Couple Fight

The Aftermath

(Based on this picture:

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“What are we going to do now!?” Jungsu walked back and front, furius at the maknae and worried about what was going to happen now.

“Yah! Stop it! You're making me nervous” Heechul said.  The diva sat on the couch with his phone in his hand. He had tried to call Hangeng but not getting any answer.

“Don't just sit there! We need to solve this!”

“Don't scream at me! It's not my fault that the maknae's a idiot.” Heechul stood up and glared at Jungsu who glared back.

“Yah! I'm not a idiot!” The both of them turned around to see Kyuhyun stand in the doorway to the livingroom.

“You! I'm going to kill you!” Heechul growled and ran after the younger man who ran to the kitchen there Sungmin, Ryewook and Jongwoon sat.

“Hyung!” Kyuhyun hid behind Sungmin who looked up from his phone. He was quick to stand between the two men when he realized what was going on.

“Move aside Sungmin” Heechul said but the pinkloving man didn't move.

“I know what he did was wrong. But you can't kill him for it!” he said.

“Watch me!” Kyuhyun gulped and clinged at his lovers shirt, scared that Heechul would acctually kill him this time. But he was saved by their leader.

“Heechul! Leave the boy alone, I got his computer” Jungsu said which made the maknae look up.

“No! Don't take my computer! I will- Ouch! Hyung!” He was silenced by Sungmin who took a hold of his ear and dragged him to their shared room.

“I will make sure you won't get your laptop for a month!” He said before closing the door after them.

At least it ended quite well this time.

Or so they thought!

It was four hours after Sungmin had dragged Kyuhyun into their room and they was still in there. Siwon and Eunhae was all three home from sceudels(?). All three sat on the couch, Hyukjae was asleep with his head resting on Donghae's shoulder. Hae had one arm around his 'friend', his hand playing with the monkeys hair and playing with his phone with his free hand. Siwon was reading a book with a small smile in the corner of his lips. Ryeowook was in the kitchen, doing the dishes after dinner. Jongwoon was there too, playing with his turtle and talking to the eternal maknae.

Leeteuk sat on the floor with his back against the couch and watching tv. Heechul was laying on the floor beside of him with his head in Jungsu's lap, fast asleep.

Knock, knock

Everyone looked at the door. The others shouldn't be back yet and the didin't expect someone to visit.

“I'll open!” Ryeowook said and walked to the door. The others turned back to what they were doing. Jungsu looked down at Heechul with a smile, remembering what happened last night.

“H-Hyung!?” The leader looked up when he heard Ryeowooks shocked voice. He couldn't hear the asnwer but he could soon hear how someone came walking to the livingroom and soon two men he hadn't seen in a long time stood in the doorway, both looking rather angry.


“Hello there, hyung” the said man answered. Then he saw Heechul. Hangeng walked up to them both with Yongwoon behind him. Siwon flew up from the cough when he saw the both of them.

“H-hyungs, what are you two doing back here?” He said and stood between the four men. Jungsu took the oppurturnety to trying to wake Heechul up, not that he acctually succeded.

“Move aside, Siwon” Youngwoon said, glaring at the handsome man. Jungsu was really close to slap the sleeping man when Heechul finally woke up.

“Ugh, what is it?” He asked.

“Good morning, sunshine” Hangeng said and Heechul looked up. His eyes turned ten times bigger when he saw the chinese man and he flew to his feet.

“H-Hangeng, what are you doing here?” The leader stood up too, hiding behind Siwon.

“What do you think?” Hangeng spat. He was usually so nice, but he was so angry.

“Ugh, what's going on?” Hyukjae had finally woke up.

“Siwon, take the other two and leave” Heechul said, not taking his eyes of Hangeng. He had missed the man and he had not thought their next meeting would be like this.

“But-” Siwon started.

“Now!” Siwon sighed before he helped Hyukjae up from the couch and walked to the kitchen with Donghae behind them. They said something to Yewook before all five left the dorm. The four remaining men waited until they were gone until they turned to eachother. Jungsu stood infront of Heechul, looking at Kangin.

“Why are you back here?” he asked. The leader was on the edge of start crying. Heechul must have realize that because he took Jungsu's hand in his, giving it a light squeese.

“Yah! Get away from each other!” Youngwoon walked up to them and pulled Jungsu away from Heechul.

“Yah! That's your hyung and leader! You have no right to treat him like that!” Heechul took a tighter hold of Junsu's hand and ripped him away from the younger one.

“So he's the one you protect now? I guess you took your chance when we both were away” Hangeng said while crossing his arms over his chest.

“No! It's not like that! J-just let us explain.” Jungsu had started crying. It surprised all three men that it took so long for him, and they were also quite proud. But they would never say that.

“What is there to explain?” Youngwoon threw back. He wanted to take Jungsu away from the diva again but he also didin't want to hurt the man. And he didin't want them to think that he wanted to make the leader feel better – no he was still angry.

“Just shut up and listen!” Heechul snapped and wrapped his arms around the leader. He wanted to cry too, but knew it wasnt't gong to make the situation bettter.

“You two left us! We haven't seen you two in months! How do you think that makes us feel?”

“It was Jungsu who thought it would be good to send me to the army!” Heechul glared at Kangin.

“Shut up! You know damn well why!” Youngwoon was going to say something more but Hangeng came first.

“But that didin't explain why you two slept with each other.” He was going to say something more but was interupted(?).

“W-we were drunk. Drunk and lonley(?)” Jungsu said. He was still crying but he stepped out from Heechuls embrace. “I'm sorry, okay! We never thought we would go so far! We just needed something to think about other than how lonley it was without you here!”

“We are both sorry. This would never have happened it the two of you just picked up your danm phone! Hangeng, p-please!” A single tear found it's way down Heechuls cheek, shocking the two men who glared at him and the leader. And then he was there, wiping down the tear. He wrapped his arms around the older and placed a kiss ontop of his head.

“Just never do it again” Hangeng said.

“I promise! God, I promise!” Heechul was crying more than Jungsu by know, clinging at the ex-member.

Youngwoon looked at Leetuek who looked at the floor, playing with his hands. The younger man walked up his hyung and wrapped his arms around him. He wasn't mad anymore. How could he, after hearing how lonley they were?

“I'm sorry” Jungsu sobbed. Kangin gave the man a small smile before he leaned in and kissed away the tears.

“I'm sorry too. For being so angry and leaving you alone.” Jungsu shook his head before he wrapped his arms around his lover and held him close.

“Do you think it's safe for me to leave now?” Kyuhyun asked from there he sat on Sungmins bed. The latter walked away from the door and sat beside of him.

“Probably not.” The maknae sighed before he leaned closer to the older man to kiss him. But Sungmin turned his head away, making Kyuhyun sit up and pout.

“You won't get any kisses until the week after you get your laptop back” the older said before standing up.

“You got to be kidding me! Hyung!” But Sungmin had already left the room.

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