NAP Drabble

Collection of Drabble

[A quick drabble I wrote, taking place in an alternate universe~. C.A.P is the speaker, talking about Niel.]


He was absolutely beautiful. No, more than beautiful. Breath-takingly stunning.

He won my heart at first glance. I should have known there was a lurking danger behind those beautiful eyes, but my infatuated heart saw otherwise.

His figure, his hair, his heart-melting features. I wanted them for myself. I wanted him to myself.

From the moment our eyes met, I wouldn’t have anyone else. No matter the cost, I needed him.

I just didn’t think the cost would be so enormous.

I introduced myself to him nervously. He didn’t seem to care.

Frantically, I attempted to make myself seem more interesting to him. But nothing seemed to faze him.

Eventually he left, whether he had to leave or just got bored of me, I’ll never know. All I know is that my heart shattered a bit when I heard the words, “I have to be on my way”.

For the next few days my heart couldn’t get over the boy I didn’t even know the name of. It was a sickening feeling; I wasn’t sure if I liked it or not. Lovesick perhaps would be the best way to describe it, or maybe lustsick?

No. The feeling I got looking into his eyes was more than lust. It felt like I was meant to be with him, and I believed it. I couldn’t let him get away.

I went back to the spot where I first saw him; in line for a familiar fruit vendor, hoping he’d come back. It was a busy street; people were always doing something there. Maybe, if I was lucky, this boy came this way every day.

And he did. I saw him, still as beautiful as he was a couple of days ago, walking my direction. I froze where I was standing to take in his radiating beauty, and for a second, almost let him walk right past me.

I snapped out of my trance right as he was walking by. I put my arm on his shoulder to halt him, and reintroduced myself. His attitude towards me didn’t seem to change, and soon I found myself standing there alone, shot down again.

But I didn’t give up. I couldn’t. He could have been my future, my reason for growing old, my lover. I couldn’t just forget about this overwhelming feeling inside me.

Every day we would meet there. Or rather, I would meet him there, getting overly excited like a dog greeting his owner after a day at work. But every day, I didn’t make any progress with him. Pretty soon he started ignoring me, even as I grabbed his shoulder.

I started to think it wasn’t meant to be. I was an idiot anyway, so why should this mean anything to me? It was probably just his outstanding perfection that made me think we were meant for each other in the first place. I couldn’t help but think of myself as a child, seeing something he wanted but couldn’t have, and eventually forgetting about it. That’s pretty much what I was, a child.

But I wanted one more chance. One more shot at seeing him and talking to him. Maybe it would change something. Just maybe.

I stood where I normally stood while I waited for him. But for some reason, he didn’t show up. I figured there was an explanation, but my heart was still let down. Was this a sign telling me to get over him?

After a while of waiting, I reluctantly started heading home. I was disappointed, and deep down my heart still ached for the boy. I had been telling myself I was all hyped up and it wasn’t true love, but I never really believed it.


I was nearing my house when I heard feet behind me. I stopped to look back. There were two sketchy men wearing smirks across their faces. Before I could even start to ask what they wanted, one of them pulled out a gun. I gasped and took a step back, shocked and unable to comprehend what was happening. Without warning, the man angled his gun and shot me in the thigh.

I let out a scream as I collapsed onto the ground, clutching the wounded area. Everything was happening so fast, it felt like my brain was spinning. I heard another loud bang, and then the pain in my thigh spread to my shoulder. I didn’t realize at that moment they had shot me a second time.

I passed out from lack of blood and shock I assume. It wasn’t very long until I began waking up again, because when I started to come to, the first thing I saw was the men leaning over me, trying to judge if I was alive or not.

I couldn’t speak to them, not like I wanted to. I was still in a state of shock, but my body was starting to feel numb. The pain in my thigh and shoulder was almost nonexistent. It felt as if I was fighting back darkness trying to creep over me.

But then I saw his face.

That beautiful face, with the same beautiful eyes and features. I was dying, but seeing him again still made my heart flutter. I wanted to ask why he was here and various other questions, but my body didn’t allow it. For a moment, I felt like everything was going to be all right.

Even as I saw him pull out his own gun. Even as I heard him say to me, “Shouldn’t have creeped on me so much, old man”. Even as I heard the click of the trigger, followed by another loud bang.

Even as the darkness won and took over my vision, I felt like everything was going to be all right.

He didn’t know he did me a favor by being the last thing I saw. It was he who did this to me, but nonetheless, I was. . content.

He stopped my heartache, and best of all, I saw him before I faded into black nothingness. Given my situation, I couldn’t have asked for more.

I was grateful it was him to take my life, for I felt no one else was fit to if it came to this.

If this was his kind of punishment for my feelings for him, it was unsuccessful.

Now, I could always watch over him and protect him there wasn’t a thing he could do to stop me. 

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For the death drabble~<br />
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When I was reading this, I was able to feel the narrator's pain. >< Awesome job conveying those feelings~<br />
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Sorry for all the comments. I hope you don't mind~
For the NAP drabble~<br />
Okay. NAP is maii favorite pairing in all the pairings out there~ <33<br />
I thought your drabble was really bittersweet. I kinda like a mean Niel~ xDD
Okay. Im a new reader and absolutely love your drabbles so farr~ So imma spam you with a comment for each chappie~<br />
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For the OnTae drabble~<br />
I thought it was really cute and quite believable that Taemin would be gullible enough to listen to Onew~
syriondethvow #4
That is so sad :'( *sobs* Why did u make Niel so evil?
Maarja #5
Ahahahah I'm pretty sure Taemin would actually drink pond water if anyone would tell him It'd make him a year younger lol