Let's Start.

You're all I could ask for, silly.

Read at own risk. For some reason there was some weird humor at one point.

Minho POV: 

Stirring from my sleep, I heard clatterings coming from the kitchen behind the couch. I squinted my eyes that seemed to refuse to open, glued together with sleep. I lifted an arm and was jolted cruelly awake. The pain shot down my bones.


I moved cautiously this time, aware that I was bandaged and changed. The blur of my sight was frustrating, but judging from the furniture placed around the room, and the cream and green bordered walls, I was in Jonghyun hyung's house.

I got to my feet, hearing the light humming of a soft voice. Putting my hands infront of me, I tread cautiously, not wanting to fall. I must have slept ages to be this disoriented and have blurred sight.

I entered the kitchen, seeing a figure move about. The dancer's fluidity that he moved with convinced me he was Taemin. I stepped quietly, and then hugged him from the back. My heart thumped when I remembered the warmth of his hug when I fell unconscious. The feel of him was off, shoulders abit wider, less bony and lanky. But he probably gained weight.


Taemin flinched and jumped. His arm flailed around, knockin over a glass bowl, pushing me away.

"OMG, who are you! Go away! Get your hands off me!"

"Taemminnie... Don't play games with me...I missed you!" I groaned. I grabbed his wrist and pushed him against the fridge, ignoring the flash of pain that burst in my wrist.

I kissed him gently at first, before gaining entrance into his mouth as I felt him freeze and grow limp. The moment I brushed against the inside of his cheek, he suddenly started trashing about, trying to remove himself from me. Confused, I was about to pull away when suddenly something smashed in to the side of my face.

The impact was greater than expected, and I staggered sideways due to the impact, releasing Taemin.

"You cursed person! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU THINKING?!" Jonghyun's voice yelped admist crying-induced gasps.

"Can't I kiss Taemin?!" I shouted back, indignant. I squinted, trying to spot him.

"You idiot. Couldn't wait till you woke up clearly and could see?" Key's voice came harshly, along with a splash of icy cold water. I felt the thin ice pieces shatter on my head while the ice cubes bounced off.

Sputtering, I shook off the water as much as I could, shutting my eyes. When I opened them again, clearer this time, I saw another person shaking in Jonghyun hyung's arms, someone who was the person in the kitchen, someone who had his skin rubbed raw around his wrist by my hands, someone who wasn't Taemin.

My jaw dropped. What. How. "So-sorry" I stuttered, reaching out and touching his shoulder immediately, only to have him flinch, causing Jonghyun hyung to whack my fingers away and Key swing a celery stick to the back of my head.

"I'm BACK~ I got all the stuff you guys wanted! But Appa has to buy the drinks as you said, Jjong hyung!!!" a sweet voice sang from the door as a resounding bang of the door pulsed through the apartment.

My eyes widened and I looked at Key, panicking.

He smirked and drew the celery stick across his neck, indicating my death.

I groaned and drew a mixing bowl from the table, putting it over my head in defense against Key's damned celery.

Taemin POV:

"You WHAT?!" I pounced onto Minho, grabbing the cushion pillow and whacking him with it. "Get the stupid bowl off your head, it's not going to help much."

He lifted the bowl slightly to expose his eyes, and I stuffed the pillow up the bowl with his head.

"Oh wow Key. You've taught him well." Jonghyun hyung whispered to Key hyung, amused, as he soothed a shocked Onew hyung who was watching me curiously.

"Of course~" He pulled me near to him, chucking a towel and a change of clothes at Minho. "I've already got a fresh set of bandages in the bathroom. so shoo!"

As Minho gaped at Key, before sccurying off, not easy for a tall person, a giggle floated into the air. I looked at Onew hyung who was chuckling, burying his face into Jonghyun's shirt, as Jonghyun hyung, smiling, whispered stuff into his ear. Rolling my eyes, I pranced over and poked Onew hyung in the side, causing him to turn and smile at me.

I opened my mouth to say something, but Jonghyun hyung whispered in his ear again. "first? No wayyy... Key hasn't.... Wall.,. Class" some of the words caught my ear, it didn't make sense, but Onew hyung gasped and hit Jonghyun on the chest, before realizing he was staring at Jonghyun in the eye. Jonghyun hyung realized it too, and he flushed red.

"I'll go buy the drinks with Onew hyung.. You two... Clear up yes?" Key suddenly cut in, pulling Onew hyung away, sailing over to the door, before winking at Jonghyun hyung and thumbs up-ed him again, slipping out.

I fell to the floor, laughing hard, and Jonghyun hyung kicked my gently. "You wait." he grumbled.

Key POV:

Thanks Minho, you slowed down and speeded up my plan. JEEZ.

I grumbled under my breath, as I watched Onew hyung smile and charm the counter girl, as he smiled brightly when she asked if he was legal and wanted a normal bag or those fancy wine bags. He smiled and asked for a normal one. She blushe and sputtered out a "Yes", leading him to ask her if she was okay, making her stuttered another "Yes". He was completely oblivious to his own charms.

Speeded up because he made Jjong hyung and Onew hyung closer, but slowed down because....

I watched his eyes slide across the shop floor as he waited for the girl, who was probably hyperventilating in the staff room before she'd come out, and he winced, his eyes filled with a tinge of fear and touched his lips as he saw a couple make out near the fridge.

Because of that. I groaned out loud.

Thinking I was getting impatient, he turned around, mouthing, "A minute more".

I nodded curtly, and I saw the girl faint mentally when he turned around smiling thanks at her as he took the bag from her hands.

"You're a damn tease." I as we walked away.

"Why?" his eyes bore into mine, pouting a second later, and I suddenly saw the reason why Jonghyun or anyone could fall for him. A freaking angel that looks like a bunny when he's acting cute.

A puppy and bunny. That was hilarious. I laughed softly. He frowned at me, and I hit him on the arm. "You made the counter girl swoon without doing anything but smile and attempt to chat with her. If that's not a tease, god knows what."

"I was not!" "Was!" "tch!"

We entered the apartment to see Taemin hitting Minho on the shoulder before giving him a hug.

"Who is he?" He whispered to me, shuddering slightly.

"A frog face that should be APOLOGIZING right NOW" I emphasized.

Minho's head snapped up, and when he saw Onew hyung, he quickly bowed and apologize profusely.

"Ah, no... It's okay... Just.. No second times..." Onew worried his bottom lip.

We all sat down to eat, Jonghyun pulling Onew protectively between me and him. Jonghyun scowled at Minho, until Onew poked him in the side.

"Jjongie!" he insisted, mortified, before leaning over to whisper in his ear. Jonghyun hyung huffed and looked down at his food instead, giving the less spicy food to Onew, and exchanging it for the spicier bits. Onew willing took them.

Minho ogled at them, while me and Taemin, who were used to it, continued eating. Minho kicked my leg and I looked up, pissed. He opened and closed his two finger in one hand and pointed at them with another. I shook my head.

"아직!" (Yet!) Taemin piped up giving me and Minho a conspiratorial look

"What's yet?" Onew hyung asked.

"Just B2ST's song...." Taemin mumbled.

"Finish your food, quick quick." I chastised.

Soon we were sitting at the couch in the living room watching a movie. Bored, I kicked Taemin, hinting. His eyes lit up! And he quickly whined, "hyung~ I'm bored.............."

"Then what do you want, Tae?"

"Truth or Dare! Extreme version!" He chirped.

"it's where we op-" Minho started to explain to a frowning Onew hyung.

" I know I know. But are you sure you can drink Tae? Actually even you and Minho...." he looked pointedly at me.

"It's fine!" I wave my hand gaily, excited that finally things were on track.

"If you guys played before.... Though its not really called extreme... It's just almost drink and..... " his voice trailed behind him as he went to collect the alcohol. "did you guys do the stripping part?" he asked innocently.

"Strippin- WHAT?!" we all yelped, surprising him.

"Never? Ah I guess you guys are still too young. All the seniors in your school held out on you all, huh." he grinned, sly all of a sudden.

"Taecyeon hyung lied when he said that's all!" Taemin huffed.

"Damn!" Jonghyun and Minho chorused.

"Should we try?" I smugly suggested, Onew hyung shrugging his consent, Taemin nodded, curious.

"Well.. You roll a dice and the number it lands on, it must be below a 4 at most, and when we play, you must roll the dice and see what number you get. If its less than the number, and you fail to tell the truth or play the dare, you have to drink. More than the number, then you strip." Onew hyung casually explained, picking up the dice and tossing it.

We stared at the suddenly now not so innocent hyung.

"I've played a few times, bout 5? Worst that I got to was the underwear. By then everyone collapsed." he informed us, in an attempt to reassure us or something.

He popped off the lid of the first bottle expertly, and said cooly, "Let's start."

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people we are at chapter three that is saved and typed. so you get your next chapter todayyy


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Chapter 58: Like I have litteraly been waiting since August 10th of 2013 for this to be completed
yaleON #3
Chapter 59: .oh my gosh, it is a heartbreaking, plz make them stop hurting ONE, his just to precious to be hurt... :'(
Chapter 59: who the hell they are
why they do that
Chapter 59: author nim please update
jonghyunism #6
Chapter 59: Omg please update soon! They seriously cannot keep going on like this :(
flattummy #7
its gettng hotter@
jonghyunism #8
But why has he told every one but Jjong? Really, sometimes it seems as though he cares about everyone else more. I kind of see Jjong being really angry at being told last though, and going to do something about Taec and his gang himself.