
Little Love and Little Sympathy


Luhan was shy. 

Very shy.  

Even around his friends and family, he preferred to stay silent. He was fine with having his family and his two childhood friend.  He never felt the need to included more people in his life. He never felt the desire to fell in love.

That's until his family decided to move away. Separated from his friends and old enviroment, Luhan was heart broken. They were still talking through the phone or seeing each other through skype but it only worsen his sadness since he missed them even more. He couldn't bring himself to like his new school either. He has difficulty making friends because of his timidity. So most of the time he was alone and for a time long he was actually not happy but content. But deep inside he did wish for a friend.      

And that's when he met the boy name Oh Sehun. 

He was a new student at the school. Like him Sehun was the quiet type. He talked when he had to but not more. But unlike him Sehun didn't get a panic and stutter like crazy when he need to speak to someone. His face didn't get red when people staring at him. Most of the time his face remained stoic. Rarely you would catched him smiling or even laughing and by the time it's only last a few second. 

They never had a real conversation before. It was always Sehun who did all the talking and Luhan nodding or shaking his head. Occasionally he would give very short answer like yes or no. Most of the time he was too flustered to say something at all. 

So how could it be possible for him to like the boy? His friends had asked.   

Was it because of Sehun appearance? Yes, Luhan did find him (very) handsome, but that wasn't the main reason for him. It was more the little things Sehun did for him.

Like how he would lend Luhan his notebook if he was sick that day. Handing him a hand with his heavy books. Answering teacher questions for him when the little boy was too nervous, even though he often get scold for doing that. Helping him with his homework. Sharing with him his umbrella and end up being drenched. Giving him his mother's homemade cookies, since she always baked them for him and he didn't like sweet things. 

And he did all this voluntary. Never did he expected a thank you from Luhan. So everytime he saw him struggled to say those words, he would just pat the smaller's one head to assure him it wasn't nessecary. He understood his shyness by nature and respected it.  

What Sehun didn't know is that he not only won Luhan's trust with it but also his heart. Time after time the boy found himself falling deeper and deeper and it was scary but also exciting. School wasn't such a horrible place with too many people anymore, it was a place where he could saw Sehun. A boy he wished he could have a conversation with. Luhan knew it was a really big step, if he considered how difficult it's for him to even say Hello to Sehun back. So he started to practice the sentence he always wanted to say to Sehun. Every night before he went to bed, he would stand in front of the mirror and say it out loud. First he felt really stupid but with the time he gained more confident and could say it without stuttering or getting embarrass.  

And on the day Luhan thought he was ready, after gathering all his courage, he wasn't sure if he could really do it. 

They were both on their usual bench behind the building, where they spend their lunchtime. It was just better than the overcrowed cafeteria. While Sehun peacefully munching on his sandwich and playing with his phone, Luhan was a bundle of nerves. Taking a deep breath, he reminded himself why he was doing this. Not only for Sehun but also for himself. 

He bit on his lips as he stuttered once again. Maybe he didn't even heard him since it was mere a whisper. But he did as he looked up from his game and turned his attention to Luhan. 




Why does his heart beat so quickly even though Sehun only did say one word?

Once again his mouth was dried and heat spreading around his face. Pull yourself together, Luhan! 


"How many times have i told you already?" 


Huh? Luhan raised his head.


"You don't need to say it." He reached forward and tousled the boy's hair.  "Class about to start, let's go." As Sehun stood up from his seat, he panicked.

No, they couldn't leave yet. He had said it for like thousand times, he couldn't fail right now.

He gripped onto Sehun's sleeve which brought him to a standstill. His eyes widen for a second as he stared back at the boy.

Say it, Luhan. Say it.   



"Thank you."



Luhan could felt the weight fell of his shoulder the second after the sentence past his lips. He did it, he really did it. Happiness was overcoming him and since he didn't want Sehun to witness his stupid smile and jump of joy, he decided just to run off.

All that was left was Sehun, all confused and speechless. Did he just hear it right? 

And why did he ran off? He thought and chuckled by himself.


"You're welcome."


He screamed, hoping the boy would somehow heard it.  








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anaha10 #1
Chapter 3: Its Soo cute!! Update Soo. Author San <3 ^^
Chapter 3: So cute :) net time I will expecting the 'I love you' lol great job author nim :)
Chapter 3: aww and in this one he is the cutest shy bunch
Chapter 2: Oh, luhan!!!!! LOL