Lead the Way

The Puzzle

Jimin POV

Jimin couldn’t believe her intuition was right. Jeon Jungkook was avoiding her and he wasn’t trying to hide it.

Her facial expression fell when he quickly left the room. He was a man with few words but that didn’t mean he would avoid anyone without cause.

Why was he being like this? She thought it was merely a coincidence that he hadn’t been in the same room but now this situation confirmed it.

She felt Hoseok’s eyes on her she quickly turned over to him. “I’m….” she drawled. “Anyways, let’s go find Yoongi then.” She changed the subject, grabbed Hoseok’s hand, and pulled him out the door.

“Lead the way.” She pulled him in front of her until he was walking in front of her on his own.

“Jiminie…” He looked back at her and smiled unsurely.

"I don't get him." Jimin sighed easily masking the hurt. “But it’s fine. Let’s find Yoongi.”

Hoseok chuckled. "Okay, Yoongi should be at the convenience store. Hopefully he's still there because you know how fast he eats."

Jimin nodded. Yoongi never stayed at a place too long unless it was his studio when he was recording music or his room.

They entered the store and looked around but they couldn't find the mint colored hair man anywhere.

"Did I just miss him?" Jimin's shoulder slumped. "Who knows where he could be now!"

Hoseok frowned. "Don't worry. If I have to, I'll look for him all day with you."

"Don't you have other things to do? I don't want to hold you back." But honestly, she liked Hoseok's consideration and kindness. He was the first one to believe in her and she couldn't feel more loved. Who knows what would have happened if he hadn't stood up for her.

Hoseok gave her a bright smile. "If I'm helping you with your situation, I'm sure everyone will understand.”

Jimin laughed. "Okay Hobi let's do this." She could always count on him to be there for her. He was so nice and bright. How could anyone not be attracted to his personality and radiating energy?

They searched for several hours looking for Yoongi but to no avail he was not anywhere in sight. They even circled back several times to the dorm but he was nowhere. He didn't even have the decency to answer his phone or text. Something must be wrong.

Hoseok and her stopped by the beach and sat on a long mossy yet dry log to take a break. They were getting nowhere and it was late afternoon.

"Thanks Hobi but it looks like we are out of luck until evening when everyone gets back home." Jimin sighed and took a swig of water from her water bottle. Thank goodness she was wearing a tank top. The humidity was strong that day.

She felt Hoseok's eyeing her outfit when he didn't respond.

She shifted a little under his gaze. It felt weird to be a girl. She was used to being stared at by fangirls but being stared at by guys was different. She felt a little more uncomfortable and self conscious for some reason.

"Were you going to join us for practice today?" He grinned. "You should have come earlier. You know how hard it was to teach all these guys the moves on my own besides the instructor."

Jimin smirked. "I'm sure you handled it well since you are the best." She stuck out her tongue, somewhat serious but somewhat mocking. Hoseok was great at dancing and she loved watching him during vapp live shows. He knew how to draw in the crowd.

Hoseok grinned wildly bearing his pearly white teeth. "But I needed my assistant and you were nowhere to be found." He pouted cutely.

"I guess you're going to have to rely on Kookie then."

Hoseok laughed, ruffled her hair and smoothly sat closer to her. He was wearing his dance practice clothes just as the same as her so he could feel his bare arm damp with a bit of sweat against her own.

Jimin eyed him a bit from the corner of her eye while watching for any incoming text coming from her phone.

Where could he be? Other than Jungkook, Yoongi would be the second person she would guess that would be almost avoiding her. Then again, there was Jin and Namjoon but they always spoke to her when they saw her so it really wasn’t the nearly the same.

"Yoongi it's urgent and important!" She texted and said out loud.

"No, no, no. You are doing it all wrong." Hoseok snatched her phone from her.


"Have you've ever tried using aegyo on him?" Hoseok mouth formed into a mischievous grin.

She didn’t like where this was going.

"You know I'm not good at that....Not like you." Jimin fiddled her fingers. Everyone knew she had horror aegyo. Sure she had natural aegyo but when she was trying to be cute, it came out disgusting instead.

"Let me teach you then." Hoseok hopped off the log and squatted right in front of her.


He poked a finger to his cheek and pursed his lips. "Jiminie you are so adorable today. Buy me ice cream!" He wiggled his body a bit and crinkled his eyes.

Jimin laughed. "Yuck, no!"

Hoseok laughed as well.  "You know Yoongi actually likes that sort of thing but he's too afraid to admit it."

"No, I'm sure he just doesn't like it." Jimin patted his arm. "But nice try though."

Hoseok stared seriously at her. “I want to see you do it. For me.” He placed his two hands on her knees, waiting.

He can’t be serious.

“No can do.” She shrugged.

Hobi wagged his finger towards her. “You’ll need something from me very soon and when you do, you’ll know what to do.”

“Yeah, I’ll ask someone else.”

Hoseok laughed. "Anyway, just text him with aegyo and we will see! He has a soft on you." Hoseok placed her phone in her hand again and hopped back onto the log. "And now that you're a girl, your charms will be off the roof! You should use it to your advantage." He winked.

Jimin sighed. "If he didn’t answer then, he won't answer now." She rubbed her neck preparing to write the most cringe worthy text in her life. At least she wasn’t doing it in real life.

"We will see." Hoseok's smiled.

"Yoongi-ah~~~~ I haven't seen you all day and you won't answer your text. What to do ㅠㅠI’m worried so please let me know where you are >

Jimin pulled her phone away from her and her eyes twitched. She didn't know where that came from but she sounded like a clingy girlfriend searching for her mad boyfriend.

Hoseok grabbed her phone, nodded, and added more heart emoji’s. “Very cute.”

Before Jimin can snatch the phone away he had already pressed 'send'.

"Hobi!!!! You ruined me!" She snatched her phone from him and stared at it with wide eyes.

Hoseok laughed and patted her. "I didn't know you had it in you. He's a lucky guy to receive that text."

"You are dead!" Jimin yelled. Before she could tackle him, her phone vibrated.

Her face leaned close to the phone.

No. way. In. hell.

Hoseok sat back on the log with a smug look on his face. "What did I tell you?"

She rolled her eyes and unlocked the phone and dear heavens and lords it was Yoongi. Amazing.

"Sorry, I didn't check until now. Where are you?"


"I'm with Hobi and we have been looking everywhere! Where are you? We will meet you there."

"Just got back to the dorms. Meet me in my room.”

"Okay see you soon."


"...yes?" She waited, nervously.

"Nice aegyo."

Jimin almost tossed her phone out to sea.


Author: I'm having a my bad moment because I personally think that this chapter and the last chapter should have combined into one to lessen the filler lol. Another reason to post this earlier than intended. Anyways, don't forget to check that out! I was going to post this later but I got excited especially today because of "Young Forever" release. I am crying! <3 I love Bangtan so much!

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Sour__mochi #1
Chapter 22: Ahh this is so intriguing. Please update!
olashakrah #2
Chapter 22: I can't this is so exciting ...you really should update this I really want to know the rest please please please ; ( also your writing/ideas are AWESOME
Chapter 21: I think the traitor was Jin T.T My little cutie is a traitor...why does this always happen with my biases ahaha
Chapter 21: I have a bad feeling about this
Skeletonsrkyute #6
Chapter 20: Yes! Next update faster please!
Camillae #8
Chapter 17: can't wait for more update :3
Chapter 17: I need to know about the hooded guy!! Jin, namjoon or jungkook.. I'm only thinking about these 3 person..