He looked straight at me.

You're all I could ask for, silly.

Jonghyun POV:

I shot up in my bed, wincing as my head throbbed. I looked to my side, where a curled up Onew was. Peeking under the sheets, I noticed that my boxers was still on, as with Onew hyung's. 

What the hell? 

Just as I was about to get up, a pair of arms came around my waist, pulling me near.

"Don't go..." he mumbled.

"Hyung~ What happened... my head's hurting really bad." I whined.

"You don't remember?" he sat up, looking at me.

I was distracted by his tousled hair and sleepy eyes, effectively making his y level fly to a million percent, and sent his adorableness flying out the window.

"Erm.. I remember...the kissing...and.... going into the bedroom.... then blank..." I blushed under the heat of his gaze, looking down, my eyes secretly eyeing his abs.

"Here. This will make you remember."

"Hm?" I looked up.

I was pushed down, and suddenly he was kissing me, running his tongue on the edge of my lips, before dragging his mouth down to my neck, and he inhaled a little, taking in my skin. He slid down further, his hands still pushing down my shoulders, and he covered one of my s, and started to it. 

Gasping at the suddenly shot of pleasure that ran through me, I grabbed his hair, panting. I suddenly knew what had happened, and I groaned to myself in half frustration and half pleasure.

"I-i remember. I remember!" I tugged at him.

He came up, grinning at me from above. 

"I told you guys that you all were too young."

"I'm only a year younger than you!" I punched his chest.

He grunted. "Yes, but a year makes a big difference. I can't believe Kim Jonghyun fell asleep barely 1/3 of the way into the kissing." He chortled.

"Damn..." I to my side.

"Hey... are we...do you..you know." he suddenly mumbled.

I looked up. He was sitting at the foot of the bed, looking and fiddling with his fingers. Sliding over, I bent my head down, looking upwards to stare at him.

"Are you blushing?!" I teased, shocked.



"Fine. I am."

"Look at me." I slid down on the the floor, getting down on one knee.

"Ye- what? Jjongie?"

"Jinki hyung. I've been waiting a life time for you. Practically. You've stolen my heart, and I don't give a damn whether I was straight before and gay now. All I know now is that I love you, and after denying it for weeks, I finally admit it. Screw Key and him being right all the tiime. All I know right now is that your my only center of the world, and I need you, I love you. Will you be mi-ne?"

My voice shook when I said the last 2 sentences. I looked into his lovely eyes, his beautiful face.

"I...Prove it. From now, over a long period of time. A year. Till next year, on this same day. December 27th."

"But why."

"I don't want to be cheated again, Jjongie."


"Last time... a girl a went out with me... to cut it short... she only went out with me for money. She had a bet that she could make me, the...the nerd, to be interested in her....The whole school played into the bet. 

"I don't want that again, Jonghyun. I can't afford that again...." his tears started to flow, and he was trying to stem the flow by pressing the back of his hands into his eyes.

He was so lovely. So cute. He was crying.. yet he looked so beautiful. 

I got up and pulled him to me.

"That won't be happening." I whispered, closing my eyes.

I felt him nodding.

He pulled away, tossing himself on to the bed again. He lay on his stomach, and he used the blanket to wipe his eyes. His back faced me, and as the muscles in his shoulder rippled under his skin, he turned around, facing me with a lazy smile. He ran a hand through his hair, asking something, but I was oblivious to his words. My eyes ran down his lanky body, completely distracted.

I was in a daze as he got up and stood right in front of me. 

"Jjongie?" I snapped out of it and suddenly I was looking at him straight in the face. His head was tilted and he looked at me, pouting with a curious look in his eyes, looking ridiculously cute for a 19 year old.

"You got to stop doing that," I growled, complaining.

"Wha-what" he stuttered as I buried my face in the nook between his collar bone and neck.

"Changing from y to adorable then hot and then cute," I groaned, "just like that.", raising my right hand and snapping my fingers at the same time to show my meaning.

"Mhm" He hummed again.


"This cheater thing is becoming too much of a regular thing, isn't it."

"Blame yourself." 

"Mhm." he teased, dragging me out of the bedroom, into the living room where Key still lay, passed out.

"Oh." we both said.

"Bath. Change. Clean up." he mumbled, moving to his luggage bag that lay in the corner against the TV table.

I followed soon after.


Taemin POV:

I woke up to light touches on my face. Wrenching open my eyes, I realized it was just Minho. 

"Hey beautiful." he cooed.

"Mm...My head hurts..what happened..."

"You shouldn't have drank. Only 3 shots and you were knocked out."

"Hmph!" I pouted. 

"How 'bout the others? Hnng" I groaned as I sat up.

"I peeked outside. I think Key was left in the living room." he shrugged.

"Then.. Jjong and Onew hyung...." I gaped.

"Don't know... I heard crashing and all, but it stopped like 10 mins later.... and we are in the room next to them." he raised his eyebrows.

"We didn't do anything. As to why, ask Jonghyun." We both jumped and turned to find a grinning Onew hyung at the door.

"Ask Jonghyun hyung?" I asked, confused.

"YAH!" Suddenly Jonghyun hyung came running, curling an arm around Onew hyung while he clapped a hand over Onew hyung's mouth.

"Don't tell me.." Minho shared looks with Onew hyung who nodded with some trouble due to the hand over his mouth.

"Omg, no, no, no! DON'T ASK!" Jonghyun hyung face was mortified. 

"HYUNG. YOU ARE SUCH A FAIL!" Minho started to laugh hard, rolling around.

"What happened?!" I demanded. 

"You don't need to know, Taemin, really. Listen to hyung for once!"Jonghyun pleaded.

"Oh fin-"

"No, hyung, it's okay. I don't want to infect Taemin's mind with your weakness, thank you very much." Minho cut in.


"What's all this ruckus.. so early too....Not helping my hangover." Key hyung suddenly came rambling in, rubbing at his eyes.

"NOTHING!" We chorused.

Onew hyung looked us over. 

"Okay....so who here has a hangover...."

He sighed when almost everyone except him and Minho raised their hand. 

"I'll go get you all something... erm.. Minho..." he hesistantly asked. "Help please?"

"Ah..uh..yeah...." Minho awkwardly scratched his head as he remembered again that he had just attacked Onew hyung the night before.


Minho POV:

I watched as he expertly broke 2 sticks of cinnamon into half each, popping them in the teapot. He then reached over in the fruit bowl, pulling out 2 oranges. 

"Help me peel one. You can eat the orange, just give me the skin. Heads up!" he tossed a orange backwards towards me, throwing it in the air and using the back of his hand to smack it in my direction. Catching it, I peeled one and passed the skin back to him, this time without the acrobatics. 

I watched as he crushed both of the orange peels into the pot as well, before filling it with water and added some sugar.

"What...exactly are you making?"

"Hangover cure? Tea actually. It works, done it a few times myself. Is there....ah."

He pulled out a small bottle of vodka from the back of the fridge.

He measured a spoonful and poured it into the tea, to my alarm.

"Hey what?!"


"Why more alcohol?"

"Treat poison with poison." He looked at me like I was an idiot, and gestured me to take the stirrer.

He lifted the bottle in the air, reading the label.

"Despite him having alcohol in the fridge.. he still is kind of amatuer with it..." he laughed, shaking his head.

I stood by the pot as instructed, stirring every now and then while he removed the skin of what looked like ginger, before he plopped it in.

"Now.. wait 30 mins." He leaned against the counter, munching an apple, while I drank some water.

Peeping over the age of my cup, I watched as he smiled to himself.

"So.. you and Jonghyun hyung?" I asked.

"Yeah...." he looked fear-stricken almost.

"Are..you scared?" his expression worried me.


"Wh-why?" I was stunned by his honest answer.

"I don't know why I'm trusting a guy who almost ually attacked me a night before.. but.. you give me the feeling you're trustable..."

"Seriously? Bringing it up now? Just tell." I groaned, rolling my eyes.

"I'll deviate abit. The first part the rest only roughly know."

"Yeah. Okay."

He sighed, and poured some warm water in a mug for himself. 

Lifting it to his lips, his hand shook violently suddenly, and he brought the mug down to his waist level, both hands gripping it. He looked down at the trembling water as his hand shook.

He opened his mouth, and his dry lips.

His head rised slowly.

He looked straight at me, and I was frozen by the pure pain and honesty in his eyes.





Aren't I a tease~ In the end they didn't do it~ Ehehe... You all are probably like....




tumblr_lxf85v9z4f1r8fiqoo2_250.gif  <--- My reaction to me making it this way.

Your reaction to me making it this way:


Anyways.. I realized I'm abit fail at 2min in this fic. *needs to find place for them somewhere to have quality time*


The next chapter will reveal Onew's... well... PAST. Though by right it's my past. Hm. Wait no. It's a BORROWED PAST. Okay. Wait. What rubbish am I talking. OH for the sake of all things holy, can't I NOT shut up. 



50 SUBSCRIBERS <3 I freaking love you people :D







Comments, comments, commmmmmmmmeeeentttts!

xxjenjaexx: Unnie cannot be a ert >_< No goodie. But then with SHINee... anything's possible XD

iDream: Which two? O_o And yes, Taemin is totally out of the alcohol thing. Thank you for commenting! This is your first time commenting on my fic T_T Comment more! And cos you're a new subscriber....(I see that you like Taemin...*stalker alert* joke joke :D


jongyux3: KEY WANTED THAT TO HAPPEN XD So yes, he deserves it!


shooriken: You likey this so far? *blink blink* I hope you do.... T.T


onewlovejulie: It's called the magical high school years XD My korean friend told me it happened to her brother, so taada, it appears here. Oh god, JiSun(her brother) is gonna kill me if he reads this.


SnHiromi: How is it so far ^_^ Keep on commenting! hehe!

Nanthida6812: *stuffs ert side back in* XD


keiirulee: EXACTLY! Hehe~


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people we are at chapter three that is saved and typed. so you get your next chapter todayyy


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Chapter 58: Like I have litteraly been waiting since August 10th of 2013 for this to be completed
yaleON #3
Chapter 59: .oh my gosh, it is a heartbreaking, plz make them stop hurting ONE, his just to precious to be hurt... :'(
Chapter 59: who the hell they are
why they do that
Chapter 59: author nim please update
jonghyunism #6
Chapter 59: Omg please update soon! They seriously cannot keep going on like this :(
flattummy #7
its gettng hotter@
jonghyunism #8
But why has he told every one but Jjong? Really, sometimes it seems as though he cares about everyone else more. I kind of see Jjong being really angry at being told last though, and going to do something about Taec and his gang himself.