first day

What Kind Of Bubblegum Have You Been Blowing Lately?
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a/n: sorry for the long wait! I struggled with wanting to write certain stories of her life but also wanting to write them in order. That being said, don't expect the next chapters to be in order, I might go back a couple years and then jump forward again. 

"What if she doesn’t make friends?” Jiyong asked, turning over in bed to look at his husband.

Seungri was sitting up, reading a book when he glanced over at Jiyong and rolled his eyes. Jiyong had been worry about this for the past month or so. They had signed Nari up for kindergarten and Jiyong was in constant worry. Seungri didn’t say it but he thought that maybe if his husband had let Nari go to preschool, maybe she would already have friends. But no. That had Jiyong in a panic because what if she got sick? There weren’t any preschools in the area with amazing ratings and Jiyong couldn’t handle sending his daughter anywhere but the best, so they had a private tutor come and teach Nari the things she would need to know for kindergarten. 

“She’ll be fine, love,” Seungri dismissed. 

Tomorrow was her first day and they had both been really looking forward to it. They couldn’t believe their little girl was five already. 

“You keep saying that but what if not sending her to preschool was a mistake? What if I’m a bad father and she has no social skills?” Jiyong worried.

Seungri sighed and put down the book. He took off his glasses, which Jiyong secretly pouted about. He loved it when Seungri wore glasses. He had no idea why YG made Seunghyun the one in Big Bang to wear glasses when his husband was obviously the cuter one. Seungri scooted down so that he was lying next to Jiyong, face to face. He slid an arm under Jiyong’s head, propping him up and touched his cheek lightly.

“Ji, you’re not a bad father. You worry too much, yes, but what parent doesn’t?” Seungri started. His husband looked down in embarrassment, he really did worry a lot. “And she doesn’t have bad social skills. She has too many Uncles and Aunts at YG that are constantly over to see her for her to have bad social skills.”

Jiyong sighed, “I know, but--”

His words were cut off by Seungri kissing him softly. 

The blond shook his head, “No buts. You said the same thing about her meeting Haru and look at them now, they’re best friends. Nari will be fine.”

Jiyong didn’t meet his husband’s eyes.


“Okay,” Jiyong nodded, looking back at Seungri, who kissed him again.

The next morning was hectic. Jiyong got up super early to make Seungri and Nari pancakes and to pack Nari’s lunch. One of the side-effects of being a parent is that Jiyong no longer had an excuse for being bad at making breakfast food. Especially since pancakes were the only thing Nari didn’t refuse to eat when she was two.

Seungri went to Nari’s room to help her get ready and get dressed. When the two came out, she wore her school’s uniform, but personalized it with her favorite bow in her hair. It was the one that Youngbae gave her for her 5th birthday. It made Jiyong happy that everyone adored her as much as him. He was a little unsure at first if the guys in the band would want to hang out with him and Seungri as much if they had Nari, but somehow it only brought them closer together. 

“Aww, you look so cute, Nari,” Jiyong cooed, setting out her plate at their dining table.  

Upon seeing the plates, Nari squealed, “I love pancakes! Thanks, daddy!”

Seungri and Jiyong weren’t sure but somehow Seungri was ‘dad’ to her and Jiyong became ‘daddy’. It made it a lot easier to tell who she wanted when she would yell ‘dad’ from her room, so they were thankful that she made the distinction. 

Jiyong leaned down to kiss her hair, “I know, honey. That’s why I made them.”

He moved to Seungri, kissing him on the lips and saying, “Good morning, love.”

“Good morning,” the blond replied, smiling. 

Jiyong sat across from them and said, “Thanks for getting her ready.”

“Of course, thanks for making breakfast,” his husband replied and then turned to their daughter. “Are you excited for you first day of school?”

Nari lifted her legs onto her chair and sat on them but it earned her a stern look from Jiyong, so she put them back down and sat properly.

“Mhm,” she nodded, distracted by drowning her pancakes in syrup. 

“That’s enough, Nar,” Jiyong warned.

She huffed but put the bottle of syrup down, “But daddy…”

“A stomach ache on the first day doesn’t sound too good, does it?” Jiyong asked, no hint of meanness in his tone.

She sulked, picking up her fork to take a bite of her syrup soaked creation.

“No,” she said. “But t’s only a little bit of syrup, daddy.”

Seungri laughed, “A little? Nar, your whole plate is syrup.”

She pouted, trying her best stern face, “But it’s good!”

The two parents couldn’t put up a fight, their daughter was too cute, so they just laughed.

They decided to both take her to school that day. The good thing was that one of the best rated schools was only a few blocks away from where their condo was. They had just left the lobby of their building when Jiyong instinctively took Nari’s hand and she grabbed for Seungri’s. While this might look cute that she wanted to hold both of her father’s hands, it was really for her own benefit. She wanted them to swing her, so they did. 

It was one of her favorite things, she loved it. 

“Are you nervous for today?” Seungri asked, looking down at his daughter.

She shook her head proudly, “Nope!”

“Not even a little bit?” Jiyong questioned.

Nari shook her head again, jumping over the crack in the sidewalk. 

“Do you think it’ll be fun?” he asked.

She looked up at Jiyong and smiled, “Haru said it was fun, so I think so too.” 

Anything Haru liked, Nari liked. They had their differences, of course. Haru wanted to do ballet and after seeing her fathers dance, she decided she wanted to do that. So, they signed her up for hip hop lessons as soon as she could. She decided recently that she might want to try soccer after seeing it on the TV. They decided to wait until she made friends in the class so she could be on their team to sign her up. Haru and Nari were together a lot. They both loved it when Uncle Bae took them on adventures. Sometimes he would take them to the zoo or to the park. Last month, he took them to the seaside. When she got home, Nari begged her fathers to move to the beach. They told her that if they moved to the beach, then she wouldn’t be able to see all her Uncles and Aunts. She never mentioned it again. 

They had just arrived at the gate of the school when Nari said, “Whoa, it’s so big.”

Jiyong laughed, “Well, there are kids from five different grades here, honey.”

“Where is my class?” she asked, looking around as they walked through the courtyard. 

They came to a door and Seungri opened it, “Through here.”

Upon walking through the door, they found other parents and their kids walking in the same direction they were. This side of the school was only for Nari’s grade. Even though they knew exactly where Nari’s room was, they decided to follow the other families.

The families split off, each going to a different classroom. Nari was in class A. They found the room and opened the door. A lot of other kids and their parents were there already, talking to the teacher, sitting their kids down in their spots. Jiyong and Seungri did the same.

Nari sat next to the window by the teacher’s desk. 

“Alright, here’s your seat, Nar,” Seungri said, motioning for her to sit down. 

For the first time since that morning she looked worried.

“A-Are you leaving me?” she asked.

Jiyong her hair and kissed her cheek,

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Jangss #1
Chapter 3: This is so lovely🥺
Chapter 3: Awwwwww...all of these chapters are heartfelt ❤️
ValRomero #3
Chapter 3: Can't wait for the Kwon-Lee kids irl. They gonna rule the world. Nyongtory parents=goals
peggyw #4
Chapter 3: This is such a touching story. I'm impressed with how realistic you have made it!
happypartyfree #5
Chapter 3: Aww this is too cute. I always know that Seungri would be a great dad. He always love kids. But it's sad to read that the kids dissed Nari just bcs she doesn't have mom.
Can't wait for the update ^^
Zanilia16 #6
Chapter 3: You are doing such an incredible job with this story. The details and emotions are immensely, vivid.
lola98 #7
Chapter 3: Wooow it's sooo sweet i can't get enough of this story really can't wait for the next chapters thank you authornim fighting !!!
rin_vi #8
Chapter 3: Jiyong always love kids
GDVIctory #9
Chapter 3: waaaa so sweet x)
thanks for the update authornim
Chapter 3: Lol,I can actually see Yongbae as overprotective! >.<