Prologue: Before I Lost You

How I Lost You

My feels have been going crazy, and the small amount of people who read this wanted a sequel. Even if I was to make a sequel, it would still end up having a sad ending which I know no one wants. I might just make it if I feel like it later, but for now I'll just write a prologue. One mostly because I know everyone wants happy Taegi, two I want to actually conquer my fear of writing fluff. Bear in mind this is my first time EVER, writing fluff, so don't judge too hard please.

"It's so cold," Taehyung whined softly as he snuggled himself closer to the source of warmth on his right. Yoongi only chuckled as he couldn't help but find his lover insanely adorable. Wrapping his arms around the younger, he pulled him closer to his body until there was absolutely no space between their bodies. 

They lay there motionless for who knows how long. Neither of them dared to speak a word, they didn't want to break the fragile, yet comforting atmosphere that took them over. They just wanted to lie there, and enjoy each others warmth and love. They didn't want to let go any time soon, just wanting to feel how perfect their bodies molded with each other. 

Taehyungs head buried itself inside the crook of Suga neck, while the olders one hand s around the youngers waist while the other hand was holding the back of his head. His fingers were brushing through the soft locks earlier, but as they stayed in that position longer his hands got lazier and eventually stopped all together. 

"Hyung?" V whispered against the older skin, breaking the peaceful silence.

"Mhm?" The rapper hummed.

"Don't we have to get up?" He giggled softly, finally realizing that they've been lying in bed for who knows how long.

The older only groaned at those words. Aside from his lethargic personality, he didn't want to detatch himself from the younger. His body felt so nice against the other. He was so warm, and he could literally feel the love oozing out of the other. "Do you want to get up?" Yoongi answered with a question, only for the vocalist to whine against his neck and shake his head a bit. "Then we don't have to get up," he chuckled softly before pulling away a bit, that in turn got to the younger to look up from his place on the olders neck. 

Their eyes met, and they didn't even bother trying to break contact. Both of them let each other get lost in their brown orbs with no escape. Suga didn't even know why, but the ends of his lips suddenly curled into a smile the longer he stared into the others eyes. 

"What?" Taehyung asked, his own lips forming into his famous boxy grin.

"Nothing," he replied, the grin still planted on his lips. 

"You're so weird," the younger whined, hitting the olders chest lightly before going back down to bury his face into the place he just hit. Yoongi only chuckled at the action finding it far past adorable. Pulling the younger closer once again, their bodies were back to being glued against each other with absolutely no sliver of space between them. 

They were back at it again. A soft silence took them over, letting the duo relax in each others arms and do nothing but admire each other. Suga only sighed as he brought his head down, burying his nose into the brown locks, the scent of the the vocalists shampoo filled his senses. His lips brushed against the top of the youngers head, placing a soft peck there. 

"I love you Tae," he mumbled softly in the youngers hair. 

"I know hyung," V replied against his chest before pulling back to look up at the older. They made eye contact for the second time, except this time it didn't last nearly as long. 

The olders hand that was still resting behind the second youngests head moved down a bit. His fingers threaded with the soft strands of hair before his hand made it from nearly to top of his head down to almost the back of his neck. Taehyungs eyes fluttered closed at the sensation, finding it more than relaxing. Seeing how the second youngests eyes closed, Yoongi couldn't help it anymore. The urge suddenly became strong and he couldn't stop himself from leaning in and planting an innocent kiss against the others lips. 

The kiss itself didn't last too long. Only a few seconds past when their lips were connected, but it was afterwards that seemed to last an eternity. Even after the older pulled away, there was barely any space between their lips. The second oldests forehead was lightly pressed against the youngers and their breath mingled with each other from how close they were. Yoongis own eyes flickered shut at the feeling.

"I love you too hyung," he mumbled against the rappers lips. He said it so quiet and lowly that Suga could barely hear his voice and vibrations were the only thing that made it to his ear, but he still received it nonetheless. This time it was the youngers turn to lean in, giving the older a sweet peck on the lips. 

Pulling away once again, they both opened their eyes this time before grinning at each other. Their sweet little moment was quickly ruined though when there was knocking from the other side of the door accompinied by Jimins voice.

"Are you guys done ing? Breakfasts ready!" the lead vocalist informed, getting a groan to leave the rappers lips. Laziness was still prominent in his being and he really didn't feel like getting up, or letting go of his lover that was still securely wrapped in his arms. 

"I don't feel like getting up," Taehyung whined as he brought his own limbs to wrap around the other. His legs getting themselves around the olders waist, while his arms circled around the rappers torso. 

"I don't either," Suga admitted as he pulled the second youngest impossibly closer. 


"Wow, look at these two lovebirds," Jimin sighed as he sank into the couch. Hoseok was currently beside him, ignoring the couple in their view as he flipped through the TV channels. "Hyung!" The younger exclaimed, pushing the main dancers shoulder in attempt to get his attention.

"What? I don't want to hear you complaining about those two acting like a couple," J-Hope explained, eyes still glued to the screen in front of him. 

"Why? Is it because you don't want to get jealous when looking at little Taehyungie with someone else?" Jimin mocked, bringing his face so close to the point that it became uncomfortable for the older. When the younger pulled back, the rapper simply turned his head to look at the younger, his eyes showing small hints of a glare. 

"I really shouldn't have told you that," He sighed softly, shaking his head a bit as he moved his gaze back to the TV. "And no, it's just annoying to hear you complain. If they're happy just let them do whatever they want. And if it bothers you so much just don't look."

"Wah!" Jimin exclaimed, his hand hitting the area over his heart while throwing his head back. "Hyungs words are so deep, they touch me!" 

Hoseok only glanced at the younger before chuckling softly, he didn't even want to know what was up with him. He had been weird and jumpy all day, so it was better not to question it. 

As the main dancer moved his gaze away from the younger and was about to go back to watching some TV, his phone buzzed from within his pocket. Sighing softly, he fished his phone out only to see that he had gotten a text from some of the producers. They were simply asking if the rapper had finished all the lyrics he need to be done. "Ah ," he mumbled as he realized that he still needed to work a bit. 

"What wrong hyung? Is your heart finally hurting because you're realizing how much you love Tae?" Jimin practically sang as he continued to squirm his body in an odd way. 

"What? No, why do you keep bringing that up?" Hoseok answered, finding the fact that the other wouldn't shut up about his feelings starting to become tedious at this point. Jimin only shrugged at the question, showing a meschevious grin. Brushing off his odd behaviour he decided to just explain himself before the younger was to start jumping to conclusions again. "I have to go to the studio to work a bit. Man, I wanted to just sleep around today because it's our only break until who knows when."

"Oh... Well make sure to not write too many depressing break up songs or anything like that!" the lead dancers grinned only for the older to scoff and get up from his seat. 

"Shut up, I'm fine. If you're going to worry about our album you should talk to Yoongi hyung. If anything he's going to write overly peppy stuff about how love is so wonderful and amazing~" Hoseok chuckled as he got up from his seat. Speaking of which, was the second oldest done his own lyrics? Most likely not, being that him and Namjoon did double what J-Hope did. Maybe he could drag one of them along to the studio with him. 

Walking into the kitchen to ask the older to go to the studio with him, the main dancer was met with the sight of Suga back hugging the second youngest as he did the dirty dishes. It seemed that the older was whispering sweet nothings into the youngers ear, because time to time Taehyung squirmed under his hold and giggled before nudging the rapper to stop so he could clean up. 

For a second Hoseok was just going to walk and go find Rap Monster, or maybe just it up and go alone but he suddenly let out an awkward cough, throwing himself off guard. That was all it took for the second oldest to pull away and losely have his arms drapped around the youngers waist before he turned his head to the other. He didn't bother saying anything and looked at the newcomer expectantly, seeing what he had to say.

"Oh, uh- Hyung do you want to go over to the studio with me? I just had to finish up a few things and like if you wanted to go and work on you're own stuff I mean you can come- but like if you don't want to it's fine," he rambled on, still flustered by the fact that he had interrupted whatever the two were doing. 

Yoongi only blinked at the youngers words before turning his head back to his boyfriend for an answer, which he got a rectangle grin and a nod as a reply. Letting go of the vocalists waist completely he made his way to their shared room to get his jacket and phone before going back to the rapper. "Alright let's go," he nodded before the pair went off to the studio. 


Most of the hours spent at the studio were spent well and served as more than helpful, because by the time 3 hours passed Hoseok was already done his work. Getting up from he's seat he made his way over to the room where Yoongi was, only too see the second oldest hunched over the desk still intently scribbling on the notepad. Knocking on the door lightly, that still wasn't enough to get the older back to Earth, so the main dancer had to literally call out to him.



"How much long are you planning to stay?"

"I don't know," he mumbled before finishing off one last verse before placing his pen on the table and looked up at the other. "You can head home though if you're done, I know I won't be close to finished." He sighed softly as he leaned back into this chair and closed his eyes.

"It's our day off today though, I just came so I could get all caught up and stuff. But since you worked a lot today, you're ahead of the game right?" Hoseok grinned trying to bring the others mood up, but he didn't seem to budge at all. 

"No, I was already really behind to begin with and even though I worked on it a lot today, I'm still behind." Suga confessed as another sigh escaped his lips.

"Oh..." That was the only thing the younger could say. "So you're just going to spend the rest of your day here? What about Tae?"

That seemed to get something to snap inside the older. His eyes shot open before he looked at the dancer once again before cursing under his breath. ", Tae must be so bored and lonely right now..." he said more to himself than the other. 

Hoseok didn't say anything and simply nodded his head at the olders statement. Taehyung must've been so lonely at the moment, he was most likely bothering Jimin or something to get his mind off his lover. For a second he wanted to feel a bit guilty for dragging Yoongi out here in the first place, but in the long run he did do good because later on the work would just pile up and he would be in this situation if not worse. If it were to get worse, he would spend even longer hours in the studio and be working in the dorm too. Even when he was working on The Most Beautiful Moment in Life pt.1 he was like that, he even snapped at the members from all the stress that accumulated within him. 

"Hyung!" J-Hope suddenly exclaimed as a thought hit him. "Make sure the stress doesn't get to you, okay? Remember what happened with the last album? You were like snapping at people and you practically isolated yourself then," he pointed out, remembering those times a couple months ago. "It was fine then because you weren't dating Tae, but if you do that now you're just asking for your relationship to be in jeopardy."

"I-..." Suga started, but he really couldn't promise anything. He wanted to assure the younger that he would never snap or push Taehyung away but, it was hard to ensure anything. His mind would be clouded up with too much pressure and stress soon that he wouldn't be able to think and his body would do whatever, even if it was against his own will. He couldn't trust his body, but he didn't want to hurt Taehyung, it was the last thing he wanted to do. He didn't want to lose him either, he wasn't sure what he would do if that happened.

"I'll try not to do it this time."


And that's how everything started. 

This is kinda the reason why I marked it as uncomplete once again, and I also took off the oneshot tag, but I might add another chapter after this, but it will legit be over after that lol.

So yea, keep showing some love and comment below on how my fluff writing is lol, just want to know if I'm good and should write a bit more in the future, or if I should never write it again XD

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Chapter 4: I am crying for Yoongi right now. I feel his pain. TT
ChaChachou #2
Chapter 4: aww... i was almost crying ;-;
Chapter 4: My heart hurts for both of them :(
wangyase #4
Chapter 3: U did well very well that i dont want to read it all but alas!i did hahahahha
wangyase #5
Chapter 4: Its sad sad sad sad
my heart is in pain I am cryiNG what the actual
Deansbabymomma #7