

“Do you want anything from the store?” Jungkook asked as he reached for his car keys while cheking the time on his phone. 

Namjoon just grunted from the couch, causing the younger to roll his eyes as he put on his shoes.

“You actually think I understand that?” He muttered under his breath. The elder’s sudden shout of, “I heard that you brat!” made him flinch in surprise and he hurried out the door while cackling. tHaving his own car benefitted him in so many ways. Living with two other guys, that were older than him even, was a bit annoying sometimes and so, he needed to get away now and then. He could drive around wherever he wanted to, letting his mind wander as he drove through the empty roads. Well, he hadn't done that yet, but he had plenty of time to do so in the future.

Starting up the car, Jungkook backed out of the parking lot and drove his way to the supermarket. 

He rolled into a neighbourhood and someone jogging caught his attention. As he drove nearer, he recognized that person as Park Jimin, who he had a few classes with sometimes. Jimin was a really sweet guy and Jungkook couldn’t help but whenever their group of friends hung out together. 

Right now, Jungkook couldn’t take his eyes off the elder’s and thighs, though. Damn, those shorts were tight. 

Uncounsciously speeding up, the last thing Jungkook saw was Jimin’s wide eyes as they looked right at him before everything flipped over and got black.


Blinking his eyes open, Jungkook groaned at the brightness that assaulted his eyes and tried to turn away. His breath got caught in his chest, though, when his whole body flared up in pain. 

“Hey, hey! Don’t move-!” Someone yelled as they carefully turned him to lay on his back again. He blinked his eyes open again and came face to face with Hoseok. The elder looked really worried, but also angry. Hoseok reached for a glass of water and helped him drink it, before setting the glass back down on a table and plopping himself down on a chair beside the bed with a huff. 

“Unbelievable,” He muttered out and Jungkook just stared at him.

“You just got your license one week ago and you already got yourself into a car crash.” Hoseok deadpanned and the younger felt his face heat up in shame. 

“It’s so hilarious I can’t even laugh.”

Jungkook groaned loudly and muttered, “Shut up, how did I get here?” Right then, the door opened and a nurse walked in, with Jimin right behind her. Jungkook felt his face heat up even more when he remembered why he had crashed in the first place. The nurse did a quick check-up, before leaving the three boys alone. 

Jimin was staring at Jungkook, a knowing glint in his eyes and the younger just wanted for the mattress to swallow him up. 

“I saw you looking at me before you crashed... I didn’t think you loved me that much to actually crash for me.” Jimin joked, but his voice wavered and Jungkook suddenly felt bad too. 

“That was all my fault, but you should never wear tight pants anymore though.” Hoseok snorted and got up to leave the room. Jimin sat down on the chair and an awkward silence fell over them.

“So... How about we go on a date before I cause you anymore hurt? Preferably no hurting at all.”

Jungkook really wanted for a black hole to open up and swallow him whole.

He still wanted to go on that date though.

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XueXing #1
Chapter 1: OMG, it's hilarious. XD
Chapter 1: I know it not funny..but u,kookie crash becoz of cuties chim???mkayyyy..that hilarious :;(∩´﹏`∩); not laughing tho..pffff..
chimchimkookie #3
Chapter 1: that was cuuuuute *o* clumsy kookie kyaaa~~ can't get enough of jibooty :>