Shh.. It's okay.

You're all I could ask for, silly.

Unknown POV:

How the hell did my sweet little Taemin fall for this guy. Big eyes like a stupid frog, long, inelegant gangly legs. Psh! I deserve Taemin more than him. After he met that stupid diva-like Key, Kibum, whatever his name was, he became different. I bet Taemin doesn't even miss his presence. 




Key POV:

Success~ After school, Taemin had come hurtling at me, dragging a protesting Jjong behind him.

"Taemin ah.. What happened now?"

"Hyu-hyung. Onew. Hyung. Is. Next. Me. Sit.  Clumsy dude. " He panted out word by words, barely making much sense until he said the words "clumsy dude". My eyes lit up.

"You mean the guy who dropped his chopsticks? OMG! In your specialty class with Jong? 

"Ne! ne! Name is Lee Jinki, he wants to be called Onew. Made friends with him. Teacher. Wants me to guide him along. Did I do well, umma?" Taemin blinked up at me, smiling.

"You did!" I giggled.

Jonghyun stared at us with wide eyes. 

"What?" i said, annoyed with his staring.

"Were you guys plannning on cornering him or something?"

"Nope! Just wanting him to be our friend... and yours as well.." I smirked.


I grabbed Taemin's hand and we ran, even though I knew we wouldn't be able to escape him. Jonghyun hyung runs really fast. He chased us around till we reached the gate then we finally stopped, giving up. He tackled Taemin, tickling him, laughing out loud. I stood there and watched, giggling as I watched Taemin squirm away while Jonghyun attacked him playfully. 

Finally, Jonghyun released a panting Taemin from his bear hug. I patted Taemin on the head, only to be poked in the side by Jonghyun.

"I still haven't dealt with you!" He chuckled.

"Hyung!" Taemin squeaked.

"Ne?" We both turned our head to see Taemin jogging off to a certain Lee Jinki, grabbing his backpack to stop him in his tracks. In a split second, I grabbed Jonghyun by the wrist and went over as well. 

"Onew hyung! This is my Key umma that I was telliing you about! Then this is Jonghyun hyung, the one that stole your seat to talk to me!" He sang.

He raised his head, his eyes covered by a shadow from the hoodie. He raised a fair hand, pushing back the hood. The shadows fell back to reveal a set of deep hazel brown eyes, but a very sweet sunny smile that I saw even from far in the canteen. I gave him a good look. Not bad actually, now that he's closer to me. Hooded shirts and long sleeves suit him well.

"Hi! I'm Jinki, but you can call me Onew. Key-ssi I believe? Oh. And er. he-hello Jonghyun. Taemin told me I'm older than you, so is it okay for me to call you by, erm, just your na-name?"

"Ah? You're older than Jjong hyung? That means I should call you hyung too... and call me by my name, no need for formalities~" I informed him warmly.

"Ne, it's fine by me" Jonghyun murmured, looking at his feet.

I thwacked him on the shoulder while smiling at Onew hyung. 

"Nevermind this dinosaur, he's people shy, or just shy of you." I stuck out my tongue at Jjong.

"Ah, no! It's okay.. and I actually think he looks more like a.. puppy" He chuckled lightly, the sweet tune slipping out from his lips made us all stare.


"ONEW HYUNG! I AGREE WITH YOU! Key umma always says Jjong hyung looks like a dinosaur and not a cute puppy!" Taemin piped up. 

Taemin continued chattering on, with Onew hyung paying careful attention to him, like a father listening to his young child. I nudged Jjong, getting him out of his staring trance. 

"Jeez Jonghyun, mind zipping up the hormones?" i hissed.

"Whut! I'm not doing anything!" He complained. 

We started to have a whispered arguement, when suddenly Taemin went, " HYUNG~ Where do you live?"  Our heads snapped up to look at Tae.

"Ah? That way, about 10mins walk from here" Onew replied.

"Then! then! then! Can we go to your house? Pretttty please? No one's home at my house until next week, cos my parents are overseas at work~"

"Eh? Really? Okay then, I guess we could go, my mum won't mind... Erm, Key, Jonghyun? Do you want to go? " His eyes floated over to us.

"Sure?" Jonghyun said, while I nodded.

"Okay, let's go." 

"Hyung! Carry me on your back!" Taemin said, excited. Jonghyun and I stared at Taemin in disbelief. Taemin takes a while to warm up to people, and he's already so comfortable with Onew hyung in one day?

"Let me take off my hoodie first, ne?"

"Why do you wear the hoodie when you pull it off all the time? Like in class just now" Taemin pouted.

"Because its a little thick and it wont be comfortable for you to be leaning against.." He trailed off as he started to pull it off. 

I saw Jjong's eyes trail down to Onew hyung's waistline and I kicked him. "What did you see in class when he pulled off his hoodie, eh?" I whispered to him.


He walked a little faster. I laughed, and jogged up ahead a little to . Onew hyung and Taemin were up ahead, with Taemin riding on Onew hyung's back.

Taemin POV:

Whee~ It's nice to sit on Onew hyung's back. We were heading to his house, due to my request. I didn't want to stay at home all alone, so I asked. Onew hyung is like a comfortable blanket, someone I can trust easily. I turned my head to see Key and Jjong hyung lagging behind, so I called for them to hurry up. They quickly ran, coming up right beside us. 

"We're near... so Taemin can you get off my back? I'm tired." Onew hyung said, crouching down so I could get off without falling.

"Ne, Onew appa~" I sang. 

"Huh?" the three of them said together at the same time.

"Taemin, did you just call him "appa"? Key hyung said. 

"Yeah... can't I?" I said, puzzled.

"Of course you can, Tae" Onew hyung cut it, smiling his wide smile. 

"Fine fine, Tae that, appa this. carry me.. blah blah blah" I heard Jonghyun hyung mutter.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

We stopped infront of a large house. 

"Woah. This is your house?" Jonghyun said in disbelief.

"Yup. My parents are meat store owners."

No wonder... I thought.

"Umma! I have friends over!"

"Ah really? Oh hello..This is a nice change from the previous school..." His mum came in, smiling. I can see where he got his lovely smile. But what did she mean change from the previous school? What's so different about having new friends?

I looked at Jonghyun hyung, confused. He raised his eyesbrows at me, shrugging. Key hyung did not notice, and was busy chatting with Onew hyung and his mum.


Jonghyun POV:

"You boys go on up, I'll bring some tea up." Onew's mum shoo-ed us towards the stairs.

Key grabbed Taemin's hand, running up the stairs. I stood at the bottom step, not moving. Onew hyung walked up 2 steps, then turned to look at me.

"Are you coming?" He looked at me in the eye. I shrugged. He rolled his eyes, and grabbed my wrist, pulling me along. The whole time I couldn't think straight, only thinking of the warmth curled around my wrist, comforting and soft. I shivered slightly.

"Hey Jjongie, you don't mind me calling you that do you? , I know it's a little awkward between us right now, but we'll work on it, okay? So this nickname thing is the 1st step."

I looked up at him. 


We reached the top of the stairs, where Tae and Key were waiting for us. Even then, Onew had not let go of my wrist. 


He pulled me along once again, and both of them finally noticed his hand. They both gave me a big grin and a thumbs up. I groaned mentally. This two, working like matchmakers. 

When we entered his room, he let go, throwing himself onto his bed. Taemin jumped on me, whispering into my ear, "score! hehe" and then he jumped onto a giant beanbag. Key strutted in like the diva he is, and sat himself on the rug, where I joined him.

"So.. tell us more about yourself, like where you shifted from, blah blah." Key said.

"Well... erm I came from Gwangmyeong area.... I play the piano, I really enjoy taking photos..oh.. and I joined the specialty music class particularly cos I enjoy singing. It started off as a game when I was playing truth or dare with my cousins.. but now it's an addiction. Do I really have to tell you all this? I have a really boring life. All my memories are stored in this single room... Pictures I took. Stuff like that." he frowned, looking like a frustrated... oh gosh. Angel. Or maybe even a bunny. Both fitted him.

Key got up, looking around the pale yellow room.

"Most of the pictures are your family...where's your old friends? Or maybe a girlfriend of some sort.. you know... the a cliq-"

"Don't." he whispered. But Key didn't hear him.

"A clique, support system kinda thing, prote-"

"Have." I looked at him, he's not making sense.

"bullies, people who hurt you, that sort of thin-"


The room fell silent. We all looked at Onew hyung, who had buried his face in his pillow, shoulders shaking. Before I could do anything, his mum came rushing in. She roughly placed the tray of tea on the dressing table.

"Jinki, honey? It's okay.. shh... they don't know remember... shh. The other people back then.. the girl... they may have broken you, that doesn't mean you won't have any other friends. They all aren't worth the space in your heart or mind." She went and sat on the bed, hugging and Onew hyung's trembling body while she murmured into his ear.

She turned towards us. She lifted a hand, and gestured to go straight through the hallway and then turn right into a room. 

Taemin jumped up, his eyes wide with fright. He grabbed the tea tray, and we all went out, following the directions she gave. 

Meanwhile, her words were running through my mind. 

Broken him? Girl? Other people. No other friends?

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people we are at chapter three that is saved and typed. so you get your next chapter todayyy


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Chapter 58: Like I have litteraly been waiting since August 10th of 2013 for this to be completed
yaleON #3
Chapter 59: .oh my gosh, it is a heartbreaking, plz make them stop hurting ONE, his just to precious to be hurt... :'(
Chapter 59: who the hell they are
why they do that
Chapter 59: author nim please update
jonghyunism #6
Chapter 59: Omg please update soon! They seriously cannot keep going on like this :(
flattummy #7
its gettng hotter@
jonghyunism #8
But why has he told every one but Jjong? Really, sometimes it seems as though he cares about everyone else more. I kind of see Jjong being really angry at being told last though, and going to do something about Taec and his gang himself.