JuliaMei #4
Chapter 2: Wonderful ending eh!!!!!
Dae to the bak!
vhoniexx #5
Chapter 2: such a heartwarming story!(~~)...
lalalala_mEe #6
Chapter 2: omo!!! can't believe i didn't read this before!!! OMG!!!~ you made me whine, wail, CRY, smile, LAUGH, giggle, GIDDY, and a lot more!!! kyaaaaahhh!!! i just can't help but feel so happy.. this is a good way to start this sweet season.. DARAGON LOVE!!!~ thanks for this!!! :D
Dorkhiem #7

omg. it such a happy and content feeling reading all this like long lost love..and in the end with a happy ending.

it makes me feel like there is a room to hope. hope for something in the end could be good if i simply.. wait.
it's so cheesy and Jiyong's character is a bit frustrating. Like seriously, if you love her then why'd you leave??
marioncerise #9
This was a nice read.. I kinda liked that this story was based solely on Dara's POV... I was only confused about her being angry with Jiyong when they're were even not an item or have been, until she told Youngbae that she knew it was Jiyong sending her letters... Though it was short I fully understood the story.. Thank for sharin this and making it a Daragon, otherwise I wouldn't even read it kekekekekkek... This has to be one of my fave so far :D