

This explores the feelings of being in a long distance relationship in a simple metaphor where feelings of emotional distance parallel that of the physical. - l2ramire


The title I got from Death Cab for Cutie's album/song "Transatlanticism" and I think this best describes the core and the entirety of this story. I know many would relate as we, fangirls, are in a perpetual LDR with our biases. But this story is not something that is made solely with imagination and love for bias. I didn't come up with this story with Kai in mind, but he's been my ultimate bias ever since so.. (and I know he's the best guy to portray the role)

(would come up with a poster soon!)


12:36AM Kai: But you know I don't want to only see you, right? Like for some weeks and then you have to leave for home again.
12:36AM Seulmi: What do you mean?
12:37AM Kai: I mean, just to have you for a short while and then we part ways till there's a next opportunity. I don't wanna have to miss you forever.
12:37AM Seulmi: Oh baby. Me too. WHY IS THIS SO SAD.
12:37AM Kai: Seeing you just from time to time would be unbearable
12:38AM Seulmi: I understand. What do you suggest?

12:40AM Kai: My love for you grows more and more each day. I can't think on any other scenario that's not having you by my side everyday. It's kinda confusing, you know. I've never been into such kind of situation and never expected to be. So I don't really know how to deal with it. But I guess I've never felt so connected to someone before. It's a different match

12:42AM Seulmi: Same here, you. I constantly wish you're with me. Like even just a simple thing that happens here makes me think like "Ah, I wished Kai were here to see this." And I have no idea what to do as well. Out of all people, someone that's from afar. But one thing sure is I don't wanna lose you just because of distance. I don't wanna lose you, ever.

12:44AM Kai: Yeah I even doubt that I'm being kinda irrational here cause I don't know how I could get so attached and fond of someone that's so distant but screw that, what I know is that I wanna share every single moment with you too. Even the simplest ones.

12:45AM Seulmi: You have no idea how dear you are to me. Describing it would be to understate it.

12:46AM Kai: You're dear to me, too. But this has to be just the starting point, not the path. We need to get together to keep it running. So.. do you think it could be possible to stay in Ireland with me, at least for a while?


Hey guys! Prologue of Transatlanticism is up! Let me know what you think! xo


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12exoverdose_v #1
Chapter 1: I can't wait for the following chapters! ^^
Oh Dear, this is just so me and my relationship.
Looking forward for the story ;)