
Sing for You

It was the worst of the worst,

first Jeonghan's sister was stuck into a business trip due to a snow storm, unable to come home before Friday,

leaving him with her five-years-old daughter,

don't get him wrong, he loved his niece, but he had his thesis deadline approaching soon and has been surviving on coffee and energy drinks, now he was laying next to the little girl in her bed, trying to stay awake as he recit the story of snow white the best he could. 

When his litlle princess finally has drifted into dreamland and he could start focusing back to his work,

a cry of pain came from the bedroom not long after,

and soon enough the ambulance's alarm was resonning in the silent night, 

Jeonghan felt his sight blurred whether from the caffeine or the emotional rollacoaster, 

but fortunately, it was just appendicitis, necessiting surgery, but it was nothing too dangerous, 

When his heart could finally beat normally again,

a paediatrician walk out of the surgery room and towards him,

as the figure became clearer and clearer, Jeonghan rolled his eyes at the sight, as he thought it couldn't get any worse,

out of the hundreds of the doctors in this hospital, it just had to be Hong Jisoo. 

What has he to complain about Hong Jisoo anyway, right? 

reknown for his researchs worldwide, a perfect gentleman, a loving son, adored and respected by all, patients almost need to beg to get an appointment with him, 

yet to Jeonghan, he was nothing but a heartless, cold bastard that he bitterly never would admit broke his heart so harshly that he hasn't fully recovered yet. 

As much as he wanted to turn on his heels, 

his niece was still in there and that bastard was the one who knew how her condition was 

"Nice seeing you again Dr.Hong" Jeonghan forced a smile "You look like you are doing great in here now"

"I could say the same for you, Yoon Jeonghan-shi" replied Jisoo with his irritatingly attractive grin. 

Wanting to end the conversion as soon as possible, Jeonghan went directly towards the main subject:

"How is Eunseo doing?"

"She is fine, probably a little dizzy now because of aneasthesia, but otherwise it went really well" Jisoo calmly answered, looking down at his clipboard

"Of course it did" Jeonghan sarcastically thanked him "How grateful we are to have the great Dr.Hong operating on our family member." 

Yet, the latter acted like he didn't hear it and added

"She would have to stay here for the next three days." 

before Jeonghan could open his mouth again, a nurse approached him and informed him that Eunseo has waken up. 

After he called his sister letting her know the situation,

Jeonghan sat by the bed of the now peacefully asleep little girl, and was lost in his thoughts.

then he let out a deep sigh after a moment, three days, that means he would have to see his annoying face again.


To his relief, Eunseo didn't look too bothered once she heard that they were staying here a little longer than planned, 

instead, once she was fully conscience and her cramps are gone, 

that little girl doesn't seem to stop asking about someone in particular:

"Uncle Jeonghan, is he coming back soon?" asked Eunseo for at least the tenth time of the day,

"Who?" Jeonghan pretented to not now who she was refering also for the tenth time of the day.

"That doctor with ginger hair!" She cheerfully replied. 

Indeed, Eunseo looked especially fond of Jisoo who he has to admit, has a certain charm with kids in particular. 

After hearing her small speech about how he was like a knight in that "weird and scary" room on repeat, 

Jeonghan said absently: "Looks like you have a lot of good things to say about him" while brushing her hair with his fingers, and attaching it into a ponytail.

The little girl nodded and said: "I really like him, he even hold my hand when I was scared by that mask thingy they want to put on me."

Jeonghan didn't know what to say, so he added: "That's nice of him..." he tried to change the subject and offered "do you want an apple?"

Yet, Eunseo shook her head and grew even more enthusiastic once she started, she doesn't seem to want to stop "And he is so handsome! Like those actors in the dramas mom always watchs!"

"Yah, you are only five and you are already interested in boys?" Jeonghan poked her neck making her giggle. 

 Eunseo forced a serious expression and said: "Mom says I can't get boyfriend before I am eighteen!"

Then she curiously asked: "Do everyone have a boyfriend at eighteen? Where is your boyfriend uncle Jeonghan?"

"I don't have a boyfriend now, because the one I had before was a jerk" Jeonghan scoffed between his teeth

Someone suddenly cleared his throat behind them, and Jeonghan didn't even need to turn back to, just look at his niece's expression to know who was standing there. 

Jisoo came closer to an overly excited Eunseo, and said while taking her blood pressure:

"Eunseo, don't learn to curse from your uncle, ok?" added in regards towards a certain male now pretending to be focused on peeling an orange "and don't lie either."

The day passed even longer than Jeonghan thought would be, Jisoo seems to give a special interest for their patient, and keep coming back making sure she ate everything in her meal, took all her pills, and even Jeonghan, who might not have a medical degree, strongly doubt there is a need to measure her temperature and blood pressure every two hours. And each time he came, the taller male would finds faults or make small remarks on everything he did, Jeonghan really wanted to throw all polite manners out of the window and scream what does his way of hanging his coat has anything remotely to do with him.

yet Eunseo (the patient) is not complaining, and Jisoo (the doctor) is not complaining, so what could a Yoon Jeonghan say in all of this?


In the afternoon, 

the uncle and niece duo had to leave their room in order to do a blood test, 

as Eunseo sat on the chair with a needle in her arm, not crying for once probably because a certain white coat ginger haired man is in her field of vision, but Jeonghan prefer to think it was  because of his own presence. 

Then a mother came to sit next to them with her baby whose crying could be heard in the entire room, 

As both the nurse and the mother tried to calm that little one down, Jisoo approached them as and like magic, soothe the baby down in a few minutes,

quite impressed by the scene, Jeonghan praised: 

"I didn't know you are so good with children."

Jisoo slowly retorted:

"You would have known a lot things if you cared about our relationship more."

"I didn't care?" Jeonghan wanted to laugh until his lungs burst out at how ludicrious that was, but remain composed and murmured "Right, blame it on me, like you always did."


Jeonghan never felt so exhausted in his life, even if he brought his laptop and stayed up all night, he felt he was never going to finish his thesis on time, fortunately Seungkwan got his back and work with Seokmin a great deal on finalizing it, and once everything submitted, now he finally had a moment to breath, 

it was already 1AM, yet his eyes are wide open and he was fully awake, there is too much on mind right now to be able to sleep comfortably, and he needed a moment to sort things out for himself,

he opted for a bench outside of Eunseo's room, and sat there staring at the floor, 

Tomorrow, they would finally get out of this place, no more smell of desinfectant, no more kids crying all the time, and no more ginger haired doctor judging everything he did,

and tomorrow, everything will go back to normal, they won't meet again, and they would be strangers again. 

Jeonghan didn't know why a small part of him ached at that thought, and he didn't want to think about it either, 

instead, he shook his head to himself and stared back at his master's application in front of him, the States was definitely the most beneficial option for his future, but if someone stops him, he could always just stay in Korea... if there is actually someone to stop him. 

Jeonghan sighed, his mind had slided back towards that one person again, as he was debating whether he should go get a coffee from the vending machine, 

a voice popped up next him, "it is quite a late time for daydreaming"

Jeonghan cursed to himself for being so concentrated on his thoughts and he didn't even notice someone has sat down on his left,  

"Where are you applying?" The voice continued softly. 

"That's none of your business" Jeonghan stuffed his papers back into his bag.

"I know a few friends in SKY that is in that major, they say it is pretty good over there."

"Yeah, thank you for your much appreciated advice" Jeonghan sarcastically replied and said: "but I'll most likely go overseas."

"Why?" Jisoo furrowed his eyebrows at the statement

"Because I want to go ok?" Jeonghan turned his body to fully face his now "and in bonus, I don't have to see you again!" 

"So you are doing this because of me." Jisoo walked closer to him, an emotionless tone in his voice.

"Arrogant as always, aren't you?" Jeonghan scoffed. "Stop acting like you care anyway, you never did"

"I never cared?" Jisoo let out a bitter laugh "if I never cared, I won't almost go crazy when you left me with a word when I came back to a empty house and no one knew where you went, I worried you could have been kidnapped, you could have been killed! And if Seungkwan didn't contact me the next morning telling me you were alive, I would have reported you to the police!"

"For the records, I left you a note on the table, not my fault if the wind blowed it away" Jeonghan defended himself "and maybe you should realize that I was done with you Hong Jisoo a long time ago! I had enough of your bull!"

After those words, Jeonghan just wanted to leave and go back to bed, yet Jisoo blocked his way and continued:

"I might not be the brightest but you could have let me know you want to talk about it, you didn't give us chance solve anything before you just decide to walk out on me!" 

"It is not like I haven't try to talk to you, but you are always too busy!" Jeonghan mocked: "Too busy in school, too busy in your networking, I even wondered what am I even to you? Everyone seemed more important than me and you never had a time when I wanted to talk to notice what you did wrong!"

"And what did I do wrong?" Unlike his usually calm and composed self, the doctor was coldly glaring at him and shouted in a low threatning voice.

"Quick reminder, maybe you should have told me you had a fiance the whole time!" the blonde male yelled at him, not at caring about being heard by others anymore.

"How many times did I tell you I didn't know my parents set up a fiance for me and I clearly apologized to her to cancel that mariage?!" Now Jisoo's eyes were burning with anger and frustration.

"Yet she didn't care, she still loved you and acted like you were all hers! And your parents prefer her over me!" Jeonghan argued back.

"And I would never accept her, and you know it, Yoon Jeonghan! I never loved anyone but you!" Jisoo raised the tone in his voice as well.

Seeing Jeonghan remaining silent in front of the statement, Jisoo turned his arguments back towards him:

"And what about you and Seungcheol?" 

"Oh God, not that again" Jeonghan groaned and rolled his eyes. "I don't even know how many I told you, he is just a friend, for God's sake, which part of F-R-I-E-N-D don't you understand?"

"What kind of friends hang out with you every night, drives you home everyday, hugs you, always wrap their arms around you, even asks you to accompany him to their banquet?"

"Why don't you complain when Seungkwan or Seokmin hug me as well? And he drives me home and hang out with me because you are too busy to do so."

"So basically when I don't have time, you can fool around with whoever you want? I bet you had fun with him when I was in LA. Did you guys kiss? Or did you even do more than that?"

 Suddenly a harsh sound echoed in corridor, Jisoo's face turning to the side, cheek burning red from the sudden slap,

"That's how you saw me? Sleeping with everyone in sight?" Jeonghan's expression looked devasted with shock and pain, he has never been so hurt before, he could almost hear the sound of his heart shattered into pieces. 

The long haired blond male slowly stepped back and was about to run towards the exit when a strong pairs of hands grabbed his arms,  

"Let go of me!" Jeonghan fought back from his grip. 

And before he knew, Jeonghan was wrapped inside the latter's arms, their chest touching, hair brushing over Jisoo's chin, nose slightly touching his collarbone, a perfume that he knew better than anyone filled his nostrils, everything seemed so familiar, yet so distant, and it made Jeonghan want to break into tears at how much he missed the warmth of his hugs. 

As Jisoo noticed Jeonghan quiets down, he started: 

"I am sorry for saying that, Jeonghan, I really don't mean to say that you was playing around like that, and my frustration overtook me" he continued "if we were to start sorting out who is right, who is wrong at every conflict we ever had, it is never going to end, but all that matters is, I loved you, and still do."

"And all I want is to be with you again, it is like I am missing a part of myself for not having you by my side, and it is slowly killing me" Jeonghan still didn't say anything, yet his body soften down in his grip, and Jisoo took a deep breath before asking:

"Can you forgive me? For not giving you the time you deserve before, for making you worried that I might be taken by someone else, for calling you names out of jealousy, and most importantly, for still loving you?"

The long haired male patted on his back before murmuring: "alright..." only considering I still love you too, keeping the last part of the sentence to himself.  

"So are we even now?" Jisoo asked above his head, 

"I don't know about that" Jeonghan pouted, didn't wanting to make up for it so easily.  

Yet when Jisoo pretended to let go of him at those words, Jeonghan dragged his arms back around his waist and cursed with a low voice:

"if you are letting me go once again, Hong Jisoo, I swear I'll kill you."

Jisoo grinned, tighten the hug dragging him even closer and whispered next to his lips "How could I, we are not breaking even yet."


link to Joshua's performance of Breakeven:

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reeyoon #1
Chapter 2: Love it so much... sequel please...