How I Met CNU

Mr. Fictional

 I think i was 7 years old when i first fell in love,my next door neighbor to be exact.

His name was..well i kinda don't remember,but all i know is that he was very special to me.

He moved away in a matter of days,or so my mother told me..

i missed him like crazy and i hate myself for not even remembering the time we spent together.

I went through the rest of elementary school and part of middle school thinking about him and the what if's.My mother soon realized he was the problem for my bad grades and depression,we then again moved away.

Now my life is normal,i go to Seoul American High School,have many friends. Every now and then i still think about him.


Mom-Hyunsoo! Minhyun! come wash the dishes now..oh and sweep the floor! im going out,bye!

Me and my bother just stood there,were so used to our mothers behavior its practically normal

-5 minutes later-

Hyunsoo-Yah! come here you bang  kku  dong kku-ah!

Minhyun-mehrong~ catch me if you can!

Hyunsoo quickly dropped the rag and grabbed the dishwasher soap and hid it behind her back

Hyunsoo-im sorry Minnie...oppa come out. She whined

Minhyun came from behind her and hugged her back

Minhyun-Its okay,i forgive you

Hyunso-Jinja oppa?

Minhyun nodded and then squirted the dishwasher soap on her clothes

Hyunso-YAH! How'd you even get that?!

After an hour and a half of fighting and doing the dishes they sat down on the couch wathcing  Heaven's Postman

Hyunsoo-aww,thats so cute isn't it oppa? i wish was her

Minhyun-no,i wouldn't let you be with that flower boy..psh he couldn't even protect you with that body (not an Jaej oong hurt me just to type it xD)

Hyunsoo-Mhmm oppa,and you can?

Hyunsoo fell asleep on the couch and her brother carried her to the room

He gently sat her on the bed and covered her up,he turned around to set the alarm clock for school and saw the picture of her and the little boy

Minhyun-man..she still has this picture   

He flipped the picture face down..and contemplated on whether to take it or not but he knew it meant so much to his little sister.

-Hyunsoo's POV-

All i thought about in my sleep was the movie and having a  fairy tale romance and the next thing i knew i was dreaming of a wonderland with mystical and magical surroundings. Then he walked out,a tall teenage boy with glasses and long hair. He had on a white shirt and pants,green jacket and was holding a bouquet of flowers. And i just stood looking at him,still wondering if this was my dream or not. He slowly walked up to me as if he sensed i was scared.

Cnu-Annyeong *bows* my name is Shin Dongwoo,but you can just call me CNU

He smiled and walked over to hand me the flowers..i just stood there,looking up at him

Hyunsoo-are you real?

Cnu laughed and walked over and grabbed my hand

Cnu-let's just go Hyunsoo

Hyunsoo followed looking around the place,and asking him many questions

Hyunsoo-how old are you?why are you in my dream? why is your name CNU? is that a weird name? where are we going?..WHY AREN'T YOU ANSWERING MY QUESTIONS?

Cnu-because i don't know any of them,your the one who created me

Hyunsoo-look i dont even know you nor do i remember creating you Mr. Dongwoo

Cnu-but you here aren't i? Now tell me about my self,the only thing i know is my name

Cnu and Hyunsoo sat down on the grass discussing the details about himself

Hyunsoo-okay so your name is Shin Dongwoo and your nickname is CNU,your 17 and live here in my who knew id think of this

Cnu-sounds good to you can create me however you want just by thinking of it?

Hyunsoo-i think so?

Cnu-well then i have some request

Hyunsoo laughed and  got her notepad and pen out again to write more about him

Cnu-...and finally make me your boyfriend

Hyunsoo dropped her pen and looked up at Cnu

Hyunsoo-bwoah? now i can make you taller and have longer hair boyfriend?!

shelooked down and blushed a little

Hyunsoo-i haven't even had my first kiss though..

Cnu smiles and leaned forward,only 2 cm from her face

Cnu-well maybe we can change that?

He kissed her forehead and got up,holding his hand out for Hyunsoo

Hyunsoo-...well look at the time! i gotta wake up in 5 minutes!

Cnu-ahh,your right..well i guess ill see you tomorrow?

Hyunsoo smiled and nodded her head

Hyunsoo-yeah,ill see you tomorrow


 Oh my beautiful target
You zoom zoom my heart like a rocket
nae tteugeoun simjangi geudaereul gidaryeoyo~

Hyunsoo hit her alarm clock and sat up in bed

Hyunsoo-that was some dream.


Sorry for not posting earlier TT.TT

I had to take ALL my final exams and took way too much time studying..

but the chapter is up now,hope you enjoy! :D


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