
The Puzzle


He played with his beaded bracelet slightly waiting for the potstickers to warm up on the stove.

When Jimin came home with Taehyung, she had announced that she was hungry and they were fortunate because he was already preparing food.

Some of the group members had a day off while others had activities to attend. He was informed that some shows had invited Jimin to join but of course, Big Hit declined.

“Are you staying for lunch too, Taehyung?” He raised his eyes from his important bracelet.

“Why would I turn down food?” Taehyung chuckled and went into his room.

Jimin stayed behind and appeared somewhat relieved that Taehyung left the kitchen. She walked over to him with a small smile.

“Do you need help with anything?”

“Always.” He shoved her some vegetables to chop.

Jimin took it with no hesitation and pulled out a chopping board.

It was silent in the kitchen just the way he liked it but he was worried about Jimin. He barely had any updates on her since she was always wandering off with other members. It won’t be like that today.  

“So when do you get the results back?” He knew that much.

“A couple days if I’m lucky.” Jimin grumbled and chopped the onion quickly.

“You’re worried about schedules aren’t you?” He stirred the potstickers with some rice.

The sound of chopping ceased and silence overtook the room. He turned his head to see Jimin, staring at him wide eyed.

“Jin, are you a mind reader?”

He stood there in awe and then let out a low chuckle. “Something like that.~”

Jimin kept staring at him so he coughed uncomfortably and went back to his pink pan. She seemed serious.

“No, but your face says it all.” Jin’s mouth formed into a thin line.

Jimin nodded and went back to her chopping. “It’s so hard to stay positive. I’m worried about too much things still.”

Jin turned to her again. “I understand. It hasn’t been that long.” He bit lip. “But Jimin, what is it like to be a girl?”

Jimin raised her head after she got to the carrots. “It’s not too bad but it’s very uncomfortable at times. Sometimes I get off-putting stares and getting dressed in the morning takes more time than usual.”

He couldn’t help but laugh.

“Now the real question is, do you like being a girl?” He smiled but subconsciously held his breath.

Jimin pondered it for a moment and shrugged. “Rather than like it, I feel mentally almost the same but in a different way. I can’t explain it. But with our futures are at stake, I want to get back to normal as soon as possible.”

 He continued to smile. “That’s probably best.”

“So is the food ready?” Taehyung popped his head into the kitchen.

Jin placed the finished food down on their dinner table, while taking in what Jimin had said.

“Yes and since you guys seem free, you’re going to help me film a small segment of Eat Jin.”

Jimin POV

Jimin held the camera and tried to stay quiet as she filmed Jin and Taehyung speaking to the camera. They had several potstickers, sauce, and lots of fried rice.

Jin chewed like a little bunny and he always made sure his mouth was empty before talking. Taehyung went along with it, poked fun at Jin and made sure the audience knew that he was relieved with Jin’s choice of meal.

“As long as it’s not pancakes.”

Jimin held in a giggle.

The two were a funny pair but interestingly enough, she couldn’t take her eyes off Taehyung. She shrugged it off and tried to focus more on Jin since he was the main character of this show.

Jin looked really handsome when he was vocal about how he prepared the food.  Jin spoke with passion and looked happy after every bite. His large shoulders, covered in a lightweight sweater, also took up the majority of the frame so she had to back up a bit from the table to get Taehyung in it. They both looked really good and handsome. She could definitely understand why they were called visuals.

“Today’s food is especially special because of the help I received.” Jin said and grinned at the camera.

She smiled back, knowingly.

Taehyung smiled at Jin. “Bro, you don’t have to thank me.” He playfully punched Jin’s shoulders.

Jin laughed. “How can I not? Here’s your reward.” Jin plucked a potsticker from his plate with chopsticks and held it up to Taehyung’s mouth.

Taehyung didn’t hesitate to take it from him with a large chomp. “I’ve seen that broadcast with Yoongi. Don’t think I didn’t see this coming.” He chewed.

“At least you know how it works.”

As she kept filming, she kind of felt left out and wanted to say some things but she knew she couldn’t.

Plus, seeing them eat made her hungry! How long was this filming going to take?!

“Okay thanks for eating with us. Bye!” They both threw their arms around each other and waved to the camera.

After she shut it off, she placed the camera on the table. It was fun but her stomach had to endure a couple guys eating for ten minutes. “Great job. Now it’s my turn to eat.” Jimin pulled out some chopsticks ready to dig into her home cooked meal but suddenly, the strong smell of potstickers was underneath her nose.

She glanced up to see Jin shoving a potsticker close to . “Here’s your reward, too.”

From the corner of her eye, she noticed Taehyung staring at her, intently.

She hesitated a bit before taking a large bite of it and pulling it into . The taste of hot potstickers lifted her mood instantly and her eyes smiled between chews.

“You eat prettily. I kind of want to feed you the whole time.~” Jin confessed cheerfully.

Taehyung shot Jin a look.

She blushed a bit and laughed. Although, she would have preferred the word handsome, but then she remembered what she looked like. “Thanks but I still have my pride.”

She attempted to eat again by herself but another potsticker was shoved underneath her nose.

“I’ve already said…” she glanced up to see Taehyung’s elbow plopped onto the table and his chin resting on the palm of his hand. His other hand was outstretched and holding a potsticker with his chopsticks close to her face.

“Here’s my reward to you.” He said with indifference.

 She hesitated. “For what, exactly?”

“For working so hard.” Taehyung gave her a sly smile. “And other reasons.”

Letting go of her pride again, she took the potsticker from his chopsticks with .

She felt Jin look between her and Taehyung. “I’m going to get some house chores done since I got my filling for the day.”

Jin quickly stood up and left the room before either of them could say anything.

She noticed that he was clutching onto his favorite beaded bracelet.

“Do you think he’s okay?” She asked, worried.

“Hmm. He’s probably fine.” Taehyung shrugged.

She nodded, picked up another potsticker with her chopsticks but that is when Taehyung pulled her wrist towards himself and snagged her potsticker between his teeth.

“TaeTae!” She smacked him.

He laughed.

Jungkook POV

He heard Taehyung laughing and Jimin yelling in the dining room so he made sure he was quiet as a mouse walking across that room to his room.

He had just gotten home from school and he was not in the mood to talk to Jimin about his behavior, still. In fact, not talking about it at all would be best for him.

The sound of popping, glittering noises along with cursing came out of Yoongi’s room as he walked past it.


He took a few steps back and knocked on Yoongi’s door. “Yoongi?” There was no answer.

There was shuffling in Yoongi’s room and the sound of a door shutting as he leaned his ear close to the door. Suddenly, Yoongi threw the door open which made him stumble forward a few steps.

“Yeah?” Yoongi asked amused yet casual.

“I heard some weird noise.” He peered into the room and it looked orderly as usual but somehow it made him more curious.

“I’m just working on my mixtape.”

“Really?” The space between his eyes wrinkled as he narrowed his eyes at Yoongi. “It doesn’t sound like something that you’d put in your mixtape.”

“What’s with you? I’m experimenting so if you’ll excuse me.” Yoongi closed the door to his room.

He had a feeling that there was something off about this situation, but he couldn’t place his finger on it. Yoongi had to be hiding something. 



Author's Note: FIIIREEEE! 


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Sour__mochi #1
Chapter 22: Ahh this is so intriguing. Please update!
olashakrah #2
Chapter 22: I can't this is so exciting really should update this I really want to know the rest please please please ; ( also your writing/ideas are AWESOME
Chapter 21: I think the traitor was Jin T.T My little cutie is a traitor...why does this always happen with my biases ahaha
Chapter 21: I have a bad feeling about this
Skeletonsrkyute #6
Chapter 20: Yes! Next update faster please!
Camillae #8
Chapter 17: can't wait for more update :3
Chapter 17: I need to know about the hooded guy!! Jin, namjoon or jungkook.. I'm only thinking about these 3 person..